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'''October 30th, 2015'''
{{UpdateBar|PrevDate = October 9th|PrevYear = 2015|NextDate = November 18th|NextYear = 2015}}
# [[Seasonal/Saury_2015|The saury event]] will come to an end and all raw saury will be destroyed.
===Zuikaku Kai Ni/A And UI Update===
# All [[Seasonal/Early Autumn 2015 Seasonal Update|Autumn]]-[[Seasonal/Mid Autumn 2015 Seasonal Update|themed CGs]] will be removed.
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# Additional renovations to the user interface are planned.
Zuikaku_Kai_Ni.png|Zuikaku Kai Ni
#*Among the planned UI features, one feature will include the ability to record fleet organizing to allow for easier selection of fleets.
Zuikaku_Kai_Ni_dmg.png|Zuikaku Kai Ni Damaged
# [[Zuikaku]] will be receiving her second remodel.
Zuikaku_Kai_Ni_A.png|Zuikaku Kai Ni A
#* Her second remodel will be interchangeable in the same way as [[Shoukaku]].
Zuikaku_Kai_Ni_A_dmg.png|Zuikaku Kai Ni A Damaged
#* She will require a prototype flight deck catapult along with a blueprint to be remodeled.
# There will be a series of quests to obtain the prototype flight deck catapult and the final carrier fighter squadron themed plane (It will be from an existing plane type.)
# Maintenance period is expected to last between 1100 - 1700 JST.
[[Category:Game Updates]]
Halloween CG can be found [[Seasonal/Halloween 2015|here]].
# '''[[Zuikaku|Zuikaku Kai Ni/A]]'''
#*Second remodel at level 77.
#*Requires a blueprint and a catapult.
#*Some new voice lines for Kai ni.
#'''Both remodels are mutually convertible'''
#'''Ship slots have been increased'''
#*Maximum is now 270.
#*Maximum equipment slots have increased by 40.
#'''Organisation UI Update'''
#*You can now save fleet compositions.
#*You can find the new screen to save your compositions in the bottom left of the ''Organisation'' screen.
#'''To save a fleet, select the topmost tab in the bottom left and click the ''record'' (記録) button.'''
#*You can currently save only 3 fleets.
#*You can unlock up to 2 more save slots by using a ''dock key'', resulting in a maximum of 5 slots.
#'''To use a fleet you have saved, click on the uppermost tab in the bottom left and click the ''deploy'' (展開) button.'''
#*The equipment the girls have is whatever they are currently equipped with; equipment load-outs are not saved.
#*You can delete saved configurations
#'''Equipment UI update'''
#*It is now possible to drag and drop to swap equipment on ship girls.
#'''New fighter planes'''
#*[[Zero Fighter Model 21 (w/ Iwamoto Flight)]]
#*[[Type 0 Fighter Model 52 (Skilled)]]
#*[[Zero Fighter Model 52C (w/ Iwai Flight)]]
#*[[Zero Fighter Model 52A (w/ Iwamoto Flight)]]
#'''15 new missions added'''
#* Prototype Flight Deck Catapult quest chain
#** {{Q|A59}} Organise the 3rd Carrier Division!
#** {{Q|B53}} Sortie the 3rd Carrier Division to Protect the Nansei Islands!
#** {{Q|A60}} Organise the 4th Carrier Division!
#** {{Q|A61}} Organise the 'Ozawa Fleet'!
#** {{Q|B54}} Sortie the Ozawa Fleet!
#** {{Q|F23}} New aviation equipment prototype test
#* New Monthly quests
#** {{Q|Fm1}} Organization of the new elite fighter force
#** {{Q|Fm2}} Model conversion
#* Iwai Flight quest chain
#** {{Q|F24}} Model conversion
#** {{Q|F26}} Reorganization of the fighter force
#** {{Q|F27}} Model conversion & force reorganization
#* Iwamoto Flight quest chain
#** {{Q|F28}} Reorganization of the fighter force
#** {{Q|F29}} Model conversion
#** {{Q|A62}} Organise the New Carrier Division!
#** {{Q|F30}} Model conversion & force reorganization
#'''End of [[Seasonal/Saury 2015|saury event]]'''
#*Leftover sauries will be deleted.
#*[[Isokaze]]'s autumn CG will be saved in the shipdex.
#*[[Isokaze]] is no longer a drop.
#'''End of Autumn festival'''
#*All Yukata and Oktoberfest CG will be removed and saved in the kancodex.
#*Autumn voice lines will be removed.
#*Autumn Saury CG will remain.
#'''Halloween begins'''
#*[[Libeccio]] and [[Roma]] will receive Halloween CG.
#'''Limited time drop for [[Libeccio]]'''
#*World 4-5 will have a chance to drop [[Libeccio]].
#*''Skilled pilot'' item has been added.
#*[[Shiden Kai 2]] gets a +3 EVA buff.
#*Admirals who don't have [[Libeccio]] will have a 3x drop rate.
