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'''March 30th, 2021''' ''Mogami Kai Ni update''
'''March 30th, 2021''' ''Mogami Kai Ni / Yahagi Kai Ni update''
#'''Mogami Kai Ni'''
#'''Mogami Kai Ni'''
#*Mogami has been now given a new remodel allowing her to switch to Kai Ni/Kai Ni Toku.
#* Kai Ni allows Mogami to be an efficient Aviation Cruiser
#* Blue Print, Action report and Aviation Materials are required for her remodel.
#** Mogami's remodel is interchangeable and she can change to Mogami Kai Ni Toku.
#*Kai Ni Toku allows Mogami to take on an anti installation role and transport role by allowing Mogami to use Daihatsu.
#*She can also use Midget subs and launch openinig torpedo stirkes.
#**Both form have benefit when armed with Zuiuns and Kyoufuu Kai.
#**Both forms also get boosted benefits from Type 21 Air Radars and 8cm High Angle Guns
#'''Yahagi Kai Ni'''
#'''Yahagi Kai Ni'''
#* Yahagi has been now given a new remodel allowing her to switch to Kai Ni/Kai Ni B.
#* Blue Print and Action report are required for her remodel.
#* Her remodel is interchangeable between Kai Ni and Kai Ni B
#* Kai Ni allows Yahagi to take on an carry Daihatsu and tanks and most other gear like normal, 4th slot has limitations.
#* Kai Ni B allows for Yahagi to use enhance her AA, allows her to equip Midget subs and launch opening torpedo strikes.
#'''New Quests'''
#'''New Quests'''
#'''New Equipment'''
#'''New Equipment'''
advmod, cssedit, Moderators, oversight, prechecked, Account Reviewers
