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戦艦の主砲から放たれる対空用特殊砲弾。<br />
榴散弾の一種で、大量の子弾が爆散、敵を編隊ごと一網打尽に殲滅することが可能。<br />
戦艦主砲の射撃装置の問題で命中率が低いのが難点だが、艦隊の防空力を大きく高めます。<br />
The Sanshiki (San-Shiki or sanshikidan, lit. "type 3") ) anti-aircraft shell was designed for several gun calibers, including the 46.0 cm guns of the Yamato-class battleships.
The round was equipped with a delay fuze set before firing that detonated the shell at the set altitude; on explosion, the steel stays and the incendiary tubes were ejected in a 20-degree cone forward, with the shell fragments from the explosion itself further increasing the amount of debris, in which the explosive of the shell deals heavily damage to incoming aircraft.
However, since it use the battleship main gun, which directly decrease the gun's damage plus the low rate of fire means a battleship is vulnerable for a period of time, but it does increase the AA stat of the ship.
Available for BB and CA(V).
Buildable. Allows Main Guns to attack airplanes during Aerial Phase. Stock equipment of [[Hiei|Hiei Kai Ni]]
Buildable. Allows Main Guns to attack airplanes during Aerial Phase. Stock equipment of [[Hiei|Hiei Kai Ni]]
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