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==Gameplay Notes==
==Gameplay Notes==
{{:Category:Coastal Defense Ships}}
===Special Mechanics===
===Special Mechanics===
* Able to perform OASW at 60ASW.
* None
* Provides luck, ASW or HP when used for modernization. Please see [[Modernization]] for more details.
===Equipability Exceptions===
* Low firepower, HP and armour.
* Good ASW.
* Default [[DE]] equipment compatibility
===Fit Bonuses===
===Fit Bonuses===
'''Visible Fit Bonuses'''
{{/Equipment Bonuses}}
|EquipmentName= 12.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount (Late Model)
|Firepower= +1
|Anti-Air= +1
|EquipmentNote= ↪With LoS Radar<ref>LoS Radar is any Radar with an LoS stat equal or greater than 5.</ref>
|Firepower= +1
|Evasion= +4
|EquipmentName= 5inch Naval Gun Mk.30 Kai + GFCS Mk.37
|Anti-Air= +1
|Evasion= +1
===Important Information===
Priority: '''Medium'''
* Helper for the following equipment:
** Improvement: [[Type 3 Depth Charge Projector]], [[Type 2 Depth Charge]], [[12.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount (Late Model)]], [[Type 3 Depth Charge Projector (Concentrated Deployment)]]
:Destroyer escorts, also known as ''kaiboukan'', are cheap, mass-produced vessels focused on ASW, and that's what they should be used for.
** Improvement & upgrade: [[12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E]]
:With proper gear, they can perform OASW attacks from level 1 and consume very little fuel and ammo, giving an excellent bang for your bucks when it comes to dealing with subs.
:However, they are a poor fit for surface combat, so make sure not to expose them to enemy surface ships too much.
:The differences in combat stats that actually matter between DEs are minimal, so feel free to use the ones you prefer.
:They're also very cheap and easy to sparkle, and can therefore be used in expeditions that do not require a [[Drum Canister]] (as they cannot equip those).
:Furthermore, they can be used for an unique kind of [[Modernization]] that can increase HP, ASW and Luck. Refer to the corresponding page for details on that.
====Recommended Roles====
* Modernization
* Expeditions
====Not Recommended Roles====
==Drop Locations==
* Surface combat
==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
Line 63: Line 31:  
| scenario    =Introduction
| scenario    =Introduction
| origin      =日振型海防艦、一番艦、日振。提督、日振型、着任しましだ。頑張ります!
| origin      =日振型海防艦、一番艦、日振。提督、日振型、着任しましだ。頑張ります!
| translation =1st ship of the Hiburi-class coastal defence ships. Hiburi. The Hiburi-class is reporting for duty, Admiral. We'll do our best!
| translation =1st ship of the Hiburi-class coastal defense ships. Hiburi. The Hiburi-class is reporting for duty, Admiral. We'll do our best!
| audio      = Hiburi-Intro.mp3
| audio      = Hiburi-Intro.mp3
Line 70: Line 38:  
| kai        =yes
| kai        =yes
| origin      =日振型海防艦、一番艦、日振。提督、日振型、今日も目一杯、がんばります!
| origin      =日振型海防艦、一番艦、日振。提督、日振型、今日も目一杯、がんばります!
| translation =1st ship of the Hiburi-class coastal defence ships. Hiburi. The Hiburi-class will do our very best today, Admiral.
| translation =1st ship of the Hiburi-class coastal defense ships. Hiburi. The Hiburi-class will do our very best today, Admiral.
| audio      = HiburiKai-Intro.mp3
| audio      = HiburiKai-Intro.mp3
Line 76: Line 44:  
| scenario    =Library
| scenario    =Library
| origin      =日振型海防艦、一番艦、日振です!はい、もう色々と大変な時期で…成るべく、量産性を高めて、直線が多い設計で建造されました!でも、装備は決して劣りません!対潜、護衛、掃海と、日振型頑張りました!よろしくお願いします!
| origin      =日振型海防艦、一番艦、日振です!はい、もう色々と大変な時期で…成るべく、量産性を高めて、直線が多い設計で建造されました!でも、装備は決して劣りません!対潜、護衛、掃海と、日振型頑張りました!よろしくお願いします!
