Kancolle Style Vol. 2/Sarah Emi Bridcutt Interview
The Following interview was conducted in the Kancolle Style Vol.2 Mook featruring Sarah Emi Bricutt.
Within this 6 page Article, Sarah Emi Bridcutt does an interview and talks about her experiences with KanColle, her voice acting career, and other activities she partook.
Interview with Sarah Emi Bridcutt
Japanese | English |
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【演声艦隊】 キャストインタビュー セーラ 恵美 ブリドカット 数多くの艦娘の中でも、特に個 |
Voice Actor Fleet Cast Interview Sarah Emi Bridcutt Out of many different ship girls Sarah Emi Bridcutt lent her voice to five of them, all of whom have markedly peculiar personalities. |
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あの人気セリフの誕生経緯が判明!? ――――「艦これ」も3周年を迎えて4年目に入りましたが、 さまざまな作品でファンの皆さんからお手紙やプレゼントなどを頂くんですけど、 ――――「艦これ」観艦式などでも、セリフに対して提督の皆さんは温かい反応を返してくれていましたね。 そうなんです! 第弐回「艦これ」観艦式の時は熊野をメインでやらせていただいたんですけど、 ――――ちなみに「とぉおぉう!」はどんな経緯で生まれたセリフなんでしょうか? 熊野は育ちのよいお嬢様なんですけど、そんなお嬢様が頑張って頑張りすぎた結果、 ――――期間限定ボイスのほうでも、熊野はお茶目なものが多いようですが。 節分の恵方巻きで「もごもご」言っていたときは、 ――――鈴谷と熊野の絡みも増えてきていますよね。 期間限定ボイスなどで、それぞれのセリフで相手のことしゃべっていて、 ――――今ではすっかり艦娘たちとともに歩んでいる感じがありますが、 お話をいただいてから、セリフを収録する前にどんなゲームか検索してみると、 ――――どう見てもかわいい女の子ですしね。 擬人化作品っていろいろありますけど ――――さまざまな想いを込めてセリフを収録された艦娘たちですが、 一番最初は、オール30の建造で来てくれた夕張でした。 ――――それは相当運がいいですね! それまでは自分の担当する艦がどの子もなかなか来てくれなかったんですけど、 |
The circumstances behind the creation of that popular line have been revealed at last! -- Now that KanColle has celebrated its third anniversary and entered its fourth year, is there anything that left a particularly lasting impression on you when, for example, playing the game or attending offical fan events like the Naval Reviews, and that you would like to share with us? I've received letters, presents etc. from fans of many different franchises, but even among them nothing makes me witness a bigger burning passion than KanColle, like, I can really feel it when people tell me "I love this character!", and that passion gets even stronger over the years, you know. -- Even at events such as the KanColle Naval Reviews the admirals responded with affection to those lines, didn't they? They sure did! At the Second KanColle Naval Review I was mainly playing as Kumano, and whenever I shouted the line "Wooooo↑ooooah↓!" the crowd just went nuts and laughed. -- Speaking of which, how did the line "Wooooo↑ooooah↓!" come into being in the first place? I was basically told "Kumano is a well-bred girl from a rich family, but also such a try-hard that she ended up being kinda weird, so please give us a shout with all that in mind, if you will". *laughs* -- Kumano also has many limited-time voice lines where she's being playful. When she was going "Omnomnom" while eating the ehōmaki during Setsubun, I initially imagined her trying really hard to eat it, but the line turned out to be too hard to understand, so I was instructed to "please make it a bit more intelligible, but still sound like your cheeks are stuffed", among other things...... -- There are more and more scenes where both Suzuya and Kumano appear together, aren't there? The limited-time voice lines, to name an example, had moments where each line had them talking to each other, turning it into something like a conversation between them. That way you have so many more ways to play around with the characters, which is so much fun, don't you think? -- I'm sure the ship girls have thoroughly become second nature to you by now, but what was your impression of KanColle like back during your first recording sessions? When I was told about it, I looked it up before starting to work on the voice recordings to see what kind of game it was, and I got the impression that it was a game about warship that apparently was so popular that prospective admirals had to enter a raffle first, but when I got the script my first reaction was something along the lines of "That's...... a ship?". *laughs* -- Well, they're cute girls no matter how you look at them. There are many works out there that feature anthropomorphised items, but I was really surprised, like "So that's what warships look like when you turn them into humans...". -- I see you really put your heart and soul into your ship girls' voice line recordings. Which one of them did you get first in the game? The first one was Yūbari, whom I built with All 30. -- Now that's some luck! Until then I didn't have any luck getting even one of my girls, so one day I decided to do the daily quests and hit construction with all 30. I still remember the goose bumps I got when I saw the golden background. |
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――――ちなみに、同じくご担当の艦娘の鈴谷と熊野はすでに育てていらっしゃるようですが、初風と舞風は? ・・・・・・なんででしょうね、なぜか期間限定海域で頑張っても、あの子たちはまだ来てくれないですよー!
