
Revision as of 14:07, 13 February 2014 by >SlashZero (→‎Combat Stages)

Combat Stages

Stage Notes
Detection Requires planes or high detection stat.
Success increases hit rate and evasion.
Failure prevents participation of allied planes in the aerial combat phase.
Aerial Combat Requires any type of plane equipped as equipment on either side. Aerial Combat effect explained below.
Supporting Fire Map 5, requires sortie support expedition.
Opening Torpedo Salvo Requires torpedo cruisers, seaplane tenders or submarines equipped with midget subs ( 甲標的 甲 Type A Kou-hyouteki).
Submarines with level 10 or higher can shoot the opening torpedo by themselves without having to equip midget subs.
Shelling, 1st Round (Range Order)[1] Any carrier using bombers to attack during this phase must not have taken more than light damage in order to participate in the phase, with the exception of Armored Carriers (e.g. Taihou) who must not have taken more than medium damage.
Shelling, 2nd Round (Lineup Order)[2] Only occurs when one or both sides has a battleship, or the enemy contains one of the special ship classes: 鬼 (Oni/Ogress), 姫 (Hime/Princess), 戦鬼 (Senki/Battle Ogress), or 戦姫 (Senki/Battle Princess).
Torpedo Salvo Must not have taken more than light damage to participate.
Night Combat Attacks occur in lineup order from top to bottom, alternating between sides. Must not have taken more than moderate damage to participate.

Effects of Ship Damage

Amount of damage on a ship will affect its performance.

Minor damage (小破) or less No effect on performance
Moderate damage (中破) Attack power, accuracy, and evasion are slightly decreased
Heavy damage (大破) Attack power, accuracy, and evasion are significantly decreased

Aerial Combat

Aerial Combat Stages

Stage Notes
Fighter Combat Battle for air supremacy by fighter planes
Anti-bomber Combat Number of bombers shot down by fighters is affected by the result of the previous phase
Fleet Anti-air Defense Fleet defends against enemy bombers
Bombing See Damage Calculation for details

Fighter Combat

[math]\displaystyle{ \text {Fighter Power} = \sum^\text{All slots} \text{Floor(} \sqrt{\text{Number fighters in slot}} \times \text {Plane anti-air bonus} \text{)} }[/math]

Fighter planes, fighter-bombers, and Zuiun participate in Fighter Combat.

The allied fleet and enemy fleet's Fighter Powers are compared to determine the result of Fighter Combat:

Fighter Power (FP) Result Notes Text Display
FP ≥ 3*Enemy FP Air Supremacy Few allied planes shot down.
Always displayed when the enemy fleet has 0 fighters.
Seikuuken Kakuho!
3*Enemy FP > FP ≥ 1.5*Enemy FP Air Superiority Some planes lost. 航空優勢! Koukuu Yuusei!
1.5*Enemy FP > FP ≥ 2/3*Enemy FP Air Parity About equal losses on both sides. No text displayed
2/3*Enemy FP > FP ≥ 1/3*Enemy FP Air Incapability Many planes lost. 制空権喪失! Seikuuken Soushitsu!
FP ≤ 1/3*Enemy FP Air Denial 制空権喪失! Seikuuken Soushitsu!
  • This calculation does not take into account any anti-air weaponry equipped on ships. Carrier anti-air stat is also not considered.
  • Even if allied planes secure air supremacy, planes can still be lost due to the subsequent anti-air defense stages.

Enemy Ship Fighter Power

Enemy Ship Type Fighter Power Enemy Ship Type Fighter Power
Nu-class Light Carrier 8 Armored Carrier Demon 44
Elite Nu-class Light Carrier 24 Armored Carrier Princess 48
Wo-class Standard Carrier 10 Floating Fortress 27
Elite Wo-class Standard Carrier 27 Southern War Demon 41
Flagship Wo-class Standard Carrier 28 Southern War Princess 47

Fleet Anti-air Defense

Each enemy bomber slot is assigned at random to a defending ship.  Those ships then, for each assigned enemy slot, have an approximately 50% chance to shoot down enemy planes.  The number of planes shot down is given by the equations below:

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Planes Shot Down} = \text{Floor((Ship AA } + \text{Floor(Fleet Anti-air Bonus} \times \text{Formation Modifier))} \times 0.2125\text{)} }[/math] [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Fleet Anti-air Bonus} = \text{Floor(} \sum^\text{All slots}\text{Equipment AA Bonus} \times \text{Equipment Modifier)} }[/math]

Formation Modifiers

Formation Modifier
Line Ahead, Line Abreast, Echelon 1.0
Double Line 1.2
Diamond 1.6

Equipment Modifiers

Equipment Type                             Modifier
46cm Triple Gun Mount 0.25
High-angle Cannons 0.35
AA Radars 0.40
Type 3 Shell 0.60
All other equipment 0.20
  • Any equipment that gives an anti-air bonus will contribute to shooting down enemy planes.
  • The forward sliding and machine gun animations seem to have no correlation with the calculations.
  • These calculations only apply for the allied fleet's anti-air defense.

