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Gameplay Notes
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
I'm the third ship of the Unryuu-class aircraft carriers, Katsuragi! Hmm? An anti-air platform? Y-You've got it wrong! What are you saying?[1] |
雲龍型航空母艦、三番艦、葛城よ!え?水上防空砲台ですって?ち、違うわよ!あなた何いってんの! | |
Introduction Play |
Aircraft carrier Katsuragi, reporting in! Watch what a true standard aircraft carrier is capable of! |
航空母艦葛城、参ります!正真正銘の正規空母の力、存分に見せてあげる! | |
Library Play |
I'm the 3rd ship of the Unryuu-class aircraft carriers, Katsuragi!
Yes, a standard aircraft carrier. Looks like I was born too late.[2] But after the battle was over, I was working at full power. In a sense, I am the best.It's the truth! Really it's true![3] |
そう、正規空母。ちょっと生まれるのが遅かったみたい。 でも戦いが終わった後で、私は全力で働いたの。ある意味、私が一番なんだから。ホントよ?ホントなんだから。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
I'm a standard aircraft carrier, you know! I really am! |
正規空母だかんね、正規空母! | |
Secretary 1 Play |
That's right, I'm a standard carrier! I'm part of the main force!! |
そうよ、航空母艦!主力よ主力!! | |
Secretary 2 Play |
I'll take the very best planes. Got it? |
一番いい艦載機を頂戴よ。わかってる? | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Oh... That's not my hangar... Hey, what are you doing!? Just what are you planning!? Idiot!! |
あっ…そこは格納庫じゃ…ってあなた何してんの!?どういうつもりなの!?バカァ!! | |
Secretary 3 Play |
How many times have I told you that isn't a hangar... hey! I won't forgive you this time!! |
だからぁ、そこは格納庫じゃないって何度言ったらっ……っ!今日こそは許さないから!! | |
Secretary Idle Play |
I see, I see so this is a Ryuusei Kai. Yes, yes. I heard about this... But here's the Reppuu... Isn't this great? It fits me perfectly! EH? |
そっかそっか、これが流星改ね。うんうん。話には聞いていて…んでもってこれが烈風…いいじゃない!私にピッタリ!えっ? | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Admiral... Hey, if I could just have supplies and aircraft, I'll be...uh...what... Even if you look at me with those kind eyes, nothing...nothing will come out! It's hopeless... |
提督・・ね、補給と艦載機さえあればあたしだって・・え・・何・・そんなに優しい目で見ても何も・・何にも出ないんだからね!もう・・ | |
Wedding Play |
Hey, Admiral? I know I'm really busy, but... I have a lot of components... and there's a lot of maintenance needed...um...well...thank you...I... |
なあに提督?あたしこう見えてけっこう忙しいんだけど・・結構機関があれだから・・いろいろ整備を・・って・・あの・・ありがとう・・私・・ | |
Player's Score Play |
Right, right! Intelligence is absolutely vital! Shall we review it together? |
そうそう!情報は絶対大事よね!一緒に確認してみよ? | |
Joining The Fleet Play |
Standard Carrier Katsuragi, preparations complete. Sortieing! |
航空母艦葛城、準備は万全よ。出撃するわ! | |
Joining The Fleet Play |
Aircraft Carrier Katsuragi, carrier planes are all ready! I'll show you the true power of the Improved Hiryuu-class!![4] |
航空母艦葛城、艦載機隊も万全です!改飛龍型の本当の力、見せてあげる!! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
This...This'll do, I guess? Yeah. |
ま…まあまあの装備じゃない?うん | |
Equipment 2 Play |
Alright, I can fight with this! I'm really happy. |
よぉし、これなら戦える!嬉しいわ。 | |
Equipment 3[5] Play |
I'll give it my best shot! |
全力で行くわ。 | |
Supply Play |
Thank you for the precious supplies! Alright, let's go sortie again! |
貴重な補給ありがとう!よーし、また行くわ! | |
Docking (Minor) Play |
I'm getting in the bath! You're... definitely not allowed to peek! |