まったく異なる5人の演技イメージ ――――では、ご担当の艦娘も含めて一番お気に入りの艦娘は? 私、巻雲ちゃんが好きなんです! 自分の担当艦娘も大事にしているですけど、 ――――好きな点はやはり、あの袖ですか? そうですね、あのたれ~っとしている萌え袖がかわいいです! ――――対空カットインにはみんなお世話になっていますね(笑)。 そうそう、航空戦でいつもありがたいって思ってます。 ――――では、ここぞという時に一番頼りになる艦娘となると、やはり秋月ですか? 秋月ちゃんですね。自分の担当した艦娘で挙げるなら、鈴谷と熊野です。 ――――瑞雲のほかに、ドラム缶なども積めますしね。 ドラム缶については、積まれるキャラクターがすでに担当にひとりいますので(笑う)。 ――――では続いて、ご担当された艦娘それぞれの収録した際のイメージについてうかがいたいのですが。 まず鈴谷は、台本を見てみたら「ちーっす」、「あざーっす」と軽いなぁ! ギャルっぽいなぁと(笑)。 |
-- By the way, I'm sure your Suzuya & Kumano already are decently levelled, but what about Hatsukaze & Maikaze? ......I honestly don't know why, but no matter how much I've tried during events, I still haven't got them! The acting impressions of five completely different girls -- Well then, who is your favourite ship girl, including the ones you voiced? I really love Makigumo! The girls I voiced also are precious to me, but I just can't help but love Makigumo and Akizuki...... I even have rubber straps of them. -- You love those sleeves, don't you? Yep, those dangling sleeves are just so cute! -- I see everyone relies on her for Anti-Air Cut-Ins. *laughs* Totally, I'm always grateful for her work during aerial combat. -- So it really is Akizuki whom you rely on the most when push comes to shove, right? Yes, it's Akizuki. If I had to name someone I voiced myself it'd be Suzuya and Kumano. I'd say I have a rather laid-back and casual playstyle, but even then I managed to remodel both Suzuya and Kumano into aviation cruisers relatively early, and they see quite some action during events and other occasions, so I rely on them a lot. -- Well, apart from Zuiun they can also mount other equipment such as drum canisters. About those drums, I've already voiced another character that can equip them. *laughs* -- Moving on, what was your impression of each ship girl you voiced when you recorded their lines? Let's start with Suzuya. When I read the script and saw lines like "'Sup!" or "Thaaanks!", I thought that, wow, she's so casual! Like a gal. *laughs* |
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――――では続いて、夕張についてですが。 夕張は正統派なヒロインというポジションで、提督のことを考えてくれていて寄り添うこともできるし、 ――――「置いてかないでよぉ!」ですね(笑)。ではさらに続いて、なかなか出会えないと言われる初風ですが。 そう、何年経ってもなかなか出会えない初風なんですが(笑)、クールだけど決して提督との距離は遠くない、 ――――なにしろ、艦首をばっさりやっちゃいましたからね・・・・・・。では最後に、舞風についてですが。 舞風は一番幼くて、11~12歳の小学生くらいをイメージしているんですけど、とにかく元気で明るくて、 ――――最近は野分との絡みも増えてきていますね。 そうですね、「のわっち」というのがすごく新鮮ですね。 ――――特に印象に残っているセリフを伺えればと思うのですが、これはもう「とぉおぉお!」でしょうか? そうなりますね! あとはコンビニのサンドイッチとかですね。自分は熊野と違って完全に庶民なので、 愛され方もイメージもさまざま ――――ご担当の艦娘に寄せられた提督の皆さんの応援などで、 鈴谷と熊野については愛してくださっている方が多く応援もたくさんいただいているのですが、 ――――TVアニメでは夕張が活躍されていましたが、演じる際に気を付けた点などはありましたでしょうか。 アニメで演じる際は、特に戦闘シーンでは各場面で「ここには夕張はいますか?」と聞いてみて、 ――――戦闘以外の場面でも活躍していましたね。 戦闘以外だと、第六駆逐隊の子たちとのお鍋を作るシーン! 原作ゲームでは正統派なんですけど、 |
-- Let's move on to Yūbari then. Yūbari takes the spot of a traditional heroine. I felt that she's in a rather even position where she can approach the admiral with romantic interest or just as childhood or regular friend. -- Ah yes, her "Don't leave me behind!" line. *laughs* All right, let's move on even further to Hatsukaze, someone who apparently refuses to drop. Yes, after all these years she still doesn't want to come to me. *laughs* -- Well, she did shear off her bow...... All right, let's move on to the last girl, Maikaze. I imagine Maikaze as the youngest, like a 11 or 12-year-old elementary schooler, but I also made sure to express that she's trying hard to keep up a happy-go-lucky facade in order to deal with her depressing past, acting all energetic and cheerful, and dragging the admiral into her shenanigans. -- Lately she's been interacting more and more with Nowaki. She certainly is. I find the whole "Nowacchi" thing really refreshing. -- I was about to ask which line left a particularly lasting impression, but I'm assuming it's "Wooooo↑ooooah↓!", isn't it? I guess so! Not to mention the one about buying a sandwich at the convenience store. People imagine and love them in different ways -- Is there anything that left a particularly lasting impression on you, be it the way the admirals out there have expressed their support for the ship girls you voiced or something else? There are a lot of fans who've told me how much they love Suzuya and Kumano, but there also are many admirals who love not just those two but all five