Damage Calculation

Main Formula

Damage =

Basic Attack Power
Pre-Cap Modifiers
Critical Modifier
Enemy Armor
Random Number
(between 2/3 ~ 4/3)
Remaining Ammo Modifier

  • If the result is less than 1 or very low, it becomes scratch damage, which does a maximum of about 10% of current target HP (needs verification).
  • If [Basic attack power x Pre-cap modifiers] exceeds a certain cap, it will be modifed -- see below
  • This formula is under constant review and updated accordingly if there any inconsistencies or mistakes happens.

Basic Attack Power

Type Basic Attack Power Notes
Aerial Combat Attack Type Modifier (see below) × [(Aircraft's divebomb or torp stat) × √(number of planes) + 25]
Shelling (except Carriers) Firepower + 5
Shelling (Carrier only) (Firepower + Torpedo) × 1.5 + Dive Bomber Stat × 2 + 55
Torpedo/Preemptive Torpedo Torpedo + 5
Anti-sub warfare (Original ASW [3] / 5, rounded down) + Equipment's ASW [4] × 2 + 25 This applies to DDs and CLs during the day; CVL anti-sub attacks and night anti-sub attacks are still under investigation.
Night Battle Firepower + Torpedo

Attack Type Modifier (Plane Scaling)

Type Attack Type Modifier Notes
Dive Bombers, Seaplane Bombers 1 This value is fixed, regardless the situation.
Torpedo Fighters 0.8 or 1.5 Calculation:
Plane Scaling * [(torp stat + divebomb stat) * √(Plane Capacity) + 25] [5]

Formation Modifier (Pre-Cap Modifier)

Formation Formation Icon Modifier Modifier when attacking subs
Line Ahead (単縦陣 Tanjuu-jin)
100% 45%
Double Line (複縦陣 Hukujuu-jin)
80% 60%
Diamond (輪形陣 Rinkei-jin)
70% 90%
Echelon (梯形陣 Teikei-jin)
60% 75%
Line Abreast (単横陣 Tan'ou-jin)
60% 100%

Night battle and air combat are not affected by formation choice.

Engagement Form Modifer (Pre-Cap Modifier)

Form Modifier
Parallel Engagement (同航戦 Doukousen) 100%
Head-on Engagement (反航戦 Hankousen) 80%
Crossing the T (Advantage) (T字戦有利 T ji sen Yuuri) 120%
Crossing the T (Disadvantage) (T字戦不利 T ji sen Huri) 60%
  • Night battle and air combat are not affected by engagement form.
  • The engagement form attack modifier affects both your fleet and the enemy fleet.
    • This also applied for the Crossing the T (both Advantage or Disadvantage) modifier. It may be a bug or a design flaw.
  • Crossing the T (Disadvantage) can be avoided by equipping a  彩雲 Saiun (Carrier-based recon plane).

Engagement Forms Parallel Engagement

The course of the player's fleet and the enemy fleet are the same.

Fleet A
Fleet B

Head-on Engagement

The course of the player's fleet and the enemy fleet are opposite each other.

Fleet A
Fleet B

Crossing the T

The course of the player's fleet and the enemy fleet are perpendicular to each other (that's 90 degrees, which results in a T figure).  A fleet is in disadvantage if it is coming from「|」direction, and is in advantage it is is coming from「―」direction.

(Historically, the point of this was for the「―」fleet to bring as many guns to bear on the enemy while limiting the firepower of the enemy that can only use guns mounted forward.)


Night Combat

  • Night battle damage depends on both the Firepower and Torpedo stats for attack power. Consequently, DDs, CLs, CLTs and CAs have drastically increased strength at night.
  • Any vessel at night must not have taken more than moderate (orange) damage before attacking in order to participate in night battle.
  • Main Gun =  Red guns or 10cm High-angle Gun
  • Secondary (Sub) Gun =  Yellow guns / 12.7cm High-angle Gun / 8cm High-angle Gun
  • Auxiliary equipment (e.g radar, turbine, special ammunition, pure AA equipment(green), and mini-sub) will not affect the combination.

