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Gameplay Notes
Special Mechanics
- Able to peform OASW at Kai.
- Average firepower, HP and armour.
- Great torpedo and ASW.
Fit Bonuses
Visible Fit Bonuses Template:GunfitHeader Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit |}
Priority: Medium
- She has average firepower but an excellent torpedo stat that almost makes up for it. This puts her among the bottom ranks of combat destroyers. Besides that, her high ASW and ability to perform OASW by default at Kai makes her a great pick to deal with subs. It also means she is able to perform single slot OASW at Kai regardless of her ASW stat.
Recommended Roles
- Combat
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
Hi, my name is Janus. Yes, from the same flotilla as Jervis... Eh, you don't know me? You really are unqualified to be admiral. Listen up, alright? You better remember this. |
Hi、私の名前はJanus。そうよ、あのJervis僚艦の…えぇ、知らない?完全に潜りね。いい?しっかり覚えておきなさい。 | |
Introduction Play |
Hi, I'm the J-class destroyer, Janus. Admiral, let's work hard today too. Eh? Ah, what is it? Is there something on my face? |
Hi、J級駆逐艦、Janusよ。提督、今日も頑張っていきましょう。えぇ?あっ、何?私の顔に、なんかついてます? | |
Library Play |
I'm the J-class destroyer, Janus. Yes, I worked hard doing lots of things with Jervis and the others in the Home and Mediterranean Fleets. We even fought against a French fleet...[1] During Operation Shingle when Jervis and I were supporting the landings at Anzio, that's when... it looked like Jervis was lightly damaged.[2] Fate is such a fickle mistress... |
J級駆逐艦、私がJanusよ。そうね、Jervisたちと一緒に、本国艦隊や地中海艦隊で、色々のことを頑張ったわ。Franceの艦艇と戦ったことも…あのShingle作戦では、Jervisと一緒に、Anzioの戦いを支援して、そこであれを…Jervisは軽傷だったみたい。不思議っていうか、なんていうか… | |
Secretary 1 Play |
I got it! Leave it to me! |
Janus、了解!任せなさい! | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Eh? Eeeh? Where is it!? Eh? You're joking? Jeez, stop that! |
うえぇ?うえぇ??どこ!?えぇ?うそ?もう、やめてよ! | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Ah, about that. I don't really want to talk about it anymore. It was so impossibly big. It was just unfair. Ah, Jervis? I think she got off with just a scratch.[3] |
あぁ、あれでしょう。あれの話はいいわ、もう。大きすぎるっていうか、無理。反則でしょう、あれは。あぁ、Jervis?かすり傷だったららしいわ。 | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Eh, what is it? Jerivs, did you say something? Really? That's fine then. |
えっ、何?Jervis、あんたなんか言った?そう?ならいいんだけど。 | |
Idle Play |
Admiral? What is it? Eh, bogey? I don't know what that is. Do you mean an enemy? Outer space? A training ship? What are you talking about? Hmmm, Ginga? I know that, it's the new type of bomber here right? You don't mean that?[4] |
提督?何?えぇ、bogey?知らないわ。敵ってこと?外宇宙?練習艦?なんの事?ん、銀河?I know、ここの新型ボマーでしょう?違うの? | |
Secretary Married Play |
Ah, Jervis, is it tea time? I'll go get some tea for you and the Admiral. Just leave it to me, I'll be just fine. ...Ngh, what's with that look? I said I'll be fine! |
あぁ、Jervis, tea time?私が入りてあげる。あんたと提督の分も。任せて、大丈夫だから。…ん、何その目?大丈夫だから! | |
Wedding Play |
What is it, Admiral? Do you have orders for me? If you want Jervis, she's over there. ...Eh, you need me? F-for what? ...Ah, this box is... No way! Is it really for me? Are you fine with me? ...I see. So you are. Thanks a lot. I love you too! |
何、提督?Janusになにか御用?Jervisならあっちよ。…えっ、私に?な、何?…あぁ、この箱…うそ!本当に?いいの、私で?…そう。そうなんだ。Thanks a lot. 私も、愛してる! | |
Looking At Scores Play |
Information? Just wait a minute, I'll get it for yo... Aaah, whoaaa! Urgh... Umm, thanks. Oopsie. |
情報?待ってなさい、私が持ってきてあげ……はぁー、うわぁー!うぅ…あの、thanks. やだ。 | |
Joining A Fleet Play |
Home Fleet, 7th Destroyer Flotilla, weigh anchor! Janus, sortieing! |
本国艦隊、第七駆逐戦隊、抜錨!Janus、出撃します! | |
Joining A Fleet Play |
Mediterranean Fleet, 14th Destroyer Flotilla, weigh anchor! Janus, sortieing! |
