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==Most Recent Dev Tweets==
==Most Recent Dev Tweets==
===December 11th, 2015===
===December 17th, 2015===
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|JP =「艦これ」次回の稼働全サーバ群メンテナンス&アップデートは、【12/28(月)】に実施させて頂く予定です。また、来週【12/24未明(12/23深夜)】にサービスを止めない形での小さなアップデートも予定しています。師走の「艦娘」たちもどうぞよろしくお願い致します!
|EN = Kancolle will be having a maintenance and update on 12/28. In addition, there will be a small that will be taking place on midnight of 12/23, right before the dawning of 12/24. The Kanmusus of December, wish to thank you!
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|JP = マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は木曜日!いよいよ今年も残すところ、あと二週間となりました。街もクリスマスムードとなってきました。本日も気合い、入れて、乗り切ってまいりましょう!
|EN = 0930. Good Morning to all of your Admirals out there! Today's Thursday! There are now two weeks left in the month. The towns are also now getting into the festivities of Christmas! Let's get to work and do our best!
==Previous Dev Tweets - December 2015==
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! Kancolle Staff Tweets - December 16th, 2015 Kancolle Merchandise
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|JP =艦娘想歌【参】加賀岬、さらに「艦これ」オリジナルサウンドトラックvol.3【雲】のCDリリース準備を進めています。来春早めにお届けできる予定です。先行生産分の予約開始時期等の詳細情報は、決定次第お知らせ致します。加賀岬、「艦これ」OST3もどうぞよろしくお願い致します!
|EN = With the Kanmusus sung "Kaga Cape" we have been promoting. We are preparing to work on Kancolle OST. 3 "Cloud" which will be released on Spring. More information regarding pre-order information will be released soon. For those who love Kaga Cape, thank you so much.
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|JP =いつまでもその手に持っておける「艦これ」、PS Vita用ソフト「艦これ改」。お待たせして大変申し訳ありません、オリジナル版より少しだけ戦略SLG方向にリファインされ、できるだけ多くの艦娘を搭載して、来年2/18(木)出撃に向けて現在準備中です。
|EN = While it seems you have been waiting a long time to get the PS Vita version of Kancolle known as Kancolle Kai. We want to apalogize for having you all wait this long as we are working on inplementing as many of the ship girls over to this SLG version of the game.  The game will be released on 2/18.
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|JP = マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は水曜日!70数年前の今日は、大和型戦艦一番艦「大和」が就役した日です。師走も中間地点を越えました。いよいよ今年の残りタスクが切迫してくる季節ですが、本日も元気に頑張ってまいりましょう!
|EN = 0930. Good Morning to all of your Admirals out there! Today's Wednesday! 70 years ago to this day, the Yamato-Class Battleship Yamato was commissioned. We are also now past the half way point of December. As the year continues to draw near, let's all do our best!
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! Kancolle Staff Tweets - December 15th, 2015 Kancolle Arcade Playtest
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|JP =今月12/18(金)~20(日)期間実施予定の「艦これアーケード」クリスマスロケーションテスト【アーケード特別練習航海】の詳細情報は、こちらのサイトから!  どうぞよろしくお願い致します!
|EN = For information regard the testing locations for 12/18 - 12/20 please be sure to visit the website for information on the "play testing voyage." We thank you very much!
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|JP =セガAM2研さんと共同開発中の「艦これアーケード」の出撃準備が整いつつあります。来年の全国本稼働に先駆けて、東京秋葉原(クラブ セガ 秋葉原新館)において、【アーケード特別練習航海(クリスマスロケーションテスト)】を12/18(金)~20(日)に期間限定で実施致します!
|EN = Sega AM2 Research and Development team are making plans for the launch of the "Kancolle Arcade" While they prepare for next year's natinoal release, they will be carrying out a special play testing Christmas session that will be set for 12/18 - 12/20 in Akihabara Japan in Club Sega's Akihabara Wing.
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|JP = マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は火曜日!早いもので、師走十二月も折り返し地点に到達しつつあります。今年に残された時間を有効に活用しつつ、本日も元気に頑張ってまいりましょう!
|EN = 0930. Good Morning to all of your Admirals out there! Today's Tuesday! We are now reaching the turning point of December. Let's make the best of this year we have left while we do our best!
