
Revision as of 11:28, 30 December 2017 by com>Kenji135

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:EquipmentLink/doc

local getArgs = require("Module:GetArgs")
local U = require("Module:Utils")
local F = require("Module:Formatting")
local Equipment = require("Module:Equipment")
local EquipmentCardKai = require("Module:EquipmentCardKai")

local EquipmentLink = {}

function EquipmentLink.format(frame, args)

    args = args or getArgs{ frame = frame:getParent() }

    local name = args[1] or "??"
    local text = args.text
    local link =
    local image = args.image
    local icon = args.icon

    local cards = {}
    for _, arg in ipairs(args) do
        table.insert(cards, arg == "-" and "<br />" or EquipmentCardKai:Asset({ arg, size = args.size }))

    local formatted_link
        = image
        and EquipmentCardKai:Asset({ name, size = image, link = link or name })
        or F:format_link(link or name, text or name)

    local formatted_icon
        = icon
        -- [[Category:Todo]] again, would be nice to share Equipment object with EquipmentCardKai
        and F:format_image{ F:format_equipment_icon(Equipment(name):icon()) }
        or ""

    local tooltip_content = F:class_div("tooltip-contents", nil, #cards > 0 and table.concat(cards, "") or "??")

    return F:class_span("advanced-tooltip", nil, formatted_icon .. formatted_link .. tooltip_content)


function EquipmentLink.test(frame)

    local args = getArgs{ frame = frame:getParent() }
    local name = args[1] or "??"
    local text = args.text
    local link =
    local image = args.image
    local icon = args.icon

    local cards = {}
    for _, arg in ipairs(args) do
        table.insert(cards, arg == "-" and "<br />" or EquipmentCardKai:Asset({ arg, size = args.size }))

    local formatted_image
        = image
        and EquipmentCardKai:Asset({ name, size = image, link = link or name })
        or ""

    local formatted_icon
        = icon
        -- [[Category:Todo]] again, would be nice to share Equipment object with EquipmentCardKai
        and F:format_image{ F:format_equipment_icon(Equipment(name):icon()) }
        or ""
    local formatted_text
        = text
        and F:format_link(link or name, text or name)
        or (icon
            and F:format_link(link or name, text or name)
            or "")
        or (image
            and ""
            or F:format_link(link or name, text or name))

    local tooltip_content = F:class_div("tooltip-contents", nil, #cards > 0 and table.concat(cards, "") or "??")

    return F:class_span("advanced-tooltip", nil, formatted_icon .. formatted_image .. formatted_text .. tooltip_content)


U.registerFormatTests(EquipmentLink, {
    { "Prototype 51cm Twin Gun Mount" },
    { "Type 4 Passive Sonar", link = "Sonar" },
    { "Prototype 51cm Twin Gun Mount", "P51cm" },
    { "Prototype 51cm Twin Gun Mount", image = "50px" },
    { "Prototype 51cm Twin Gun Mount", icon = "x" },
    { },
    { icon = "x" },
-- p.run_format_tests()

return EquipmentLink