List of equipment used by the enemy

Revision as of 10:17, 16 October 2014 by (talk)

This is the list of items carried by enemy vessels. Note that the stat bonuses from the equipment are not showin in the enemy pages, hence Battleship Ru-Class Flagship with 2 16inch Triple Cannons actually has an effective firepower of 90 + 20 + 20 which is 130.

ID Rank Japanese name English name Stats Range Used by
501 Small Caliber Main Gun 5inch単装砲 5inch Single Cannon Firepower+1 Short Destroyer I-Class
Transport ship Wa-Class
502 Small Caliber Main Gun 5inch連装砲 5inch Dual Cannon Firepower+2 Short Destroyer I-Class
Destroyer Ro-Class
Destroyer Ha-Class
Destroyer Ni-Class
503 ☆☆☆ High-Angle Gun 3inch単装高角砲 3inch Single High-angle Mount Firepower+1
Short Transport ship Wa-Class
Submarine So-Class
504 Medium Caliber Main Gun 5inch単装高射砲 5inch Single AA Cannon Firepower+2
Medium Light Cruiser Ho-Class
Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class
Transport ship Wa-Class
Northern Princess
505 Medium Caliber Main Gun 8inch三連装砲 8inch Triple Cannon Firepower+8
Medium Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class
Floating Fortress
Southern Demon
Escort Fortress
Midway Princess
506 Medium Caliber Main Gun 6inch連装速射砲 6inch Twin Rapid-fire Cannon Firepower+3
Medium Light Cruiser He-Class
Light Cruiser To-Class
Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class
Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class
Transport ship Wa-Class
507 Large Caliber Main Gun 14inch連装砲 14inch Twin Cannon Firepower+10
508 ☆☆ Large Caliber Main Gun 16inch連装砲 16inch Twin Cannon Firepower+15
Long Battleship Ta-Class
Armored Carrier Demon
Armored Carrier Princess
509 ☆☆☆ Large Caliber Main Gun 16inch三連装砲 16inch Triple Cannon Firepower+20
Long Battleship Ru-Class
Battleship Ta-Class
Battleship Re-Class
Southern Demon
Southern War Demon
Southern War Princess
Battleship Princess
510 Secondary Gun 5inch単装高射砲 5inch Single High-angle Mount (Secondary Cannon) Firepower+1
511 Secondary Gun 6inch単装砲 6inch Single Cannon Firepower+1 Medium
512 ☆☆ Secondary Gun 12.5inch連装副砲 12.5inch Twin Secondary Cannon Firepower+7

Battleship Ru-Class
Battleship Ta-Class
Battleship Re-Class
Battleship Princess

513 Torpedoes 21inch魚雷前期型 21inch Torpedo Mk.I Torpedo Attack+2 Short Destroyer Ha-Class
Destroyer Ni-Class
Light Cruiser To-Class
Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class
Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class
Submarine Ka-Class
514 Torpedoes 21inch魚雷後期型 21inch Torpedo Mk.II Torpedo Attack+5 Short Destroyer I-Class
Destroyer Ro-Class
Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class
Submarine Yo-Class
515 ☆☆ Torpedoes 22inch魚雷後期型 22inch Torpedo Mk.II Torpedo Attack+10 Short Destroyer Ro-Class
Destroyer Ha-Class
Destroyer Ni-Class
Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class
Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class
Submarine Yo-Class
Submarine Ka-Class
Submarine So-Class
Battleship Re-Class
516 Torpedo Bomber 深海棲艦攻 Abyssal Torpedo Bomber Mk.I Anti-Submarine Warfare+2
Torpedo Attack+4
Line of Sight+5
Light Carrier Nu-Class
Standard Carrier Wo-Class
517 ☆☆ Torpedo Bomber 深海棲艦攻 Mark.II Abyssal Torpedo Bomber Mk.II Anti-Submarine Warfare+4
Torpedo Attack+6
Line of Sight+5

Light Carrier Nu-Class
Standard Carrier Wo-Class
Floating Fortress
Armored Carrier Princess
Escort Fortress
Airfield Princess
Harbour Princess
Northern Princess

518 ☆☆☆ Torpedo Bomber 深海棲艦攻 Mark.III Abyssal Torpedo Bomber Mk.III Anti-Air+4
Anti-Submarine Warfare+7
Torpedo Attack+11
Line of Sight+5
Standard Carrier Wo-Class
Isolated Island Demon
519 Fighter 深海棲艦戦 Abyssal Fighter Mk.I Anti-Air+2 Light Carrier Nu-Class
Standard Carrier Wo-Class
520 Fighter 深海棲艦戦 Mark.II Abyssal Fighter Mk.II Anti-Air+5

Light Carrier Nu-Class
Standard Carrier Wo-Class
Floating Fortress
Anchorage Demon
Anchorage Princess
Armored Carrier Demon
Armored Carrier Princess
Southern Demon
Southern War Demon
Southern War Princess
Escort Fortress
Airfield Princess
Harbour Princess

521 ☆☆ Fighter 深海棲艦戦 Mark.III Abyssal Fighter Mk.III Anti-Air+9 Standard Carrier Wo-Class
Isolated Island Demon
Northern Princess
522 ☆☆☆☆ Fighter 飛び魚艦戦 Flying-fish Abyssal Fighter Anti-Air+13
523 Dive Bomber 深海棲艦爆 Abyssal Dive Bomber Mk.I Anti-Submarine Warfare+1
Dive Bomber Attack+3
Light Carrier Nu-Class
Standard Carrier Wo-Class
524 ☆☆ Dive Bomber 深海棲艦爆 Mark.II Abyssal Dive Bomber Mk.II Anti-Submarine Warfare+2
Dive Bomber Attack+6

