Anime/Kancolle Anime (2015)
Kantai Collection -KanColle-
艦隊これくしょん -艦これ- Kantai Collection -KanColle- Fleet Girls Collection KanColle Animation Sequence
- Air dates: January 8, 2015 - March 26, 2015 (estimation)
- Episodes: 12 (inference)
- Official website
- Summary:
With the emergence of the mysterious Abyssal Fleet, humanity had lost it's naval supremacy. However, there is a presence that can fight back. Ship girls. Those whom possess souls of ships from days past.
Special Type I Destroyer Fubuki arrives at a 'Naval Base'. This place is gathering versatile ship girls as a home & workplace. She begins her life there with a perky greeting, 'It's Fubuki! I look forward to working with you!'
What encounters can she have & ties can she nurture with other ship girls? (parsed machine translation)
Japanese |
謎に包まれた敵「深海棲艦」の出現を機に、人類が制海権を失ってしまった世界。その脅威に対抗できる唯一の存在は、在りし日の艦の魂を持つ「艦娘」と呼ばれる者たちだけ――。特型駆逐艦・吹雪は「鎮守府」へとやってくる。この地は多彩な艦娘たちが集い、共に切磋琢磨しながら生活する場所であった。「吹雪です! よろしくお願いします!」明るく元気たっぷりのハツラツとしたあいさつで、「鎮守府」での生活を始める吹雪。彼女はこの鎮守府で、彼らとどんな出会いをし、どんな絆を育んでいくことになるのだろうか。(About image's alt text & appears to be different. Used for the summary.) |
Naval Base |
Abyssal Fleet |
Staff & Cast
Episode 1 : Nice to meet you, Commander! Episode 2 : Without Dissent, Without Shame, Without Regret! Episode 3 : The Operation to Capture W Island! Episode 4 : It's our turn! Follow me! Airs January 29th
- Episode Opening & Ending
- Japanese television Broadcast Information
- Crunchyroll streaming
- Blu-ray & DVD vol.1
- Six volumes are expected
- Blu-ray & DVD extras
- Pre-order
- Early Booking Bonus
- Advanced Screening
- Comiket
- First 'Naval Review' rehearsal cast show
File:艦隊これくしょん -艦これ- 先行PV第壱弾 The first trailer, showcasing the 3D battle animation |
File:艦隊これくしょん -艦これ- 先行PV第弐弾 The second trailer, showing more characters & naval base life |
File:「艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-」番宣CM The first commercial for the anime, featuring Fubuki |
File:TVアニメ「艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-」Blu-ray & DVD 第1巻CM Blu-ray & DVD vol.1 CM, featuring Kongou |
- The initial broadcast was planned to be on Summer 2014, but due to reasons unknown, the date was pushed to Winter 2015.
- Western & Eastern Japanese print ads were compositionally reversed
Anime Portal | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Contents | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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