| translation =I'm the 1st ship of the Hiburi-class coastal defense ships, Hiburi! Yes, because we were in very troubled times... the ability to be mass produced was prioritised, and I was built from blueprints with a lot of straight lines.<ref>The [ ''Hiburi''-class] were a subclass or variant of the [ ''Mikura''-class] that borrowed significant design elements from the simplified [ ''Ukuru''-class]. While the armament resembled ''Mikura'', ships of the class were mostly assembled from prefabricated parts like ''Ukuru'', leading to some ambiguity as to their classification.</ref> But, I'm definitely not lacking in armament! Be it ASW, escorting, or minesweeping; the Hiburi-class will do their best! Please look after me!
| translation =I'm the 1st ship of the Hiburi-class coastal defense ships, Hiburi! Yes, because we were in very troubled times... the ability to be mass-produced was prioritized, and I was built from blueprints with a lot of straight lines.<ref>The [ ''Hiburi''-class] were a subclass or variant of the [ ''Mikura''-class] that borrowed significant design elements from the simplified [ ''Ukuru''-class]. While the armament resembled ''Mikura'', ships of the class were mostly assembled from prefabricated parts like ''Ukuru'', leading to some ambiguity as to their classification.</ref> But, I'm definitely not lacking in armament! Be it ASW, escorting, or minesweeping; the Hiburi-class will do their best! Please look after me!
| audio      = Hiburi-Library.mp3
| audio      = Hiburi-Library.mp3
Line 205: Line 173:  
| scenario    =Starting a Battle
| scenario    =Starting a Battle
| origin      =皆さん、気を付けて。敵、発見です。護衛艦隊増速、合戦用意!
| origin      =皆さん、気を付けて。敵、発見です。護衛艦隊増速、合戦用意!
| translation =Be careful, everyone. The enemy has been detected. Escort fleet, increase speed and prepare for contact!
| translation =Be careful, everyone. The enemy has been detected. Escort fleet, increase speed, and prepare for contact!
| audio      = Hiburi-BattleStart.mp3
| audio      = Hiburi-BattleStart.mp3
Line 264: Line 232:  
   Line 352: Line 319:  
|audio = Hiburi_6th_Anniversary_Sec2.mp3
|audio = Hiburi_6th_Anniversary_Sec2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Seventh_Anniversary|7th Anniversary]]
|origin = おめでとうございます。艦隊は七周年だそうです。日振、日振型各艦とともに、お祝い、申し上げます。
|translation = Congratulations. It's the fleet's 7th Anniversary. Please accept these good wishes from me and the rest of the Hiburi-class ships.
|audio = Hiburi_7th_Anniversary_Secretary_2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Eighth_Anniversary|8th Anniversary]]
|origin = おめでとうございます。ついに八周年だそうです。日振、目一杯のお祝い申し上げます、提督!
|translation = Congratulations. I heard that it's the 8th Anniversary. I offer you my most heartfelt congratulations, Admiral!
|audio = Hiburi_8th Anniversary_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
===Misc Lines===
|scenario = [[Spring 2022 Event]]
|origin = こっちよっ!本隊はやらせません。
|translation = Over here! I won't let the main force get hurt.
|audio = Ship_Voice_Hiburi_Kai_Spring_2022_Event_Friend_Fleet_1.mp3
|notes =
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="width: 100%;"
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Ship Full Hiburi.png|Base
KanMusu351CGDmg.png|Base Damaged
Ship Full Hiburi Damaged.png|Base Damaged
*She is named after [ Hiburi Island].
;General Information
* She is named after [ Hiburi Island].
* She was launched on the 10th of April 1944.
* Sunk by USS Harder west of Manila, on the 22nd of August 1944.
;Update History
* She was added on the 17th of February 2018 as [[Winter 2018 Event]] E2 reward.
==See Also==
==See Also==
* [[Destroyer Escorts|List of Destroyer Escorts]]
* [[wikipedia:Hiburi-class escort ship|Wikipedia entry on Hiburi-class]]
* [[wikipedia:Hiburi-class escort ship|Wikipedia entry on Hiburi]]
