Game Updates/2018/July 12th

July 12th 2018 Shiratsuyu / Tenryuu Kai Ni Update

  1. Tenryuu-class light cruisers’ nameship, Tenryuu has received her Kai Ni remodel.
    • No Blueprint or Action Report are required.
  2. Shiratsuyu-class destroyers' nameship, Shiratsuyu has received her Kai Ni remodel.
    • Required one Action Report
    • New voice lines.
  3. Rainy Season has come to an end.
    • Rainy Season voice lines and CGs have been deactivated.
    • Seasonal CGs can be browsed in the Shipgirl Library, as usual.
    • Houshou's Special Dinner Tickets have expired and were removed from players' inventories.
  4. Furniture changes
    • Anchorage counter bar is now in summer mode and will offer summer food and drinks.
    • Hinoki wood hot spring bath has returned to its usual state
    • Hot spring bath is now in Summer Sunflower mode.
    • Rainy Season's umbrella stand will no longer adjust to the Secretary Ship
  5. Time limited Summer CGs
    • Shaved Ice mode for the light aircraft carrier, Gambier Bay
    • Summer clothes and Shaved Ice mode for Etorofu-class Kaiboukan, Etorofu and Matsuwa
    • Summer clothes mode for remodelled Yuugumo-class destroyer, Naganami Kai Ni.
  6. New BGM and updates for the Jukebox
    • "梅雨明けの白露" - White Morning Dew of the Rainy Season. NEW!