Module:Data/Equipment/16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.6 + GFCS

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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Equipment/16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.6 + GFCS/doc

return {
  _name = "16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.6 + GFCS",
  _id = 390,
  _japanese_name = "16inch三連装砲 Mk.6+GFCS",
  _reading = nil,
  _type = 3,
  _icon = 3,
  _types = {1, 1, 3, 3, 0},
  _rarity = 5,
  _firepower = 23,
  _bombing = false,
  _torpedo = false,
  _aa = 3,
  _armor = 2,
  _asw = false,
  _shelling_accuracy = 6,
  _torpedo_accuracy = false,
  _evasion = 1,
  _los = false,
  _speed = false,
  _luck = false,
  _range = 3,
  _special = false,
  _scrap_fuel = false,
  _scrap_ammo = 16,
  _scrap_steel = 22,
  _scrap_bauxite = 16,
  _info = "主力戦艦の主兵装として、米国で開発運用された標準的な戦艦用大口径主砲です。<br>本兵装は同砲の後期改修型に、さらに射撃レーダーと砲射撃指揮装置との連携を付与した主砲火力システムです。<br>最新Mk.7には一歩劣るものの高いバランスと運用性を持つ本兵装は、高火力と優れた射撃精度も期待できます。",
  _info_en = "This is a large-caliber main gun developed and deployed by the US as the standard issue main weapon of their front-line battleships.<br>This gun is a late-war upgraded model that is linked with an artillery radar and gun fire control system.<br>Although it is slightly inferior to the newer Mk.7, it is a practical weapon that has high firepower and accuracy.",
  _wikipedia = "16-inch/45-caliber Mark 6 gun",
  _gun_fit_group = "41 cm",
  _buildable = false,
  _improvements = false,