
no edit summary
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   _scrap_steel = 2,
   _scrap_steel = 2,
   _scrap_bauxite = 2,
   _scrap_bauxite = 2,
   _info = nil,
   _info = "米海軍で開発され、Salmon級などの潜水艦で運用された潜水艦用魚雷兵装です。<br>前部4門の発射管から、水上の敵艦を攻撃可能ですが、初期型の魚雷は信頼性が低く、問題もありました。<br>信頼性の向上した後期型では、日本の輸送船団、さらに護衛艦艇に対しても威力を発揮していきます。",
  _info_en = "A submarine torpedo developed by the US Navy and operated by Salmon-class submarines.<br>The four forward launch tubes are capable of attacking enemy surface ships, but early torpedoes were unreliable with various problems.<br>The late model, with improved reliability, will demonstrate its power against Japanese convoys and escort ships.",
  _wikipedia = "Mark 14 torpedo",
   _buildable = true,
   _buildable = true,
   _improvements = true,
   _improvements = true,
