User talk:Hibari/Akashi Improvement Guide for Newfaces

There are a couple of people looking at this right now, but just wanted to check, are you active solely on your account here, or are there any alternative means of communication? We generally use Discord, which is not mandatory of course, but there are a lot of pending changes (not necessarily specific to the Akashi page) that are in the works that have been discussed there. Otherwise we can still communicate via discussion pages, it'll just be less efficient. Soloblast (talk) 17:52, 5 March 2021 (UTC)

Never mind, Warosu gave me some answers. And yes, you can use user spaces as a pastebin if you want. Soloblast (talk) 18:03, 5 March 2021 (UTC)

I can get on Discord if needed, but my availability for editing can vary a lot. - Hibari.

1. Don't worry too much about availability, most people come and go as and when they have time, and it's hard enough finding anyone who's willing to make fixes/edits outside of event/patch time. I'll leave the Discord decision to you because I don't want to create any expectations here, and very frankly having been there for some time I am very aware that the userbase can be barely tolerable at best, absolutely illiterate at worst, and I'm only there for ease of coordination. There are a few others with similar backgrounds but they wouldn't want me to mention anything, so I won't.

2. Anyway, based on your edit contributions, I figured I might as well tell you what's probably changing and how that affects you:

  • Analysis sections are eventually going to get cut out of ship pages and most likely moved to a separate page on their own for ease of access, and also so we can bikeshed over what fits where and why for several weeks.
  • There are going to be a bunch of backend changes Soon™ that should (in theory) standardise equipment naming and automate a bunch of stuff via scripts. I'm not the person involved in that so I don't really have the details, but it should make things easier in the long run.
  • You are also welcome to adopt the Akashi page if you want to overhaul it, although for ease of discussion it's probably better to copy the whole thing into a sandbox page on your user page first where we can talk about what changes and why. (In the interim I removed the link to this page on the main page, not because this is outright wrong advice or anything, but the general consensus when this first came up was that we would prefer if the page itself was amended, rather than just linking to a user page that isn't as fleshed out.) Which brings me to general comments on what you already have here, I guess:

3. General comments (sequentially, from top to bottom)

  • I actually wouldn't even include the 15.2cm at all, you get a 15.2cm Kai from Noshiro K2 and a 15.2cm K2 that are both worth upgrading, but at this point only for Agano K2s, and fairly late-game at that.
  • Kind of 50/50 on T3 shells since they only add FP and Acc and the cost-benefit (screws to payoff ratio) doesn't seem that great, but I also see someone put it under Medium on the main page so I'll have to chase that down.
  • I would actually recommend T91 AAFD over the T94 since those are craftable, cheaper to upgrade/obtain, and can fit into RE slots and give substantial Fleet AA with enough stars.
  • Last I checked, T98 Night Recon upgrades were not observed to contribute to trigger rate, although they may have at some point. I don't have the original source link for that, but it was also discussed on Wikiwiki here.
  • Upgrading SPF is worth it to get access to some of the later variants via quests, but I think once you hit a certain threshold (T2 Skilled or Kyoufuu, probably), again, the cost-benefit is not as immediate for new players as for more experienced ones, compared to spending screws on other things. You get a few points more FP, depending on SPF and slot size, but I think that's more critical in late-game rather than at entry-ish levels. Still, you definitely want a solid baseline of... however many decent SPF you get from quests, and the Ro.44 is another budget option where possible.
  • More generally, given that this was an effort to throw something together for anons, I don't see any problem with how it is currently written, but if you do want to work on the main page, might need to try to be more quantitative and less qualitative. And perhaps elaborate a bit more, e.g. why some things are not worth doing while others are.

Sorry this took a while by the way, had no time to write this up until now. Soloblast (talk) 09:30, 8 March 2021 (UTC)

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