お風呂入るわ!あなた…絶対のぞかないでよね! | |
Docking (Major) Play |
Sigh~ I'm going to take a long bath now, I think... Sorry, I'll be going to the bath now. Hey! I'll kill you if you peek! |
ふぅ~ちょっと長湯になっちゃうかも…ごめん、お風呂行くね。っ!覗いたら殺す! | |
Construction Play |
It seems like our fighting power has increased! I can't wait! |
新戦力が加わるって!楽しみ! | |
Return From Sortie Play |
Operation complete. The fleet has returned to port, good work! |
作戦完了。艦隊帰投よ、お疲れ様! | |
Starting A Sortie Play |
Task Force flagship, Katsuragi, setting sail! ...hehe~ I just wanted to try saying that! |
機動部隊旗艦葛城、抜錨する!…くぅ~言ってみたかったんだぁ~ | |
Starting A Battle Play |
Alright, enemy fleet sighted! All operational planes, commence take off! |
よぉし、敵艦隊を見つけたわ!稼働全艦載機、発艦はじめ! | |
Starting A Battle Play |
Alright, we've found the enemy! Let's go~! Attack Squadron, all operational planes, commence take off! |
よぉし、敵艦隊を発見!いっくわよぉー!攻撃隊、稼働全機発艦、始め! | |
Attack Play |
Enemy sighted! All anti-air guns are... Wait, that's wrong, I take it back! Attack squadrons, fighter escorts, commence take off! |
敵発見!全高射砲は…ちっ違う、回せー!攻撃隊、直掩隊、発艦準備! | |
Air Battle Play |
Attack squadron, launch! I-I'm a standard carrier! |
攻撃隊、発進!かっ、葛城は空母なんだから! | |
Night Battle Play |
Pursuit, huh... Although we shouldn't chase them too far, at times it's necessary... Alright, let's go! |
追撃かぁ…深追いは禁物なんだけど時には必要か…よし、いっけー! | |
MVP Play |
Eh... Me...? I'm number one...? ...I see... hrmmm... Thank you...oh... |
えっ…私…?葛城が一番ですって…?…そう…ふぅん…ありがとう…そう… | |
MVP Play |
Me again huh. I feel bad that I'm always number one. Sorry? |
また私かぁ。悪いわね、葛城ばっかり一番貰っちゃって。ごめんね? | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
No way! Is the flight deck fine?! Prevent detonations! I won't be sinking... just yet! |
やだ?!飛行甲板は無事?!誘爆を防いで!沈む気なんて…ないんだからね! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
I... I'm...a Standard Carrier after all! |
かっ…葛城は…空母なんだから! | |
Major Damage Play |
I got hit... but the engine is undamaged! I won't have trouble sailing! |
くらっちゃったか…でもまだ機関部は無傷!これなら航行には問題ないわ! | |
Sunk Play |
It seems like...this is what they call sinking, huh... It's freezing... After this I'll be lonely... Bye-bye, everyone... |
なるほど…これが沈むってことか…冷たいわ…あと、寂しい…バイバイ、みんな… |
- ↑ Katsuragi was never deployed as an aircraft carrier, and instead was used as a coastal anti-aircraft defense platform due to lack of planes and fuel by the waning months of the war.
- ↑ She was only completed in 1944.
- ↑ She worked as a repatriation ship after the war, shuttling Japanese citizens back to the Home Islands.
- ↑ The Unryuu-class were based off the Hiryuu-class.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
Ummm, today I'll be your... secretary ship. You have a problem with that? I have plenty of time to do the time announcements! |
えっと、今日は私…航空母艦葛城が、あなたの秘書艦をやってあげる。何よ文句あるの? 時報任務くらい余裕よ、余裕! | |
01:00 Play |
It's 0100 alright? Did you hear me? Ah, is that so? That's fine then... Alright! |
マルヒトマルマルよ、いい? 聞いてる? あ、そう? ならいいの…よし! | |
02:00 Play |
It's 0200! Hey, did you hear my announcement?! ...Is that so? Really? ...Alright then. |
マルフタマルマルよ! って、聞いてないでしょ私の時報?! …そう? ホントに? …ならいいけど。 | |
03:00 Play |
0300... Wha, hey! You definitely aren't listening to me!! What did I just say?! ...Wha, eh? Cooking? |