地中海戦隊、第十四駆逐戦隊、抜錨!Janus、出撃します! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Thanks a lot. Alright! This is it! |
Thanks a lot. よし!これなら! | |
Equipment 2 Play |
This feels great. I can work with this. |
いい感じじゃない。行けそうよ。 | |
Equipment 2 Play |
This feels quite good. I can work with this. |
かなりいい感じじゃない。行けそうよ。 | |
Equipment 3[5] Play |
Yes, this is great. |
そう、よかった。 | |
Supply Play |
Thanks a lot. |
Thanks a lot. | |
Docking Minor Play |
I got a bit dirty. Can I take a shower? Ehe, thanks! |
ちょっと汚れちゃった。シャワー浴びていい?えへぇ、thanks! | |
Docking Major Play |
Oh no, my clothes are all... I have to send them for cleaning... I'll get them for this! |
やだ、お洋服が…もう、クリーニングをしなきゃ…覚えてなさいよ! | |
Construction Play |
A new girl? Welcome to the fleet! |
新しい子?ようこそ、艦隊に! | |
Returning From Sortie Play |
Whew, it looks like we somehow made it back safely. Thank goodness. |
ふあぁ、なんとか無事に帰えてこれたみたい。よかった。 | |
Starting A Sortie Play |
I, Janus, will be the flagship. Jervis, are you ready? Follow me! |
旗艦、このJanusが預かるわ。Jervis、いい?私に付いてきて! | |
Starting A Sortie Play |
Leave being the flagship to me, Janus. Everyone, Jervis, are you ready? Follow me! |
旗艦、このJanusに任せておいて。Jervis、みんな、いい?私に付いてきて! | |
Battle Start Play |
I've got the enemy in sight. |
Janus, enemy in sight. | |
Attack Play |
Shoot! Eh, I missed!? Eh? |
Shoot!うえぇ、外れた!?えぇ? | |
Attack Play |
Shoot! Eh, I missed!? Shooooooooot! |
Shoot!うえぇ、外れた!?Shooooooooot! | |
Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack Play |
Just so you know, I'm really quite presistent. Got it!? |
私、本当はちょっとしつこいのよ。ねぇ!? | |
Night Battle Play |
Alright, let's finish them! Follow me! |
よし、仕留めます!Follow me! | |
MVP Play |
Eh, I worked the hardest? Really? Oh my, Jervis, take a look at my... Y-you've really got a lot of them huh... Well, no matter. Numbers aren't everything. |
えぇ、私が一番働いちゃった?本当?やだ、Jervis、ほら見て、私の…あ、あんた、たくさん持ってるわね…まあ、いいわ。数じゃないのよ。 | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Oh no! A-am I still alright? I am? |
やだ!だ、大丈夫?そう? | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Whaaaa! I said that hurt! You...! |
うわぁー!だから、いたいって!このー! | |
Major Damage Play |
Whoaaaaah! Urgh, bloody hell! Jeez, I told you this was too much! |
うえへぇー!ぐぅ、bloody hell!もう、こんなの無理だって言ってるのに! | |
Sunk Play |
No... It hurts, it's cold... Oh no, am I sinking? ...Jervis, where are you? Hold my hand... Please... |
やだ…痛くて、冷たい……うそ、私、沈んでる?…Jervis、どこ?手をつないで…お願い… |
- ↑ She fought against the Vichy French during the Syria-Lebanon Campaign.
- ↑ Jervis got her bow blown off in that action.
- ↑ Referring to either the Henschel Hs 293 or the Fritz X glider bombs (depending on which version of the story you're listening to) that sank her and damaged Jervis at Anzio.
- ↑ Referring to Ginga Hyouryuu Vifam where Janus was the name of the training ship. Bogey was the name of her ship's computer.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
That's right, I'll be taking care of everything today. That's fine right? Humph, that's good. Leave it to me. |
そうね、今日は私が面倒をみてあげます。いいでしょう?ふん、よかった。任せなさい。 | |
01:00 Play |
It's 1 o'clock. Hmmm, what shall we do? Is there anything you'd like to do? |
It’s 1 o’clock. んー、何からしましょうか?なにかしてほしいこと、あります? | |
02:00 Play |
It's 2 o'clock. What do you think, Jervis? Ah, I see. Hmmm. |
It’s 2 o’clock. Jervisはどうだった?あぁ、そう。んー。 | |
03:00 Play |
It’s 3 o’clock. It's late at night now, but how about we have a late-night tea party? I'll go make some tea then. Leave it to me. |
It’s 3 o’clock. 深夜だけど、深夜のお茶会、tea timeと行きましょうか?お茶入れるね。任せなさい。 | |
04:00 Play |
It's 4 o'clock. Would you like another cup of tea? ...Yup, got it. It's almost morning. |
It’s 4 o’clock. お茶のお代わり、いる?…うん、了解。もうすぐ、朝ね。 | |
05:00 Play |
It’s 5 o’clock. It's morning, Admiral. Good morning! I need to wake everyone up. |
It’s 5 o’clock. 朝ね、提督。Good morning!みんなを起こす用意をしないと。 | |
