

Conditions for GS in expedition are splitted into 3 types:

Expedition Type GS Conditions Notes
Type I
"Sparkle type"
Ships must be "sparkled"
  • Each sparkled ship increases the great success chance by approximately 16%.
Type II
"Drum type"
Ships must be "sparkled" and more   Drums  than required must be brought.
  • Only 4+ ships need to be sparkled to have the greater rate.
  • The total number of   Drums brought must be 135% the amount of the requirement (rounded down)
Drum requirements
Exped Drums carriers Drums required Over Drum
21 3 4 5
24 1 0 4
37 3 5 7
38 4 10 13
40 1 0 4
44 3 8 10
E2 3 6? 8?
All "drum expeditions" follow this rule.
  • 24 and 40 also follow this rule, despite not being a drum expedition for some reason. They both require 4 drums to meet the 135% drum condition
Type III
"Level type"
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{GS}_\text{%} = 16 + 15 \times \text{N}_\text{Spark} + \sqrt{\text{Flag}_\text{Lv}} + \frac{\text{Flag}_\text{Lv}}{10} }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{N}_\text{Spark} }[/math] the number of sparkled ships,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \sqrt{\text{Flag}_\text{Lv}} }[/math] the level of the flagship.
Greatly depends on the flagship level, the GS rate is for example:
  • 47.4 % if flagship Lv = 180 & 0 ship sparkled,
  • 100 % if flagship Lv ≥ 128 & 4 ships are sparkled,
  • 100 % flagship Lv ≥ 33+ & 5 ships are sparkled,
  • 100 % flagship Lv ≤ 32- & all ships are sparkled (about the same condition as Type I)
World 1 World 2 World 3 World 7 World 4 World 5
1 9 17 41 25 33
2 10 18 42 26 34
3 11 19 43 27 35
4 12 20 44 28 36
5 13 21 45 29 37
6 14 22 46 30 38
7 15 23 31 39
8 16 24 32 40
A1 B1 D1 E1
A2 B2 D2 E2
A3 B3 D3
A4 B4
A5 B5
A6 B6