6th ship of the Mutsuki-class, Minazuki. Sorry I'm late. Pleased take good care of me commander! ...Ehehe.
Introduction (Kai)
6th ship of the Mutsuki-class, Minazuki. Commander, let's be energetic today too. Please take good care of me.
I'm the 6th ship of the Mutsuki-class, Minazuki. I was born in Uraga near Yokosuka. Along with my older and younger Mutsuki-class sisters, I participated in battles at the start of the war. I also served as a convoy escort lots of times. Hmm? Submarines? They're really annoying enemies. Yup, I understand.
Secretary 1
Hmmm? Did you call me? Ok.
ん? 呼んだかい? いいよ。
Secretary 2
Satchin? ...Ah, my mistake. No, it's nothing. Ehehehe.
さっちん? ……あっ、違った。ううん、何でもないよ。えへへへ。
Secretary 3
Commander, what's wrong? You're hungry? It can't be helped, shall I go make something? It's fine.
司令官、どうしたのさ? お腹でも空いた?仕方ない、何か作ってあげよか?いいよ。
Secretary Idle
Hoy~. Hey, heyheyhey, heeeey~! Huh? I wonder if the commander didn't hear... He looks busy. It can't be helped, I'll go over to Satchin's. Off I go~
おーい。ねぇ、ねぇねぇねぇ、ねーえーっ! あれ? 司令官、聞こえてないのかなぁ。……なんか忙しそうだ。仕方ない、さっちんのところでも行ってようかな。よっこいしょ、っと。
What is it Commander? You called? Oh... what... are you up to? Ehehe~ What have you got there for me? That's really nice, what is it... Ah, this? Can I open it? Right, I'll open it. Whoa~ is this real? Whoaaaah~
Secretary (Married)
What's wrong? You look a bit tired. You don't look very good Commander. Ehe~ Right, I'll cheer you up. Ehehe~ How's that? Eh, not enough? Right, I'll do it seriously now~!
Player's Score
Is that so, information huh. I'll bring it right away! Wait here ok. Huff huff... here~.
そうかぁ。情報だね。持ってきたげるよ! 待ってて。ふふっ……はいっ。
Joining the Fleet
Mutsuki-class destroyer, Minazuki. Setting off. Ehehe.
Equipment 1
This is good, I'm happy... Ehehehe.
いいねこれ、うれしいよ。... えへへへ。
Equipment 2
Ooooh~ I get it now. So this is how it works.
Equipment 3[1]
Aha! This is great~!
あはっ! いいねいいねー!
I got it... Ehehehe.
Docking (Minor)
Sorry, I'll take a short bath. Commander... no peeking OK? Oh, he's gone.
ごめん、ちょっとお風呂。司令官……覗くなよ? って、しないかぁ。
Docking (Major)
Ah, sorry. This is a bit bad huh. I'll go clean myself up so please wait. Fueee~
Commander, it's a newly built ship! I'm so happy.
司令官、新造艦だよ! 嬉しいねぇ。
Return from Sortie
Commander, the fleet is back! Above all, everyone is safe.
司令官、艦隊、戻ったよ! みんなの無事が、何よりだよね。
Starting a Sortie
Fleet flagship, destroyer Minazuki, setting sail! Everyone, follow me!
艦隊旗艦、駆逐艦水無月。抜錨だよっ! みんな、続いてねっ!
Starting a Battle
Enemy spotted... It can't be helped, let's go! Alright everyone?
敵さん、発見しちゃった……。仕方ない、行くよっ! みんな、いーい?
This isn't a convoy escort but a naval battle! I'm fine, I'm calm. Alright, let's go~!
船団護衛じゃない、艦隊戦だよ! 大丈夫、落ち着けって。よし、いっけぇー!
Night Battle
It's a pursuit. I get it, let's do it! Fleet, form up! Follow me with the attack!
追撃だね。分かった、やってみる! 艦隊、再集結! 水無月と突撃だよ!
Attack (Night Battle)
This time... I won't lose even against submarines or surface ships!
Ehehehe~! I had the best efforts? Go me! The Mutsuki-class can do it! Praise me more! Fufu~
えっへへへっ! 活躍しちゃった? やるなぁ、自分! 睦月型やるやるぅ! もっと褒めていいよ! ふふっ。
Minor Damage 1
Whoa~ Urgh~
Minor Damage 2
That hurts! Man, I'll get angry!
Major Damage
Owow... What in the world, this is the worst! I can still move, I won't sink!
いっつつ……。なんだよもう、サイアク! まだ航行できるから、沈まないから!
Eh... I'm sinking... it can't be... Satchin, Fumi-chan... Sorry.