Friend Fleet

Revision as of 14:32, 3 April 2018 by Soloblast (talk | contribs) (Edits for flow)
Friend Fleet Button Grey.png

The Friend Fleet system is a new game mechanic, expected to be introduced to the game after Phase 2 is rolled out.

While the option has been present in the main menu since the game launched on April 23rd, 2013, no further details about it were released until the Fall 2017 KanColle Naval Review. During the Naval Review event, it was announced that the Friend Fleet system would be fully implemented once Phase 2 of KanColle was rolled out in 2018. It has since been announced that Phase 2 will be implemented via a three-step process, during the period between the 2018 Spring mini-event and the 2018 Summer event (plus possible delays).

As of early 2018, the Friend Fleet system has been temporarily implemented once in-game for testing purposes, in the form of NPC Friend Fleets during the Winter 2018 Event. In the April 2018 Issue of Comptiq, Tanaka revealed that this version of the mechanic was created for testing purposes, and that the final version will be fully implemented by the time Phase 2 begins.


The Big Surprise at the 4th KanColle Naval Review

KanColle Friend Fleet Promo at the 4th KanColle Naval Review as the Seiyuus voice out the roles of the Kanmusus during thier segment. Picture taken from Comptiq November 2017 Issue

The past behind the delay has been vauge with little to no details known other than that the Friend Fleet system was delayed for a long period of time. However come around Fall 2017, some details would come to be at the KanColle Naval Reivew.

During the KanColle Naval Review in one particular segment of the show. A large gathering of Seiyuus gathered up on the stage floor, all holding scrips in hand. The lights dimmed on the stage as a screen came down and being to display a film of a bunch of girls in cosplay as Kanmusu.

KanColle Friend Fleet Promo at the 4th KanColle Naval Review when the Friend Fleet selection scene played out. Picture taken from Comptiq November 2017 Issue

In this skit, the Seiyuus provided the voices of the Kanmusus as the film played out. The summary of the plot focused on a batch of ship girls fighting off against the Abyssal Fleet in Tokyo (at the Tokyo Big Sight area). They however were facing off against a batch of powerful Abyssal Fleet Himes that they were having difficulty trying to defeat. All seemed hopeless until they decided to enter into night battle which then as the screen faded to black the following option appeared on screen:

Do you wish to send in a Friend Fleet Support into Battle?

Dispatch / Hold Back

The Yes option was selected and soon several foreign Kanmusu appeared on screen as they helped aid the other KanMusu until the Abyssal Fleet ran off from the battle.

The Kanmusu celebrated thier victory and then at the end of the play segment, the following word appeared on the screen.

"Friend Fleet System" will be coming soon in 2018.

At the end of the KanColle Naval Review, they showed one more text announcing that the Friend Fleet System would be coming along with Phase 2 at the 5th Anniversary of KanColle.

NPC Friend Fleet

NPC Friend Fleet as shown from E-7 for the Winter 2018 Event when the International Fleet makes thier entrance into battle.

NPC Friend Fleets were introduced in the Winter 2018 Event as a new mechanic that would appear in various event maps where during boss fleet battles when you entered into night battle, an extra fleet would appear in the start of the fight to lend a hand in battle and deliver extra damage against the enemy fleet.

This fleet would take thier turn attacking the enemy fleet until they completed thier turn. Once done, they would fall back and then your fleet will take turn attacking the enemy fleet.

NPC Friend Fleets are unique in that they can be influenced by certain factors that include the following:

  • NPC Friend Fleets that appear are randomized base upon a preset group of fleets.
  • You can control who appears in the NPC Friend Fleet by using certain ships to govern who may or may not appear.
    • For example: If you want to prevent the 4th Cruiser Division NPC Friend Fleet (which consist of Takao, Atago, Maya, and Choukai) you can use a ship from that group (like Maya) to fully prevent that fleet from appearing.
  • Some NPC Friend Fleets cannot be removed as they may be set as a default fleet (See 19th Destroyer Division in the Winter 2018 Event Friend Fleet's Section)

By using the factors to help remove certain friend fleets, you can make it possible to help improve your chances of good NPC Friend Fleets appearing to help aid you.

Current Expectations

Currently, the NPC Friend Fleet has introduced and showcased how this system might work in terms of combat. However, since Tanaka confirmed that this was more of a "beta test" content is subject to change over time. Until Phase 2 commences, the current version of the Friend Fleet system is what we have to work with.

More details are to come as more info of the Friend Fleet System is revealed.