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! Kancolle Staff Tweets - December 14th, 2015 Kasumi Kai Ni
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|JP =名将木村提督指揮のもと、実質的に水上艦隊最後の勝利となった「礼号作戦」。重巡、軽巡を含む同水上反撃艦隊の旗艦を務めたある朝潮型駆逐艦。今冬、来年最初となる改二改装の実装は、礼号作戦、北方作戦に参加し、最後は大和と共に出撃したある朝潮型駆逐艦の一隻を予定しています。
|EN = On this month, Admiral Kimaru lead a fleet on what would be the last successful surface battle called "Operation Rei-Go." This winter at around the start of the new year, an Asashio class Destroyer that served as a flagship, alongside with a light cruiser that served as port of Operation Rei-Go. This same destroyer would also serve in escorting Yamato in Ten-Go.
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|JP = マルキューヨンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は月曜日!いよいよ師走第三週に突入しました。月日が加速している気もしますが、今週も、気合い、入れて、元気に頑張ってまいりましょう!
|EN = 0930. Good Morning to all of your Admirals out there! Today's Monday! We now enter into the next part of December!v We also feel as if the year is approaching to an end quickly. For now though, let's continue to do our best and put our all into it!
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! Kancolle Staff Tweets - December 13th, 2015
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|JP =現在「艦これ」では、クリスマス期間限定で軽巡「大淀」もクリスマスmodeとなり、通常の海域邂逅に加え、北方海域「Extra Operation」でも邂逅可能です。また、家具屋さんでは、軽巡模型を配した北方迷彩箪笥も実装中です。冬の軽巡洋艦もどうぞよろしくお願い致します!
|EN = The Fruniture store in Kancolle is currently listing winter furniture that you can now purchase. Among the items you can purchase, you can obtain the Christmas Turkey Dinner, the white marble floor, the Northern Camo Drawers with Cruiser model. and the truck anchorage hanging scroll. Along with that, you can also listen to the new home port BGM, "Christmas Eve at Home Port", please be sure to spend some time with your winter fleet kanmusus!
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|JP = ヒトマルヨンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は日曜日!今月二度目の日曜日となりました。寒い日が続いています。風邪をひかないように注意しつつ、本日も元気に頑張ってまいりましょう!
|EN = 0930. Good Morning to all of your Admirals out there! Today's Sunday! It's the second Sunday of this month. A cold day is to follow. Be careful not to catch cold and let's do our best!
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! Kancolle Staff Tweets - December 12th, 2015
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|JP =現在「艦これ」では、クリスマス期間限定で軽巡「大淀」もクリスマスmodeとなり、通常の海域邂逅に加え、北方海域「Extra Operation」でも邂逅可能です。また、家具屋さんでは、軽巡模型を配した北方迷彩箪笥も実装中です。冬の軽巡洋艦もどうぞよろしくお願い致します!
|EN = As of right now on Kancolle, limited time Light Cruiser Ooyodo is featured in limited time Chirstmas mode. In additon, you can encounter her by locating her in northern waters of the Extra Operation. Also, in the furniture store, there is a northern Camo Chested Drawer with a light cruiser model has been implemented!. The Light Cruisers of the winter want to also thank you.
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|JP = ヒトマルヨンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は土曜日!今年も残すところ、あと二十日間を切りました…早いですね。今年の日々、大切に、大事に行きましょう!本日も、気合い、入れて、頑張ってまいりましょう!
|EN = 0930. Goodmorning to all of your Admirals out there! Today's Saturday! We now have 20 days left in this year. Let's take the time to cherish this year. Also for today, let's continue to do our best!
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! Kancolle Staff Tweets - December 11th, 2015 Akihabara Kancolle Christmas Cafe
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|JP =少しずつ街もクリスマスムードになってきました。本日12/11(金)から、秋葉原GiGOさんで一番カフェ「秋葉原泊地」プレ展開の第二弾が実施されます。今回は3WAY仕様コースターも全面クリスマスmode…秋葉原エリアにお立ち寄りの提督の皆さんは、ぜひ覗いてみてくださいね。
|JP =少しずつ街もクリスマスムードになってきました。本日12/11(金)から、秋葉原GiGOさんで一番カフェ「秋葉原泊地」プレ展開の第二弾が実施されます。今回は3WAY仕様コースターも全面クリスマスmode…秋葉原エリアにお立ち寄りの提督の皆さんは、ぜひ覗いてみてくださいね。
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|EN = The city of has been in a Christmas mood. Today on 12/11, the second edition of the implementation of the "Akihabara Anchorage"maid cafe has been set up in Akihabara's GiGO! To the Admirals who attend, there will be coasters from 3WAY available and the entire cafe will be in Christmas mode. If you can, please be sure to visit!
