



No.182 明石

Akashi Class Repair Ship

  HP 39   Firepower 4 (14)
  Armor 7 (19)   Torpedo 0 (0)
  Evasion 8 (29)   AA 10 (24)
  Aircraft 0   ASW 0 (0)
  Speed Slow   LOS 1 (5)
  Range Short   Luck 10 (39)
 Fuel no data  Ammo no data
Build Time Slots
220:00 (unconfirmed) 3
Stock Equipment  Space
Ship Repair Facility 0
25mm Twin Autocannon Mount 0
-Unequipped- 0
-Locked- 0


Akashi Kai

No.187 明石改

Akashi Class Repair Ship

  HP 45   Firepower 6 (24)
  Armor 9 (27)   Torpedo 0 (0)
  Evasion 10 (39)   AA 16 (36)
  Aircraft 0   ASW 0 (0)
  Speed Slow   LOS 2 (6)
  Range Short   Luck 12 (49)
 Fuel no data  Ammo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv 35 Remodel 4
Stock Equipment  Space
Ship Repair Facility 0
12.7cm Twin High-angle Mount 0
25mm Twin Autocannon Mount 0
-Unequipped- 0


Event Japanese English Note
Repair ship is Akashi. If you had damage of
a little, I will give it fix perfect during sortie. Leave it to me.
Library Intro
Repair destroyer fleet only, is Akashi. was responsible for the repair of vessels that entered the
track anchorage and damaged at the front. Until the day that Chuuk Atool is devastating, did you support behind the front-line fleet. Nice to meet you
During the war Akashi operated out of the Japanese base in the Truk atoll where she repaired various types of battle-damaged Japanese warships, including the Shōkaku in October 1942 and the Yamato in December 1943.

In February 1944 the Americans made a raid on Truk (Operation Hailstone), sinking and damaging many ships. Akashi was damaged in these attacks and escaped to the Japanese atoll of Palau. On 30 March 1944, while anchored off Urukthapel in the Palau islands, Akashi was hit numerous times by bombs and rockets from American aircraft from Task Group 58, during Operation Desecrate One. She was sunk in shallow water with her bridge still remaining above the water

明石の出番ですね。 It's Akashi turn now right?
提督の修理ですか?どこが壊れてます? Admiral need to be repaired? Where is (part of you) that is broken?
クレーンにあまり触ったら危ないですよ!・・・あんっ!そこはもっと危ないです! Too much touching the crane is dangerous... Uhh, that place is more dangerous!
Show player's score
Joining a fleet
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
Ship construction
Return from sortie
Start a sortie
Battle start
Air battle
Night battle
Night attack
Minor damaged(1)
Minor damaged(2)
≥Moderately damaged

How repairing works

  • With Akashi set as the flagship of any fleet, she can repair damaged ships in position #2 and #3 in her fleet (and herself), when she has 'ship repairing facility' (艦艇修理施設) equipped.
  • Each addition of this equipment to her inventory will allow her to repair an extra ship at the same time.
  • Currently up to 3 ship repairing facility item can be obtained (one by default, one as April E4 completion reward, and one from Lv35 remodel) therefore ships up to position #5 can be repaired at the same time.
  • Akashi can repair ships up to minor/yellow damage (小破), orange and red damage ships will not be repaired. She will also stop repairing when her own damage level exceeds yellow.
  • Her repairing is carried out when she is idling as a flagship in port, in the form of 'ticks' every 20 minutes. She must remain idle for 20 minutes before each tick of repair carries out.
  • Sending her fleet to combat, repositioning the ships in Akashi's fleet will result in the timer being reset. Accessing the game menu will not interfere with the timer however.
  • The time to repair a ship with Akashi is exactly the same as the dry docks. However, she will always repair a minimal of 1hp every 20 minutes. which means ships that take longer than 20 minutes to repair a single hp in dry docks will be repaired faster by Akashi.
  • The resource to repair a ship with Akashi is exactly the same as the dry docks


  • The only specialized repair ship operated by the IJN (the other two were cancelled)
  • Escaped Operation Hailstone on Truk in February 20, 1944, fled to Palau
  • Sunk while anchored in Palau on March 30, 1944 during Operation Desecrate One
  • Salvaged and scrapped in 1954.

See Also