Night Battle Attack Types

Type Main Secondary Torpedo Notes
Cut-In 2+ Torpedo Attack
3+ Shelling
2 1+
1-2 1 Combined Attack
Double Attack 2 0 0
1 1+ 0
0 2+ 0-1 Secondary Gun Double-Attack, Torpedo doesn't fire
Single Attack Results from failing to meet equipment requirements, or other attacks random chance at failing.  Fires with gun or torpedo in highest equipment slot.

Any enemy submarines will force Destroyers and Light Cruisers to target them.  Cut-In and Double Attacks are ignored.  In normal Night Battles, ASW damage is scratch damage only.  In battles starting at night, Formation Modifiers and Engagement Form Modifiers apply.

Cut-in Equipment Setups

NOTE: These are only a few examples.  See the above table.

NOTE: Midget subs don't count as torpedoes for this.

   3 main guns    2 main guns   1 main gun
   Just 2 torpedos
+ +
No   or   equipped   1 sub gun   1 torpedo One   also equippable
Double Attack Equipment Setups

NOTE: These are only a few examples.  See the above table.

  1 main gun    2 main guns    2 or more sub guns
 1 or more sub guns
No   equipped No   or   equipped One   also equippable
Full List
Equipment Type
  Single Attack
  Single Attack
  Single Attack
    Double Attack
    Double Attack
    Cut-in (Mixed)
    Double Attack
    Single Attack
    Cut-in (Torpedo)
      Cut-in (Gun)
      Cut-in (Gun)
      Double Attack
      Cut-in (Mixed)
      Cut-in (Torpedo)
      Cut-in (Mixed)
      Double Attack
      Double Attack
      Cut-in (Torpedo)
      Cut-in (Torpedo)
        Cut-in (Gun)
        Cut-in (Gun)
        Cut-in (Gun)
        Double Attack
        Cut-in (Gun)
        Cut-in (Torpedo)
        Cut-in (Torpedo)
        Cut-in (Gun)
        Cut-in (Mixed)
        Cut-in (Torpedo)
        Double Attack
        Double Attack
        Cut-in (Torpedo)
        Cut-in (Torpedo)
        Cut-in (Torpedo)

Night Battle Special Attack Modifier (Pre-Cap Modifier)

Cut-in Attack
Weapon Type Modifier
2 torpedoes 2 consecutive attacks at 150%
1 main gun, 1 torpedo 2 consecutive attacks at 130%
3 main guns 200%
2 main guns, 1 secondary gun 175%

(Japanese wikis confirm that Yukikaze has a greater chance of doing cut-ins than Shimakaze)

Cut-in chance can be approximated with: (Ship Luck + 20) [%]

Double Attack

Two consecutive attacks at 120%. Almost always procs, compared to cut-ins which proc only by chance and is affected by the luck stat. 

Ship's Health Modifier (Pre-Cap Modifier)

Damage Modifier
Minor damage (小破 Syouha) or less 100%
Moderate damage (中破 Chuuha) 70%
Heavy damage (大破 Taiha) 40%

This modifier does not affect Aerial Combat.

Attack Power Cap (Applies After All Pre-Cap Modifiers)

Conditions for the attack power cap to activate: [Basic attack power x Pre-cap modifiers] exceeds 150 for day battle, 300 for night battle, and 100 for anti-sub attacks.
This is the attack power cap, and it's represented below by [math]\displaystyle{ x }[/math]:

[math]\displaystyle{ \text {Attack Power After Caps} = x + \sqrt {\text {Pre Caps Attack Power} - x} }[/math]

What we can draw from this is that during the day, firepower or torpedo stats above 145 have a high probability breaking the cap immediately and thus becoming nerfed.  However, depending on the exact engagement form and fleet formation, this will not always occur.

Critical Modifier

Attack Type Modifier
Normal Attack 100%
Critical Hit 150%

It should be noted that the critical message always appears when damage dealt is greater than or equal to 40, regardless of whether the 150% modifier was applied or not.  On the other hand, the critical message will never appear when damage dealt is less than or equal to 14, even if the 150% modifier was applied.

Remaining Ammo Modifier

Remaining Ammunition Modifier
5 to 10   bars 100%
4   bars 80%
3   bars 60%
2   bars 40%
1   bar 20%
0   bars Scratch Damage
  • In general, two bars of   will be used in Day Battle for all ships, regardless of whether they attack or not.
  • The Remaining Ammo Modifier affects the opening Aerial Combat Phase.
  • When entering night battle, the Remaining Ammo Modifier on a vessel remains same as the previous day battle.  One bar of   is used for all ships in Night Battle, regardless of whether they attack or not.
  • Because most battles will consume 2 bars of ammunition each, try to engage the boss before the 5th battle, or else achieving victory becomes unlikely (but not impossible).
  • When attempting to defeat boss nodes, avoid night battles and whirlpools on the way.
    • While early maps' whirpools decrease your resources directly, later maps will decrease either   or   bars of your sorted fleet, which can be disadvantageous in long sorties.
  • There exist cases in which ships will consume no ammuntion in battle, but these are rare and their causes are not well documented.  Most battles will consume ammuntion even if none of your ships are able to attack at all.  Please report in the comments below with the exact fleet, equipment setups, map, node, and enemy pattern if you encounter battles where no ammunition is consumed.