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|JP =現在「艦これ」では、クリスマス期間限定で駆逐艦「初風」「江風」「谷風」などがクリスマスmodeとなり、鎮守府近海などの比較的アプローチしやすい海域で邂逅可能になっています。冬の艦娘たちも、どうぞよろしくお願い致します!
|JP =現在「艦これ」では、クリスマス期間限定で駆逐艦「初風」「江風」「谷風」などがクリスマスmodeとなり、鎮守府近海などの比較的アプローチしやすい海域で邂逅可能になっています。冬の艦娘たちも、どうぞよろしくお願い致します!
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|EN = As of right now on Kancolle, Destroyers like Hatsukaze, Tanikaze and Kawakaze can be now encountered in relatively easy waters over the Christmas mode period. They also are within thier Christmas mode CG. To the ship girls, we appreciate and thank you.
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|JP = マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます!今日は金曜日!師走二回目の週末になりました。今年も残すところ、あと三週間です。本日も金曜カレーを食べて、元気を補給してげ頑張ってまいりましょう!#艦これ
|JP = マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます!今日は金曜日!師走二回目の週末になりました。今年も残すところ、あと三週間です。本日も金曜カレーを食べて、元気を補給してげ頑張ってまいりましょう!#艦これ
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|EN = 0930. Goodmorning to all of your Admirals out there! Today's Friday! We are now entering the second weekend. As we wind the year down, we now have 3 weeks left to the year. Eat some Friday Curry, and let's work hard and do our best!
==Previous Dev Tweets - December 2015==
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|JP =明日12/10(木)全国の本屋さんで発売予定の【コンプティーク】最新号は、「艦これ」総力特集です!表紙は北方棲姫&港湾棲姫。同誌のCMは、付録装備ジグゾーパズルと共に、まさかの駆逐艦「朝霜」が務めます。少しだけお楽しみに!
|JP =明日12/10(木)全国の本屋さんで発売予定の【コンプティーク】最新号は、「艦これ」総力特集です!表紙は北方棲姫&港湾棲姫。同誌のCMは、付録装備ジグゾーパズルと共に、まさかの駆逐艦「朝霜」が務めます。少しだけお楽しみに!
|EN = Tomorrow on 12/10. Comtiq's latest issue will be released nation and will be a full feature of Kancolle. It'll have a cover of Northern Hime and Harbor Hime. CMs within the magazine along with a listing and a jigsaw puzzle that'll feature Asashimo within! Have fun!
|EN = Tomorrow on 12/10. Comtiq's latest issue will be released nation and will be a full feature of Kancolle. It'll have a cover of Northern Hime and Harbor Hime. CMs within the magazine along with a listing and a jigsaw puzzle that'll feature Asashimo within! Have fun!
[[File:Kiyoshimo Puzzle Sample.jpg|center|thumb|a small sample of the Team Rei-Go puzzle that is featured within Comtiq's January Issue.]]
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|JP = マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます!今日は水曜日!昨日実施の「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群共通メンテナンス&アップデートへのご協力、ありがとうございました。「艦これ」と「艦娘」も冬支度、完了です!この冬も、気合い、入れて、元気に頑張ってまいりましょう!#艦これ
|JP = マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます!今日は水曜日!昨日実施の「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群共通メンテナンス&アップデートへのご協力、ありがとうございました。「艦これ」と「艦娘」も冬支度、完了です!この冬も、気合い、入れて、元気に頑張ってまいりましょう!#艦これ
|EN = 0930. Good morning to all the admirals out there! Today's Wednesday! Thank you all for your cooperation as we performed Kancolle maintainance and update that took place yesterday. Kancolle and the kanmusu for the winter are now complete. As we continue this winter, let's continue doing our best!
|EN = 0930. Good morning to all the admirals out there! Today's Wednesday! Thank you all for your cooperation as we performed Kancolle maintainance and update that took place yesterday. Kancolle and the kanmusu for the winter are now complete. As we continue this winter, let's continue doing our best!
[[File:Kiyoshimo Puzzle Sample.jpg|center|thumb|a small sample of the Team Rei-Go puzzle that is featured within Comtiq's January Issue.]]
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==Previous Dev Tweets October 2015==
==Previous Dev Tweets October 2015==
