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'''June 13th, 2018''' ''Ise Kai Ni / Rainy Season 2018 Update''
{{UpdateBar|PrevDate = May 15th | PrevYear = 2018 | NextDate = June 29th | NextYear = 2018}}
#[[Ise]] has received her second remodel.
#*Ise's second remodel is a 改装航空戦艦(戦闘航空母艦) [Modified Aviation Battleship (Battle Carrier)] class ship. (Translation pending.)
===Ise Kai Ni / Rainy Season 2018 Update===
#*This is a large-scale hypothetical ("if") remodel.
#[[Ise Kai Ni]] has been introduced.
#*Ise's second remodel is an "Improved Aviation Battleship (Battle Carrier)" (BBCV) (改装航空戦艦 (戦闘航空母艦)).
#*This is a large-scale hypothetical ("what if") remodel.
#*The second remodel requires '''2 Blueprints''', a Prototype Catapult, an Action Report, and various other materials.
#*The second remodel requires '''2 Blueprints''', a Prototype Catapult, an Action Report, and various other materials.
#**Medals, Action Report(s), and Prototype Catapult(s) will be obtainable via quests.
#**Medals, Action Report(s), and Prototype Catapult(s) will be obtainable via quests.
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#*Spring CGs and other CGs have been added to the Encyclopaedia.
#*Spring CGs and other CGs have been added to the Encyclopaedia.
#BGMs for some mapshave been updated. The Jukebox has also been updated to include the following:
#BGMs for some mapshave been updated. The Jukebox has also been updated to include the following:
#*Naval Base in the Rain (雨音の鎮守府)
#*Rain, Sake and Shipgirls (雨とお酒と艦娘)
#Updates to furniture:
#Updates to furniture:
#*French hydrangea window
#*French hydrangea floor
#*French hydrangea stained glass
#*艦娘の傘立て(※特別家具) new!
#*Shipgirls' umbrella stand (new!)
#**Has three different appearances, depending on secretary ship.
#**Has three different appearances, depending on the secretary.
#**With a Rainy Season secretary ship (presumably one with a Rainy Season CG), the furniture also has its own unique gimmick.
#**With a Rainy Season secretary (presumably one with a Rainy Season CG), the furniture also has its own unique gimmick.
#*French hydrangea flowerpot for Admiral's desk
#*Admiral's floor cushion
#*"Wisteria on water" floor
#*Wisteria wallpaper
#*Raincoat & umbrella stand
#*Green Japanese wallpaper
#*Fresh verdure flooring
#*Teruteru bozu window
#*鉄製の床材 new!
#*Iron flooring (new!)
#*Minazuki wallpaper
#*Minazuki window
#*French hydrangea wallpaper
#*Rainy season wallpaper
#*Rainy season, green curtains window
#*Ise's hanging scroll
#*瑞雲旗 new!
#*Zuiun flag (new!)
#*Furniture Fairy/Fairies will be obtainable from new quests.
#*Furniture Fairy/Fairies will be obtainable from new quests.
#*Bath furniture has also been updated.
#*Bath furniture has also been updated.
#A furniture scroll related to the 5 Etorofu-class sisters is obtainable via a new quest series (海防艦任務群):
#A furniture scroll related to the 5 Etorofu-class sisters is obtainable via a new quest series (Coastal Defence Ship Mission Series):
#*「択捉型海防艦」掛け軸 new!
#*Etorofu-class Kaiboukans' hanging scroll (new!)
#*This quest is available even if you do not currently have any DEs.
#*This quest is available even if you do not currently have any DEs.
#*You can also obtain the first or second Etorofu-class DE from this quest ([[Etorofu]] or [[Matsuwa]]).
#*You can also obtain the first or second Etorofu-class DE from this quest ([[Etorofu]] or [[Matsuwa]]).
#New Quests (Total of 11):
#New Quests:
#* {{Q|A88}} Elite Type-A Destroyers, Assemble!
#* {{Q|B117}} Elite Type-A Destroyers, Charging Through Enemy Territory!
#* {{Q|B118}} Battle Carrier, Sortie!
#**And more; '''3''' quests total
#* {{Q|B119}} Ise Kai Ni, Intercept the Enemy Task Force!
#* {{Q|C21}} Elite Type-A Destroyers, Commence Special Training!
#* {{Q|C22}} Lead ship of the battle carriers, commence exercises!
#* {{Q|D28}} Coastal Defense Ships, Head Out!
#* {{Q|F73}} Escort ship service plan
#* {{Q|F74}} Research of New and Improved Main Battery for Aviation Battleships
#**And more; '''5''' quests total
#* {{Q|F75}} Organize the Elite "Battle Carrier" Suisei Air Group
#**And more; '''3''' quests total
#*As usual, other prerequisite quests may need to be completed first.
#*As usual, other prerequisite quests may need to be completed first.
#*These are not limited-time quests, there is no need to rush to complete them.
#*These are not limited-time quests, there is no need to rush to complete them.
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#*[[12.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount (Late Model)]]
#*[[12.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount (Late Model)]]
#**Has improved performance on certain ships after a certain number of improvements.
#**Has improved performance on certain ships after a certain number of improvements.
#*The equipment that can be improved with [[Naganami|Naganami K2]] and [[Ise|Ise K2]] as supporting ships (in the second slot of your fleet) has also been updated.
#*The equipment that can be improved with [[Nagato Kai Ni]] and [[Ise Kai Ni]] as supporting ships (in the second slot of your fleet) has also been updated.
#*[[Nagato|Nagato K2]] can now upgrade the [[41cm Triple Gun Mount Kai]].
#*[[Nagato Kai Ni]] can now upgrade the [[41cm Triple Gun Mount Kai]].
#**A '''large number''' of New Artillery Armament Materials are required.
#**A '''large number''' of New Artillery Armament Materials are required.
#New Equipment:
#New Equipment:
#*Dive Bomber Squadron [[Suisei Model 22 (634 Air Group)]]
#*Dive Bomber Squadron [[Suisei Model 22 (634 Air Group/Skilled)]]
#*The basic version can be obtained via Ise's second remodel.
#*The basic version can be obtained via Ise's second remodel.
#*The skilled version can be obtained via quests.
#*The skilled version can be obtained via quests.
#Stat updates:
#Stat updates:
#*[[Fusou|Fusou K2]] and [[Yamashiro|Yamashiro K2]] now have a starting and maximum ASW stat.
#*[[Fusou Kai Ni]] and [[Yamashiro Kai Ni]] now have a starting and maximum ASW stat.
#The [[Spring 2018 Food Collection Mini-Event]] has ended.
#The [[Spring 2018 Food Collection Mini-Event]] has ended.
#*Houshou's Meal Ticket will still be usable from the items menu until the next maintenance.
#*Houshou's Meal Ticket will still be usable from the items menu until the next maintenance.