Light Carrier Nu-Class
Standard Carrier Wo-Class
Anchorage Demon
Anchorage Princess
Armored Carrier Demon
Southern War Demon
Escort Fortress
Airfield Princess
Harbour Princess
Isolated Island Demon

525 Seaplane 深海棲艦偵察機 Abyssal Recon Plane Anti-Air+1
Anti-Submarine Warfare+1
Line of Sight+5
Dive Bomber Attack+1
Light Cruiser Ho-Class
Light Cruiser He-Class
Light Cruiser To-Class
Light Cruiser Tsu-Class
Heavy Cruiser Ri-Class
Battleship Ru-Class
Battleship Ta-Class
526 ☆☆ Seaplane 飛び魚偵察機 Flying-fish Abyssal Recon Plane Anti-Air+2
Anti-Submarine Warfare+2
Line of Sight+10
Dive Bomber Attack+4
Battleship Ru-Class
527 ☆☆ RADAR 対空レーダー Mark.I Air Radar Mk.I Anti-Air+5
Line of Sight+5
528 ☆☆ RADAR 水上レーダー Mark.I Surface Radar Mk.I Accuracy+10
Line of Sight+5
Battleship Ru-Class
Battleship Ta-Class
529 ☆☆☆ RADAR 水上レーダー Mark.II Surface Radar Mk.II Accuracy+15
Line of Sight+10
Battleship Ru-Class
Battleship Ta-Class
Battleship Princess
530 ☆☆☆ RADAR 対空レーダー Mark.II Air Radar Mk.II Anti-Air+10
Line of Sight+10
531 ☆☆☆☆ RADAR 深海水上レーダー Abyssal Surface Radar Anti-Air+5
Anti-Submarine Warfare+5
Line of Sight+16
Destroyer I-Class
532 ☆☆☆☆☆ RADAR 深海対空レーダー Abyssal Air Radar Anti-Air+18
Anti-Submarine Warfare+5
Line of Sight+12
Aircraft Carrier Demon
Midway Princess
Aircraft Carrier Princess
533 Engine Improvement 改良型深海タービン Improved Abyssal Turbine Evasion+10
534 ☆☆ Engine Improvement 強化型深海缶 Enhanced Abyssal Engine Evasion+15
535 Anti-Aircraft Shell 対空散弾 Abyssal Anti-air Dispersal Shell Anti-Air+10
536 ☆☆ Armor-Piercing Shell 劣化徹甲弾 Deteriorate AP Shell Firepower+15
Anchorage Demon
Anchorage Princess
537 Anti-Aircraft Gun 12.7mm機銃 12.7mm Abyssal Machine Gun Anti-Air+2
538 Anti-Aircraft Gun 20mm機銃 20mm Abyssal Machine Gun Anti-Air+4
539 ☆☆ Anti-Aircraft Gun 40mm二連装機関砲 40mm Abyssal Twin Autocannon Mount Anti-Air+8
540 ☆☆☆ Anti-Aircraft Gun 40mm四連装機関砲 40mm Abyssal Quad Autocannon Mount Anti-Air+12
541 ☆☆☆ Torpedoes 深海烏賊魚雷 Cuttlefish Abyssal Torpedo Accuracy+5
Torpedo Attack+18
Battleship Re-Class
542 ☆☆☆ Depth Charges 深海爆雷投射機 Abyssal Depth Charge Anti-Submarine Warfare+7 Destroyer I-Class
Destroyer Ro-Class
Destroyer Ha-Class
Destroyer Ni-Class
Light Cruiser Ho-Class
Light Cruiser He-Class
543 ☆☆☆ SONAR 深海ソナー Abyssal Sonar Anti-Submarine Warfare+9 Light Cruiser Ho-Class
Light Cruiser He-Class
544 ☆☆☆☆ Depth Charges 深海爆雷投射機 Mk.II Abyssal Depth Charge Mk.II Anti-Submarine Warfare+13
545 ☆☆☆☆ SONAR 深海ソナー Mk.II Abyssal Sonar Mk.II Anti-Submarine Warfare+16 Destroyer I-Class
Destroyer Ro-Class
Light Cruiser Tsu-Class
546 ☆☆☆☆ Dive Bomber 飛び魚艦爆 Flying-fish Abyssal Dive Bomber Anti-Air+8
Anti-Submarine Warfare+7
Dive Bomber Attack+10
Battleship Re-Class
547 ☆☆☆ Fighter 深海猫艦戦 Abyssal Hellcat Fighter Anti-Air+10
Northern Princess
Standard Carrier Wo-Class
Aircraft Carrier Demon
Midway Princess
Aircraft Carrier Princess
548 ☆☆☆ Dive Bomber 深海地獄艦爆 Abyssal Hell Diver Dive Bomber Attack+11
Anti-Submarine Warfare+4
Line of Sight+3
Northern Princess
Standard Carrier Wo-Class
Aircraft Carrier Demon
Midway Princess
Aircraft Carrier Princess
549 ☆☆☆ Torpedo Bomber 深海復讐艦攻 Abyssal Avenger Torpedo Bomber Torpedo Attack+13
Anti-Submarine Warfare+5
Line of Sight+5
Northern Princess
Standard Carrier Wo-Class
Aircraft Carrier Demon
Midway Princess
Aircraft Carrier Princess
550 ☆☆☆ High-Angle Gun 5inch連装両用莢砲 5inch Twin Dual Purpose Cannon Firepower+2
Medium Light Cruiser Tsu-Class