マルサンマルマル…って、ほら! やっぱり聞いてないじゃない!! さっきから何やってんのあなた?! …って、え? 料理? | |
04:00 Play |
It's 0400. What's that, you're making a midnight snack for me? Is that hotpot udon... Oh, oh my, thank you. Eh, it's delicious... Why do you ask? |
マルヨンマルマルよ。なに、私のために夜食を? その鍋焼き饂飩…や、やだ、ありがとう。え、美味しいけど…なんで? | |
05:00 Play |
050... Eh? I have to eat because the bits that should stick out don't stick out like my sisters? ...Wha!! That's it, any last words?!! |
マルゴーマル……え? 姉さん達に比べて、出るところが出てないからいっぱい食べろって? …〜っ!! 上等じゃない、言い残すことはあるかしらっ?!! | |
06:00 Play |
It's 0600. Sigh, I can't believe you, where are you looking when you watch us? That has nothing to do with our abilities... Ugh, I can't believe you! |
マルロクマルマルよ。はぁ、まったくあなたって、一体私達のどこを見てんの? そんなんじゃ性能は比べられないのに…もう、まったく! | |
07:00 Play |
It's 0700. Getting angry got me hungry. You'll make breakfast too right? Right? It's punishment! |
マルナナマルマルよ。一通り怒ったらお腹すいちゃった。あなた、朝ごはんも作ってよ? いいでしょ? 罰よ、罰! | |
08:00 Play |
0800. Whoa, the breakfast you made is... delicious! Who taught you to cook?! Eh, Amagi-nee? Seriously?! |
マルハチマルマル。やだ、あなたの作った朝食…美味しい! 一体誰に習ったの?! え、天城姉ぇ? マジでっ?! | |
09:00 Play |
It's 0900. It's not like I don't want to! But, a carrier's ability isn't dependent on her cooking skills. In the first place, carriers are...! |
マルキュウマルマルよ。まったく嫌んなっちゃう! でも、空母としての能力は、料理じゃ決まらないわ。そもそも空母って…っ! | |
10:00 Play |
It's 1000. Ah, Zuikaku senpai?! Th... thank you for all your hard work! ...Whew, I was so nervous. I mean, it's Zuikaku. I look up to her! |
ヒトマルマルマルよ。はっ、瑞鶴先輩?! い、いつもお疲れ様です! …はぁ、緊張したぁ。だって、あの瑞鶴さんだもん。憧れの! | |
11:00 Play |
1100. Eh, what? That's right. Zuikaku-san is the one I look up to after all! Isn't she great~, I love that camouflage too! Mine matches hers! |
ヒトヒトマルマル。え、なに? そうよ。私の憧れは、何と言っても瑞鶴さん! いいよねぇ〜、あの迷彩も好き! 私もお揃なの! | |
12:00 Play |
1200. Isn't it lunchtime?! What do you want to do for lunch today? Shall we go to Mamiya's? Or... Yeah... |
ヒトフタマルマル。もうお昼じゃない?! あなたは、今日はお昼はどうするの? 間宮さんとこ行く? それとも…う〜ん… | |
13:00 Play |
1300. It's nice to go out of the harbour once in a while. It kind of feels like shore leave♪ ...Wha?! It... it's not like a date at all![1] |
ヒトサンマルマル。たまには、港の外にでるのもいいわね。ちょっと半舷上陸気分♪ …はっ?! べ、別にデートとかそんなん違うからっ! | |
14:00 Play |
It's 1400. Humph, what were you thinking? You'll really make a fool of yourself. But, that Western restaurant was... delicious. Can, can we go there again sometime? |
ヒトヨンマルマルよ。もう、何勘違いしてんの? 馬鹿みたい、ほんと…でも、あの洋食屋さん…美味しかった。ま、また行ってもいいけど? | |
15:00 Play |
1500. Ah, how are you Amagi-nee? Yup, I'm always great! See, my flight deck and guns are all well maintained! |
ヒトゴーマルマル。あ、天城姉ぇ元気? うん、私はいつでもバッチリ! ほら、飛行甲板も、噴進砲だって、整備は万全! | |
16:00 Play |
It's 1600. Eh, what? AA marksmanship? That is my super special skill. What? You want me to show it to you now? It's pretty flashy♪ |
ヒトロクマルマルよ。え、なに? 対空射撃? それは、十八番中の十八番よ。 なに? 今からやってみせようか? 結構派手なんだから♪ | |
17:00 Play |
1700. It's already evening after doing all that. Ah, sorties and exercises are... Oh well. I... I'll do them properly tomorrow! |
ヒトナナマルマル。そんなことやってたら、もう夕方じゃない。はぁ、出撃や遠征も…もぅ。 あ、明日からちゃんとやるから! | |
18:00 Play |
1800. It's already dinnertime. Ummm... if you're fine with something simple I can make it. Salted rice balls, pickled daikon and miso soup with green vegetables is fine right? |