Victory Conditions

Perfect S
  • No damage taken, all enemy ships sunk.
S (Victory)
  • All enemy ships sunk.
A (Victory)
  • No friendly ships sunk and required number of enemy ships sunk. (see below)
B (Tactical Victory)
  • Enemy flagship sunk.
    • If your flagship not sunk and enemy doesn't met the minimum sunk requirement (see below), you'll got B regardless how bad are you damaged if enemy's flagship sunk.
  • No damage taken, and enemy took over a certain amount of damage.
  • Damage gauge at least twice enemy damage gauge.
  • Friendly ship sunk, specified number of enemy ships sunk (see below), and damage gauge twice enemy gauge.
  • Friendly ship sunk, enemy flagship sunk, and damage gauge twice enemy gauge.
C (Tactical Defeat)
  • Didn't clear any of the conditions for A or B, but enemy took over a certain amount of damage.
  • Damage gauge higher than enemy gauge, but not reaching twice as much.
  • Friendly ship sunk, damage gauge higher than enemy, but not twice as much.
  • Friendly flagship got heavy damage while doesn't met the conditions for A or B.
    • Even if your damage gauge is bigger then enemy, if you unable to sink their flagship or met the minimum sunk requirement (see below) while your flagship is heavily damaged, you'll be counted as C.
D (Defeat)
  • Enemy took less than a certain amount of damage.
    • Both sides taking 0 damage is also D.
  • Damage gauge lower than enemy gauge.
  • Friendly ship sunk, not all enemy ships sunk, and gauge lower than enemy gauge.
E (Defeat)
  • Over a certain number of friendly ships sunk. (see below)
  • Friendly ship sunk while not meeting any victory conditions.
  • No damage done to enemy, while taking over a certain amount.


  • The Minimum Sunk Requirement is around 60% of the enemy fleet, thus:
    • 4 ships out of a fleet of 6
    • 3 ships out of a fleet of 5
    • 3 ships out of a fleet of 4
    • 2 ships out of a fleet of 3
    • 1 ship out of a fleet of 2
    • Heavy damage on the 1st ship for a fleet of 1
  • Victory status affects the chance of getting drops and rare drops on the specified node.
    • B victories tend to have no drops, while Perfect S has the highest chance for rare drops.

Additional Explanation/Details

  1. Shelling firing order is determined at the start of each shelling phase. The order alternates between allied and enemy ships, and ships unable to attack in shelling (damaged carriers, submarines, sunken ships, etc.) are skipped over to the next.
  2. See above.
  3. Refers to ASW stat without any equipment.
  4. Refers to the total of ASW stats that the equipment added to the ship's stats.
  5. In the wikiwiki, the portion here:
    ※ 以上の計算式は「制空権確保」時のものであるため、それ以外の状況では異なる可能性がある。

    航空戦でのダメージは各スロットの機体性能と搭載数から個々に計算されており、空母の火力値は攻撃力に影響しない。 搭載数はリアルタイムに反映されており、雷撃・爆撃の前に艦載機が撃ち落とされた場合は、そのぶん攻撃力が減少する。 航空戦ではキャップ前補正(陣形補正、交戦形態補正、損傷補正)を受けない。 防御側の対空はダメージに直接は影響しない。ただし敵艦載機を撃ち落とすことによって搭載数を減少させたり、回避率に影響している可能性はある。


    航空戦では互いの艦上戦闘機による制空権の判定が行われ、(被)撃墜数などに大きく影響する。 制空権の影響を大きく受けるのが艦攻で、艦爆は比較的受ける影響が少ないと言われている。

    Apparently this is calculation's accuracy can only be justified when you managed to get air superiority, aka "制空権確保".

    As we all know, damage during "Air Combat" phase is only affected by plane capacity and the type of planes you have. The "Firepower" stats doesn't affect anything during this phase.

    Seems like AA also does not affect the damage during Air Combat directly, just that it is possible that the more planes you shoot down, the higher chance you get to evade the bombings.

    Then there's the part whereby it informs us that it's effective against ships with high armor due to the possibility of having a 150% scaling during the bombing.

    And as we all know, the side without air superiority will be doing considerably less damage on bombing. (Wording doesn't include torpedo, so I'm not sure whether they're including both bombing and torpedo as one category)

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