06:00 Play |
It’s 6 o’clock. All hands, assemble! I repeat. All hands, assemble! This is not a drill! Wake up! Get up! |
It’s 6 o’clock. 総員起こし!繰り返す。総員起こし!これは演習ではない!起きなさい!Get up! | |
07:00 Play |
7 o’clock. Admiral, I've made breakfast. Here you go. Go on, help yourself. |
7 o’clock. 提督、breakfastは、私が用意したわ。こちらにどぞ。さあ、召し上がれ。 | |
08:00 Play |
It’s 8 o’clock. Admiral, did my full breakfast suit your tastes? Really? Great. |
It’s 8 o’clock. 提督、私のfull breakfast、お口に合った?そう?よかった。 | |
09:00 Play |
It’s 9 o’clock. Jervis, good morning. Ah, Ark is here too. The Home Fleet is definitely doing well. |
It’s 9 o’clock. Jervis、おはよう。あぁ、Arkもいったんだ。本国艦隊、もちろん、健在よ。 | |
10:00 Play |
It’s 10 o’clock. Yes, we need to be careful around the Mediterranean. Eh, Iron Bottom Sound? I don't know what that is. It sounds like something hard. Where can you find it? |
It’s 10 o’clock. そう、地中海は気をつけないと。えぇ、Iron Bottom Sound?知らないわ。硬そうね。どこらへんのこと? | |
11:00 Play |
It’s elevenses. Hmm? This? This is a sonar. It's an excellent equipment. It's really important for fleet escort! This? This is my magazine. ...Please don't keep touching it. It's dangerous.[1] |
It’s elevenses. ん?これ?これはソーナーよ。優秀なんだから。船団護衛には大事、大事!ここ?ここは弾薬庫。…あんまりさわないで。危ないから。 | |
12:00 Play |
It is noon. It's time for lunch. Would you like some of my handmade sandwiches? You would? Then, here you go. Go on, help yourself. Is black tea fine? Then I'll leave a cup here. |
It is noon. Lunchの時間ね。私のお手製サンドウィチ、いる?そう?じゃあ、これ。さあ、召し上がれ。紅茶でいい?ここに置くわね。 | |
13:00 Play |
It’s 1 o’clock. Did you like my sandwiches? You did? Ehehe. Would you like more Earl Grey? You would? Here! |
It’s 1 o’clock. Janusサンドはお口にあった?そう?えへへぇ。Earl Greyのお代わりはいる?そう?はい! | |
14:00 Play |
It's 2 o'cl... Oh, Warspite! Good day. How are you? ...I see! I wouldn't expect anything else. I'm fine too. Just look! |
It’s 2 o’cl… あら、Warspite!ごきげんよう。調子はどう?…そう!さすがね。私も元気。ほら、見て! | |
15:00 Play |
It's 3 o'clock. It's tea time. It's really important. Is Earl Grey... fine for today? You would? Great. Wait a minute. |
It’s 3 o’clock. Tea timeの時間ね。大事、大事。今日は…Earl Greyでいい?そう?よかった。待てて。 | |
16:00 Play |
It’s 4 o’clock. Jervis, what is it? You're staring at me so intently. Is there something on me? Eh, what is it? |
It’s 4 o’clock. Jervis、何?そんなに見つめて。私の顔に何をついてる?えぇ、何? | |
17:00 Play |
It’s 5. I don't really like the sunset on the Mediterranean. But, the sunset here is beautiful. Ehe, I like it. |
It’s 5. 私、地中海の夕日って、あんまり好きじゃないの。でも、ここの夕日は、きれい。えへぇ、好きよ。 | |
18:00 Play |
It’s 6 o’clock. Now then, it's about time we brought the fleet back to port. What are we doing for dinner? We're going out? Really? |
It’s 6 o’clock. さてっと、そろそろ艦隊を港に戻しましょう。ヂィナーはどうするの?外で?本当に? | |
19:00 Play |
It's 7 o’clock. So this Mamiya's, the restaurant I've heard all about. I can't wait! Can I call Jervis too? Ehe, great! |
It's 7 o’clock. 噂のrestaurant、マミーヤね。楽しみ!Jervisも呼んでいい?えへぇ、よかった! | |
20:00 Play |
It's 8 o... Mmm, this is delicious! Mamiya's is incredible! Ah, Jervis is here. Over here! We're over here! |
It’s 8 o…んー、美味しいは!マミーヤ恐るべしい!あぁ、Jervisもきた。ここ!ここよ! | |
21:00 Play |
It’s 9 o’clock. ... Umm, I think I remember that noisy heavy cruiser over there from somewhere... Ah, Jervis don't get involved with them! Ah, aaah! Jeez, you're so reckless![2] |
It’s 9 o’clock…あの、あそこで騒いでる重巡、思いっきり見覚えが…あぁ、Jervis関わらない方がいいって。あぁ、あぁー!もう、めちゃくちゃ! | |
22:00 Play |
It’s 10 o’clock. Today was tiring. Admiral, ever day must be hard for you. Eh, really? It's fun? ...Hmm, I guess it must be if you think so... Really? |
It’s 10 o’clock. 今日は疲れたわ。提督、毎日大変ね。えぇ、そう?楽しいの?…ん、そう考えれば、そうなんのかな…そう? | |
23:00 Play |
It’s 11 o’clock. Good work today. It will be nice if tomorrow is a good day too. See you. Good night.[3] |
It’s 11 o’clock. 一日お疲れ様。明日もいい一日になれたいいわね。おやすみなさい。Good night. |
Regular |