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|scenario = 02:00
|scenario = 02:00
|origin = マルフタマルマルです。今夜は月が…月が綺麗ですね、司令。ん、司令?
|origin = マルフタマルマルです。今夜は月が…月が綺麗ですね、司令。ん、司令?
|translation = 0200. The moon tonight is... The moon is beautiful right, Commander. Commander.  
|translation = 0200. The moon tonight is... The moon is beautiful right, Commander. Commander. Hey, Commander?<ref>A reference to an anecdotal incident where Meiji era writer Natsume Sōseki, during his time as an English teacher, suggested to his students that the English phrase "I love you" be translated as "The moon is beautiful" (月が綺麗ですね).</ref>
Hey, Commander?<ref>A reference to an anecdotal incident where Meiji era writer Natsume Sōseki,  
during his time as an English teacher, suggested to his students that the English phrase "I love  
you" be translated as "The moon is beautiful" (月が綺麗ですね).</ref>
|audio = Akizuki-02.ogg
|audio = Akizuki-02.ogg
Line 256: Line 250:  
|scenario = 07:00
|scenario = 07:00
|origin = マルナナマルマルです。司令、朝食の用意、こちらです。簡単で…すいません
|origin = マルナナマルマルです。司令、朝食の用意、こちらです。簡単で…すいません
|translation = It's 0700. Here is the breakfast I've prepared, Commander. I'm sorry that it's...  
|translation = It's 0700. Here is the breakfast I've prepared, Commander. I'm sorry that it's... simple.
|audio = Akizuki-07.ogg
|audio = Akizuki-07.ogg
Line 264: Line 256:  
|scenario = 08:00
|scenario = 08:00
|origin = マルハチマルマル。第六一駆逐隊、出撃準備、完了です。いつでも抜錨、出来ます!
|origin = マルハチマルマル。第六一駆逐隊、出撃準備、完了です。いつでも抜錨、出来ます!
|translation = 0800. The 61st Destroyer Division has finished sortie preparations. We can set  
|translation = 0800. The 61st Destroyer Division has finished sortie preparations. We can set sail at any time!
sail at any time!
|audio = Akizuki-08.ogg
|audio = Akizuki-08.ogg
Line 272: Line 262:  
|scenario = 09:00
|scenario = 09:00
|origin = マルキュウマルマルです。護衛する主力艦は戦艦?空母ですか?お任せください♪
|origin = マルキュウマルマルです。護衛する主力艦は戦艦?空母ですか?お任せください♪
|translation = It's 0900. Is the capital ship to be escorted a battleship? A carrier? Leave it  
|translation = It's 0900. Is the capital ship to be escorted a battleship? A carrier? Leave it to me♪
to me♪
|audio = Akizuki-09.ogg
|audio = Akizuki-09.ogg
Line 280: Line 268:  
|scenario = 10:00
|scenario = 10:00
|origin = ヒトマルマルマルをご報告します。司令、演習もしっかりこなしていきたいですね。
|origin = ヒトマルマルマルをご報告します。司令、演習もしっかりこなしていきたいですね。
|translation = Just informing you that it's 1000. Exercises should be done properly too,  
|translation = Just informing you that it's 1000. Exercises should be done properly too, Commander.
|audio = Akizuki-10.ogg
|audio = Akizuki-10.ogg
Line 294: Line 280:  
|scenario = 12:00
|scenario = 12:00
|origin = ヒトフタマルマルです。司令、握り飯と沢庵のお昼です。あ…簡単で、すいません…
|origin = ヒトフタマルマルです。司令、握り飯と沢庵のお昼です。あ…簡単で、すいません…
|translation = It's 1200. Lunch is rice balls and pickled radish, Commander. Ah...sorry that  
|translation = It's 1200. Lunch is rice balls and pickled radish, Commander. Ah...sorry that it's simple...
it's simple...
|audio = Akizuki-12.ogg
|audio = Akizuki-12.ogg
Line 302: Line 286:  
|scenario = 13:00
|scenario = 13:00
|origin = ヒトサンマルマルとなりました。司令、すいません。夕食は豪華に頑張りますから!
|origin = ヒトサンマルマルとなりました。司令、すいません。夕食は豪華に頑張りますから!
|translation = It is now 1300. I apologize, Commander. I'll try my best to prepare a wonderful  
|translation = It is now 1300. I apologize, Commander. I'll try my best to prepare a wonderful dinner!
