Game Updates/2017/May 22nd
May 22nd, 2017 Post Spring Event 2017 Update
- End of the Spring 2017 Event
- The Spring 2017 Event has come to an end.
- End of Bouquet CGs for Yuugumo, Naganami, Harusame Kai, and Mizuho
- The Bouquet CGs for the above ships have been removed from the game.
- Updates to the Naval Base Counter Bar
- The Naval Base Counter Bar has been updated to include relevant food and/or drinks for the new ships from the most recent event.
- New / Returning furniture has been added to the game:
- しょうぶ和箪笥
- 皐月の壁紙
- 皐月の窓
- 皐月の机
- コンクリート壁
- レインコート&傘掛け
- 村雨の窓 new!
- 藤の壁紙
- 藤と水面の床
- 新緑のフローリング
- 新緑の壁紙
- 戦艦タイルの床
- てるてる坊主の窓
- 「なのです」掛け軸
- 「長門」模型と桐箪笥
- 梅雨の壁紙
- 梅雨の季節の床
- 梅雨の緑カーテン窓
- 紫陽花のステンドグラス
- 水無月の壁紙 new!
- 水無月の窓 new!
- New BGM(s) have been added the game:
- 【連合艦隊旗艦】 - This BGM can be heard while sortieing to Worlds 4 & 5, but will also be the default track for the main menu if you have the furniture 【「長門」模型と桐箪笥】 present in your room.
- The Jukebox has also been updated.
- This includes the addition of the BGM 【連合艦隊旗艦】 to the Jukebox.
- New Quests: A total of 4 new quests have been added to the game.
- 輸送船団護衛を強化せよ!
- 海上護衛体制の強化に努めよ!
- 新編「第一戦隊」を編成せよ!
- 新編「第一戦隊」、抜錨せよ!
- As always, certain prerequisite conditions may have to be met before these quests show up in your quest log.
- Bugfixes/Updates.
- Fixed Taiyou's voice lines (first remodel for Kasuga Maru), which were not playing properly before this.
- Fixed some problems with Secondary Guns improved via Akashi's Improvement Arsenal not behaving as intended (this was actually fixed at the beginning of the Spring 2017 Event).
- Servers have been updated/reorganised, and some servers will be reopened for new players to join.
- Updates to Nagato Kai's voice lines.
- Nagato has received hourly voice lines that will play from her first remodel (Nagato Kai) onwards.
- Addition of Nagato K2 to the game.
- A Blueprint is required for this remodel.
- Although the remodel may not appear particularly powerful at first glance, it comes with "multiple unique features".
- Although Nagato K2 remains a slow battleship with heavy armour, her speed can be improved to fast(er) levels through the use of the appropriate equipment.
- In addition to the conventional fit gun bonuses, Nagato K2 includes her own special weaponry features.
- Nagato K2 also comes equipped with the Prototype 41cm Triple Gun Mount.
- Aside from this providing a fit gun bonus (as mentioned above), with the correct equipment configuration(s), Nagato K2 can also provide highly effective / accurate shelling during both day and night battle phases.
- By deploying Nagato K2 together with Mutsu Kai, it is possible to acquire the New Design Anti-Torpedo Bulge (Large) through the completion of one of the above new quests.
- Again, as was previously mentioned, Nagato K2 comes with her own unique equipment configurations, and some equipment other than battle-oriented equipment can also be used.