girls. -- Yūbari also starred in the anime series. Was there anything you had to keep in mind when playing her? When working on the anime I kept asking "Does Yūbari make an appearance here?" on several occasions, especially for fight scenes, and pretty much begged them to let me ad-lib lines for getting hit if she did just so that I could make her appear more present, even if it was just for a little bit. -- Well, she did appear not just in fight scenes. Ah yes, the pot making scene with the girls from the 6th Destroyer Division. In the original game she's rather generic, but that scene highlighted how she's not so impartial to mechanics, so I was aiming to portray her as a bit of a nerd in that regard. |
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――――それはアニメ収録時の印象深い思い出にもなっていそうですね(笑)。 そうなりますね(笑)。原作ゲームではそれまで一切出ていなかった、 ――――アニメといえば、『「艦これ」春の艦祭り』で公開されたアニメ劇場版PVに鈴谷と熊野の姿がありましたが。 ものすごくビックリしましたけど、あのブレザー姿をぜひアニメでも見たいなーって思っていたので、 ブリドカット艦隊6人目を募集中!? ――――そしてアニメ劇場版の前に、この夏に『再参回「艦これ」観艦式』が迫っていますが、 第壱回は夕張として、第弐回は熊野として、ドラムパートに出させていただきました。 ――――第弐回についてはいかがでしょうか。 第弐回では笑いに持っていったつもりはまったくなかったんですけど、 ――――そうして迎える第参回ですが、意気込みなどあればぜひ。 夕張、熊野と来て、第参回では誰だろうというのがすごく楽しみです! ――――「艦これ」観艦式も楽しみですが、今後「艦これ」でこんなイベントなどを見てみたい、 せっかくいろいろなキャラクターがハロウィンの格好になったり浴衣を着たりと定期的なイベントがゲーム内にあるので、 |
-- I see you've had quite the memorable moments during the anime recordings. *laughs* I guess so. *laughs* -- Speaking of the anime, Suzuya and Kumano made an appearance in the film preview trailer that was shown at the KanColle Spring Festival. I was totally surprised, but also really happy because I've always wanted to see them in the anime, wearing those blazers! Bridcutt Fleet looking for member #6 ! -- Before the film's release there's still the 3rd KanColle Naval Review that's coming this summer. Are there any fond memories of the Naval Review events you would like to share with us? For the stage plays I appeared as Yūbari during the first naval review, then as Kumano during the second one. -- What about the 2nd Naval Review? At the second one I didn't intend it to be so funny, but even when I - as Kumano - said a little bit weird lines besides just "Wooooo↑ooooah↓!" everyone was laughing really hard... -- Now that the 3rd Naval Review is coming up soon, if there's anything you're looking forward to, feel free to share it with us. After Yūbari and Kumano I'm really looking forward to who it's gonna be at the third one! -- Speaking of which, is there anything you wish to see or try in future KanColle events like those? Since the game has regular events where several characters get to wear Halloween costumes or yukatas, why not hold real life events where the voice cast also gets to wear Halloween costumes and such? |
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――――オクトーバーフェスや、秋刀魚を焼いたりなど、ゲーム内のイベントはバラエティー豊かですよね。 そんな中、今年の梅雨には夕張にも念願の期間限定衣装がいただけまして! ――――今後も衣装追加にぜひ期待しておきましょう(笑)。 あとはドラマCDもできるといいなと思っています。 ――――では次に、すでに5名の個性的な艦娘を演じておられますが、 お姉様とか演じてみたいですね。すっごいドSだったり。あとはすごくおっと~り、 ――――巻雲、かわいいですよね(笑)。 そう、まさにそんな感じで(笑)。お姉様だったら、大和のようにビシッとしていて、 ――――びしっとした騎士のようなキャラクターとなると、戦艦ですかね。 そうですね、戦艦を希望します! ――――では最後に、提督の皆さんにメッセージをお願いします。 皆さんに愛され続けて、ふと気付けば4年目ということで、感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。 |
-- Whether it's the Oktoberfest or frying sauries, the game certainly has a large variety of events. And from those this year's rainy season finally gave Yūbari the limited-time outfit I've been waiting for! -- Well, then let's look forward to even more limited-time outfits in the future. *laughs* I'd also like to try my hand at a drama CD. -- All right, we've already talked about those five unique ship girls, but is there some other type of ship girl you would like to voice? I'd like voice a big sister character. Who also happens to be a hardcore sadist. -- Makigumo is cute, isn't she? *laughs* Yes, exactly someone just like her. *laughs* -- If she's a stern knight I suppose she'd be a battleship. If we consider foreign ships there are many to choose from. Yes, a battleship would be great! -- And to wrap this up, a message to all the admirals out there, if you please. You never stopped loving this game, and now it's already the 4th year since its release. I am deeply grateful for that. |
Special Thanks for Admiral_Mikado for the translation of the article and DNG for providing the article.