ヒトハチマルマル。もう夕食ね。えっと…簡単なもので良ければ、私が作るわ。塩の握り飯、沢庵、菜葉のお味噌汁でいいわよね? | |
19:00 Play |
It's 1900. How are my salted rice balls? The seasoning is excellent right?! That's right! This requires a lot of practice! |
ヒトキュウマルマルよ。どう、私の塩握り飯? 塩加減が絶妙だったでしょ?! そうよ! これはこれで、高い練度が要るんだから! | |
20:00 Play |
2000. One day I'd like to be the core of the combined fleet and head out to the open ocean. It's true! |
フタマルマルマル。私だってね、いつかは機動部隊の中核を担って、外洋に打って出たいって思ってるんだから。ほんとよっ! | |
21:00 Play |
2100. So, what is your dream? Isn't it fine for you to tell me? Eh, is that so... Ehe~, Hmmm... is that so. |
フタヒトマルマル。じゃあ、あなたの夢はなんなの? 聞かせてよ、いいじゃない? ぇ、そうなんだ…へぇー、ふぅ〜ん…そうなんだ。 | |
22:00 Play |
2200. ...*humming*♪ Eh, I'm in a good mood? I... I'm really not! This is the usual! U~su~al~!! ...Ehehehe~♪ |
フタフタマルマルよ。…っ、うん♪ え、上機嫌じゃないかって? そ、そんなことないわ! 普通よ! ふ・つ・うっ!! ……ぇへへへっ♪ | |
23:00 Play |
2300. Well, the day is almost over. Thanks for your hard work. Shall we take a short rest because tomorrow will be here soon? Eh, you're not resting?! |
フタサンマルマル。さ、今日もそろそろ看板ね。あなたもお疲れ様! 明日も早いから少し休みましょ? え、休めないのっ?! |
- ↑ The term she uses "半舷上陸" refers to when half the ship's crew is given shore leave in turns.
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
New Year 2015 Play |
Happy New Year! I’ll do my very best as the core of the Carrier Task Force! | |
新年、あけましておめでとう!今年も機動部隊の中核として、ガンガン頑張るわ! | ||
Early Autumn 2015 Play |
Don’t you feel that there’s something sad about autumn? Just something. Eh? You like autumn, Amagi-nee? Why? | |
なんか、秋ってもの悲しくない?何となく。えぇ?天城姉ぇは秋好きなの?なんで? | ||
Christmas 2015 Play |
It’s… Christmas. This atmosphere is not bad. Is this champagne? I-I see. | |
クリスマス…か。悪くないわね、この雰囲気。これがシャンパン?そ、そう。 | ||
End of Year 2015 Play |
It’s almost New Year’s. I need to spring clean my hangar… Hey! Hands off, idiot! | |
そろそろ年の瀬ね。格納庫も大掃除しなきゃって…こら!手を突っ込むな、ばか! | ||
Setsubun 2016 Play |
It’s Setsubun. …Should I throw beans at Unryuu-nee and Amagi-nee? …No, I really shouldn’t! | |
節分かぁ。…雲龍姉ぇと天城姉ぇに豆投げる感じでいいかな? …って、よくないよくない! | ||
Valentine’s Day 2016 Play |
You want chocolates? Yeah… I guess just once is fine. Really? Then I have to give you some! | |
チョコほしいの?うん…一応用意したけど。本当に?仕方ない、あげるわ! | ||
White Day 2016 Play |
Of course, you’re giving me a return gift right? … For what? For the chocolates right?! The chocolates!! | |
もちろんお返しはくれるんでしょ?…なにがって?そりゃチョコのお返しでしょ?!チョコのっ!! | ||
3rd Anniversary Play |
I see, today is an important day. You think so too right? Right? | |
そうか、今日は私たちにとって大切な日ね。あなたにとてもそうようね?ね? |
Regular |
In-Game Trivia
- She is named after Mount Katsuragi.
- Was available as reward from the Spring 2015 Event from clearing E-2.
- Her initial appearance and equipment is a reference to how she never got her air wing as they were assigned elsewhere when she was completed and also how she spent her career moored and camouflaged in Kure.
- She survived the bombing campaign that took out many of the ships she was stationed with relatively untouched, with only one bomb hit. As such, she did survive the war.
- After the war, she was used as a transport for retrieving Japanese nationals before being scrapped on 22 December 1946.
- Disregard this, will remove