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'''March 17th, 2017''' ''Suzuya Kai Ni Remodel Update''
{{UpdateBar|PrevDate = March 4th | PrevYear = 2017 | NextDate = April 5th | NextYear = 2017}}
#White Day Voice lines + furniture and Hinamatsuri CG will be removed
===Spring Seaplane Fighter Update===
#Additional Spring Furniture will be added.
#[[Suzuya]] will recive a second Remodel.
# Maximum Ship Preset Slots will be expanded to 10.
#'''Preset Slot Expansion'''
#*The Fleet Preset system from which you can easily save and deploy your fleet compositions has had its maximum slots increased to 10.
#'''Preset Slot Expansion UI Change'''
#*The Save and Delete button have been placed further apart. Also, the Delete button has been removed from the options when choosing to deploy (展開) a fleet.
#'''Mizuho Available Via LSC'''
#*Seaplane Tender Mizuho is now available via LSC. She can be obtained using recipes for CVs.
# '''New Quests'''
#* {{Q|B93}} Defeat the Enemy Fleet at the Nansei Islands!
#* {{Q|B94}} Expand the Offshore Aviation Forces!
#* {{Q|F51}} Organize the New Elite Seaplane Group
#* {{Q|F52}} Expand the New Elite Seaplane Group
#'''The [[Type 96 Land Attacker]] is now craftable via Development.'''
#* Requires a CV flagship and certain recipe(s). (Details TBC)
#'''The craft rate for the [[12.7cm Twin High-angle Mount]] has been increased'''
#'''[[Akashi's Improvement Arsenal]] Updates'''
#*Some changes have been made to the days ("shifts") when [[Maya Kai Ni]], [[Zara Due]] and [[Mizuho]] can improve equipment.
#*[[12.7cm Twin High-angle Mount]]s can now be improved and upgraded into the [[8cm Twin High-angle Mount]].
#*The [[8cm Twin High-angle Mount]] can also be improved. Its Anti-Air efficiency is only slightly increased from improvement, but it is better than the [[12.7cm Twin High-angle Mount]].
#*The [[Type 2 Seaplane Fighter Kai]] is improvable as well. Moreover, it is possible to obtain a [[Type 2 Seaplane Fighter Kai (Skilled)]] via completing the new Quests. Regular [[Type 2 Seaplane Fighter Kai]] will be upgradeable to superior equipment in the future.
#*[[Type 2 Seaplane Fighter Kai (Skilled)]] is also improvable. The [[Type 2 Seaplane Fighter Kai (Skilled)]] can be obtained from a Quest which requires a Skilled Pilot.
#*The [[Ro.44 Seaplane Fighter]] can be improved, and upgraded into the [[Ro.44 Seaplane Fighter Bis]].
#*The [[Ro.44 Seaplane Fighter Bis]] can be improved too. This equipment is obtainable by upgrading a regular [[Ro.44 Seaplane Fighter]].
#'''Italian Seaplane Sprite'''
#*Italian Seaplanes will have their own unique sprites during the Aerial Battle phase.
#'''Seaplane Fighter Icon'''
#*Seaplane Fighters now have their own unique icon that is different from the standard icon for recon seaplanes and seaplane bombers.
#'''Light Cruiser Stat Boosts'''
#* The following Light Cruisers have received boosts to their stats:
#**[[Agano Kai]] and [[Sakawa|Sakawa Kai]]: +1 Firepower
#**[[Noshiro Kai]] and [[Yahagi|Yahagi Kai]]: +2 Firepower
#**[[Ooyodo Kai]]: +7 Firepower
#**[[Sendai Kai Ni]]: + 1 Torpedo
#**[[Jintsuu Kai Ni]]: + 1 Firepower
#**[[Naka Kai Ni]]: + 1 Anti-Air
#'''White Day / Hinamatsuri Content Ends'''
#*Content related to White Day & Hinamatsuri has been removed. Hinamatsuri seasonal CGs will all be available in the Library.
#*The Cookie for Kanmusu item is no longer on sale.
#'''Furniture Store Update'''
#*The Furniture Store now includes the following seasonal Furniture:
#**Cherry Blossom Floor
#**Spring Floor
#**Spring Specification Wallpaper
#**Battleship Movie Poster
#**Admiral's Mahjong Table (which is in Spring Mode)
#'''Seasonal Update For Furniture'''
#*Admirals's Mahjong Desk, Hot Cypress Bat, Spring Rock Bath have been changed to display Spring content.
#*In addition, the Naval Base Bar Counter has returned to normal mode (with some slight changes as part of the latest collaboration)
#'''Updated Graphics / CGs'''
#*The [[Type 96 Fighter]] has received a new CG.
#*A [[Type 21 Zero Fighter]] is now displayed in the Sortie option and icon, instead of a [[Type 96 Fighter]]. This also applies to Sortie-related quests.
#'''Expedition Confirmation Screen UI'''
#*The level of each ship in an expedition fleet is now displayed prior to deployment.
#*Icons for [[Drum Canister]]s are now displayed next to each ship, based on the number of drums equipped (up until a certain value).
#**A maximum of 3 drums can be displayed using the new GUI. Even if more than 3 drums are equipped on a ship, only 3 drums will be visible.
#*Icons are also displayed for certain equipment and special firearms, such as Daihatsu and Ka-Mi Tanks (up until a certain value). The same icon is used across all variables of the Landin Craft (including the Ka-Mi Tank).
#**A maximum of 2 Daihatsu can be displayed using the new GUI. Even if more than 2 Daihatsu are equipped on a ship, only 2 Daihatsu will be visible.
#*Some other graphical changes/updates have been applied to the expedition menu as well.
#**E.g. The sortie button has been changed for expedition deployments.
#'''Changes to Sortie Option UI'''
#*The level of each ship in a fleet is now displayed prior to sortieing.
#*Additional information (e.g. when a fleet cannot be sortied or sent for an expedition) will now be displayed in a bubble instead.
#*Sortieing with LBAS (where applicable) will now have an additional confirmation option, and the LBAS will also be displayed on the same screen prior to sortie.
#'''Daytime Battle Firepower Cap Increased'''
#*The maximum daytime battle firepower cap has been increased to about 20% more than the previous firepower cap.
#'''Haruna Shopping Mode CG'''
#*[[Haruna]] has a limited-time shopping mode CG related to the Mitsukoshi Collaboration. To all the admirals out there, we hope you enjoy shopping!