|audio = Akizuki-13.ogg
|audio = Akizuki-13.ogg
Line 310: Line 292:  
|scenario = 14:00
|scenario = 14:00
|origin = ヒトヨンマルマルです。初月、元気かなぁ…あ、司令。午後も頑張りましょう!
|origin = ヒトヨンマルマルです。初月、元気かなぁ…あ、司令。午後も頑張りましょう!
|translation = It's 1400. I wonder if Hatsuzuki is doing well... Ah, Commander. Let's work hard  
|translation = It's 1400. I wonder if Hatsuzuki is doing well... Ah, Commander. Let's work hard this afternoon too!
this afternoon too!
|audio = Akizuki-14.ogg
|audio = Akizuki-14.ogg
Line 318: Line 298:  
|scenario = 15:00
|scenario = 15:00
|origin = ヒトゴマルマルです。あ、はい。明石さんにもとってもお世話になりました。
|origin = ヒトゴマルマルです。あ、はい。明石さんにもとってもお世話になりました。
|translation = It's 1500. Ah, yes. I'm deeply indebted to Akashi-san.<ref>Akashi repaired  
|translation = It's 1500. Ah, yes. I'm deeply indebted to Akashi-san.<ref>Akashi repaired Akizuki at Truk after she was damaged by torpedoes from a US submarine on 1943/01/19.</ref>
Akizuki at Truk after she was damaged by torpedoes from a US submarine on 1943/01/19.</ref>
|audio = Akizuki-15.ogg
|audio = Akizuki-15.ogg
Line 326: Line 304:  
|scenario = 16:00
|scenario = 16:00
|origin = ヒトロクマルマルです。はい、後部にも高射装置を付けましたから、もう万全です!
|origin = ヒトロクマルマルです。はい、後部にも高射装置を付けましたから、もう万全です!
|translation = It's 1600. Yes, It's perfect now that I've equipped an anti-air fire detector to  
|translation = It's 1600. Yes, it's perfect now that I've equipped an anti-air fire detector to the stern!<ref>The Akizuki-class were originally supposed to have two anti-air fire detectors but only the one in the front was fitted.</ref>
the stern!<ref>The Akizuki-class were originally supposed to have two anti-air fire decectors
but only the one in the front was fitted.</ref>
|audio = Akizuki-16.ogg
|audio = Akizuki-16.ogg
Line 336: Line 310:  
|scenario = 17:00
|scenario = 17:00
|origin = ヒトナナマルマルをご報告します。日も落ちますから、対空警戒もここまでですね。
|origin = ヒトナナマルマルをご報告します。日も落ちますから、対空警戒もここまでですね。
|translation = Just informing you that it's 1700. The sun is setting so the anti-aircraft watch  
|translation = Just informing you that it's 1700. The sun is setting so the anti-aircraft watch is over.<ref>Planes usually couldn't operate at night until advances in USN radar made it possible.</ref>
is over.<ref>Planes usually couldn't operate at night until advances in USN radar made it  
|audio = Akizuki-17.ogg
|audio = Akizuki-17.ogg
Line 352: Line 322:  
|scenario = 19:00
|scenario = 19:00
|origin = ヒトキュウマルマルです! 熱々の麦飯、沢庵、そして牛缶に、お味噌汁も♪ どう?
|origin = ヒトキュウマルマルです! 熱々の麦飯、沢庵、そして牛缶に、お味噌汁も♪ どう?
|translation = It's 1900! Piping hot barley rice, pickled radish, and canned beef; and miso soup  
|translation = It's 1900! Piping hot barley rice, pickled radish, and canned beef; and miso soup too♪ How is it?
too♪ How is it?
|audio = Akizuki-19.ogg
|audio = Akizuki-19.ogg
Line 378: Line 346:  
|scenario = 23:00
|scenario = 23:00
|origin = フタサンマルマル。少し、緊張しました。はぁ…司令、本日も大変お疲れ様でした。
|origin = フタサンマルマル。少し、緊張しました。はぁ…司令、本日も大変お疲れ様でした。
|translation = 2300. I was a bit nervous. *sigh*... Thank you for all your hard work today,  
|translation = 2300. I was a bit nervous. *sigh*... Thank you for all your hard work today, Commander.
|audio = Akizuki-23.ogg
|audio = Akizuki-23.ogg
cssedit, Moderators, prechecked, Account Reviewers
