Game Updates/2017/February 28th
February 28, 2017 End of Winter 2017 Event Update / Zara K2 Update
- The Winter 2017 Event has ended.
- Zara has received her second remodel (Due).
- This remodel will require a Blueprint.
- Some new voice lines are included with this second remodel.
- The second remodel is noted to have "heavy armour" and "high firepower", which will be advantageous during day battles.
- Her main guns are now upgradeable.
- An aircraft hangar has also been added (presumably implying that she has an increased capacity for aircraft).
- Lastly, you will be able to obtain a new bulge by completing a quest involving Zara's new remodel.
- New Quests: A total of six new quests, including Spring Quarterly/Seasonal Quests and a quest related to Zara's new remodel, have been added.
- Hishimochi and Reinforcement Expansion Slot(s) will also be obtainable from these new quests.
- 春の準備任務:桃の節句準備!
- 春の準備任務:桃の節句準備を完遂せよ!
- 潜水艦隊、中部海域の哨戒を実施せよ!
- 重装甲巡洋艦、鉄底海峡に突入せよ!
- 潜水艦武装の強化
- 六三一空「晴嵐」隊の編成
- As always, certain prerequisite quests may need to be completed in order to trigger these new quests.
- Updates to Akashi's Improvement Arsenal:
- Submarine Radar and Waterproof Periscope can now be upgraded in the Arsenal.
- Although it cannot currently be upgraded to become the Submarine Radar and Radio Direction Finder (E27), this will be implemented during a later update.
- 203mm / 53 Twin Gun Mount can now be upgraded in the Arsenal.
- Anti-torpedo Bulge (Medium) can now be upgraded as well.
- It can also be upgraded to become a new piece of equipment, New Design Anti-Torpedo Bulge (Medium).
- New Design Anti-Torpedo Bulge can also be upgraded in the Arsenal.
- The availability of upgrades is dependent on the day of the week and the second ship in the fleet.
- Submarine Radar and Waterproof Periscope can now be upgraded in the Arsenal.
- The craft rate for the Type 93 SONAR has been increased.
- Any ship from a torpedo squadron must be the secretary ship while crafting.
- A recipe for sonars must be used while crafting.
- No changes have been made to the recipes for sonars themselves.
- New (& Seasonal) Furniture:
- 弥生の壁紙 new!
- 緑の和壁紙
- 春色の壁紙
- ピンクコンクリ壁
- 布団と枕
- 模様替えお掃除セット
- 「春の一番」掛け軸
- 弥生の窓 new!
- 桃の節句の窓
- ラクガキ床
- 戦艦タイルの床
- 艦娘座布団の床
- 弥生のアレンジメント new!
- 「最上」模型と桐箪笥
- 「長門」「陸奥」の雛人形
- 雛人形豪華四段飾り
- Updates to the Anchorage Counter Bar:
- The Anchorage Counter Bar has been updated for the new season (Hinamatsuri / Peach Festival).
- The Bar has been updated to change based on the new ships from the latest event as well.
- The standard contents for the Bar will also show up where applicable.
- Said contents will also change according to the time of the day.
- An explanation for new players:
- The Anchorage Counter Bar is a special piece of furniture that changes what it displays (food and drinks) according to which ship is currently your secretary ship.
- Aside from Furniture Coins, a Furniture Fairy is also required to obtain this piece of furniture.
- You can obtain a Furniture Fairy from the new Spring Quarterly/Seasonal Quests.
- The Anchorage Counter Bar has been updated for the new season (Hinamatsuri / Peach Festival).
- Updates to the Jukebox:
- New music has been added to the Jukebox.
- The price (in Furniture Coins) for choosing the newest music from the Jukebox has been reduced.
- Also, the order of displaying the choices for music has been updated, and the seasonal BGM (e.g. 「桃の節句と艦娘」 for the current season) will be displayed first.
- End of seasonal content:
- Winter / Setsubun / Valentine's seasonal content has come to an end, and the corresponding CGs and voice lines have been removed.
- CGs have been added to the Encyclopaedia.
- Winter / Setsubun / Valentine's seasonal content has come to an end, and the corresponding CGs and voice lines have been removed.
- Updates to plane graphics and sprites:
- The Zero Fighter Type 21 and Zero Fighter Type 21 (Skilled) have received new graphics.
- The Prototype_Nanzan and Zuiun (631 Air Group) have also received new sprites that will be displayed during the Air Battle phase.
- New voice lines & CG for Hinamatsuri / Peach Festival 2017:
- Aside from the recurring voice lines from the previous years, Amatsukaze, Taigei (including Ryuuhou), Commandant Teste, and Yamakaze have received new voice lines.
- Mizuho and Commandant Teste have also received new CGs for this season / event.
- Ushio and Ushio Kai Ni have both received new CGs for this season / event as well.
- Yamakaze has received a new CG corresponding to this season / event too.