Game Updates/2019/September 30th
< Game Updates
Revision as of 22:48, 10 February 2024 by Jigaraphale (talk | contribs)
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2019 August 30th | 2019 September 30th | 2019 October 25th |
2019 August 30th Summer Event 2019 Closing Update
- European Counterattack Operation! Commence "Operation Shingle" event has ended
- Celebrating 130th anniversary of Kure and Sasebo Chinjufu
- +10 equipment slots for everybody!
- Shipgirl changes
- Summer Voicelines have been disabled.
- Swimsuit CGs have been disabled.
- Fall Voicelines have been implemented for Prinz Eugen, Akizuki, Minegumo, Nisshin, Shinyou, Hachijou, and Ishigaki.
- "Thank you for your hard work in Europe" Voicelines have been added for Fujinami, Oshio, Warspite, and Ark Royal.
- Other unrelated Voicelines have been implemented as well.
- Happi and Yukata modes have been implemented.
- Seasonal CG for Tsushima.
- Map changes
- Akashi Arsenal changes
- 16inch Mk.I Twin Gun Mount as well as 16inch Mk.V Twin Gun Mount can now be improved.
- Require the assistance of a certain Big 7 battleship.
- 16inch Mk.I Twin Gun Mount can be upgraded into 16inch Mk.V Twin Gun Mount
- Shipborne Model Type 4 20cm Anti-ground Rocket Launcher can now be improved with a help of certain Asashio-class Kai Ni destroyer(s).
- It can also be upgraded into Type 4 20cm Anti-ground Rocket Launcher (Concentrated Deployment)
- 16inch Mk.I Twin Gun Mount as well as 16inch Mk.V Twin Gun Mount can now be improved.
- Quest changes
- UI changes
- New UI modes for the construction view.
- Related to the main Interface Modes that were implemented with HTML 5 Block 1
- Equipment development can now be performed three times at once.
- New UI modes for the construction view.
- Shop changes
- Increased the number of resources / decreased the price to reflect the consumption tax hike of October 2019
- Fuel from 200 to 250 and 1000 to 1200
- Ammo from 200 to 250
- Steel from 150 to 200
- Bauxite from 100 to 150 and 550 to 650
- Repair Buckets from 5 to 6 and 2 to 3
- Development Materials from 2 to 3
- Dock expansion set from 5 to 6 (Repair Buckets, Instant Construction Materials, Development Materials)
- Development Material pack of 7 has had its price reduced from 500 to 400 DMM points
- Emergency Repair has had its prices reduced from 800 to 600
- Increased the number of resources / decreased the price to reflect the consumption tax hike of October 2019
- Furniture Shop changes
- Jukebox has been updated with a new track: Shigure of Sasebo (instrumental)
- Furniture with seasonal modes will enter the Autumn Mode.
- New and returning furniture:
- 柿の壁紙 new!
- 高級和風壁紙
- 秋仕様の壁紙
- 高級赤煉瓦の壁
- 紅葉の壁紙
- 赤とんぼの壁紙
- 折鶴の壁紙
- 長月の壁紙
- 長月の床
- 秋の床板
- 柿の床板 new!
- 白い石板タイル
- 中秋の名月敷物
- 紅葉の職人床
- エレガントボード
- 書斎本棚
- 大将の机
- ちゃぶ台セット
- 昔ながらのすりガラス
- 提督座布団
- 提督の書斎机
- 教室セット「机」
- 紳士な帽子掛け
- 秋の気配な窓
- 鎮守府の艦娘秋窓 new!
- すすきの窓
- 村雨の窓
- お月見窓
- 豪華なお月見窓
- 長月の秋窓
- 温泉檜風呂
- クラシックシェルフ
- 「呉鎮守府」掛け軸
- 「佐世保鎮守府」掛け軸
- 「加賀」模型と桐箪笥
- 白煉瓦作りの葡萄の壁 new!
- 鎮守府秋祭りの屋台
- 鎮守府秋祭りの射的
- 葡萄のカーペット new!
- 提督用秋の読書本棚 new!
- 「横須賀鎮守府」掛け軸
- 「観艦式」掛け軸