


Anchorage Repairs

Repair Ships (AR) have the ability to repair ships that are lightly damaged (小破) or better.

  • The AR must Be the flagship (of any fleet).
  • The ships being prepared (including the AR), must:
    • Not be more than lightly damaged (小破).
    • Not be in Repair docks.
  • The #Repair cost is unchanged and is automatically deducted based on how much HP has been repaired on update.
    • When not having sufficient resources, the repair will not work.
Repair Reach
  • An AR alone can repair herself and the ship following her.
  • Each equipped   will extend the ships reached.
  • Adding another AR can also extend the ships reached.
# of AR+  Ships Repaired
1 1, 2
2 1, 2, 3
3 1, 2, 3, 4
4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Repair Speed
  • By default, the repair speed follows the above formula.
  • The 1st repair work may happen only after 20 min since the last "reset".
    • The timer is "reset" each time the fleet formation is changed (order or ships in it), or the main menu is loaded.
  • If at least 20 min have elapsed, loading the main menu will reset the timer and repair all eligible ships.
    • If the timer is reseted by another way, the repairs are not applied.
    • The amount of HP recovered for each is given by the #Repair Time formula.
      • If the amount of HP recovery would be less than 1 after 20 minutes, it will be rounded up.
      • This means ships that take more than 20 minutes to recover 1HP can be repaired faster by Akashi when checking in every 20 minutes, but others will be slower.

Using 2 AR in the same fleet will increase the repair speed:

  • This works regardless of which is the flagship.
Repair Speed [1]
AR AR Level Notes
1-9 10-29 30-59 60-99 100+
1 1
2 ? ? ~0.85 ? ? Might only be linked to Asahi's lv
