Module:Data/Equipment/Improved Kanhon Type Turbine

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Equipment/Improved Kanhon Type Turbine/doc

return {
  _name = "Improved Kanhon Type Turbine",
  _id = 33,
  _japanese_name = "改良型艦本式タービン",
  _reading = "かいりょうがたかんほんしきタービン",
  _type = 17,
  _icon = 19,
  _types = {6, 31, 17, 19, 0},
  _rarity = 0,
  _back = 1,
  _firepower = false,
  _bombing = false,
  _torpedo = false,
  _aa = false,
  _armor = false,
  _asw = false,
  _shelling_accuracy = false,
  _torpedo_accuracy = false,
  _evasion = 6,
  _los = false,
  _speed = false,
  _luck = false,
  _range = false,
  _special = false,
  _scrap_fuel = 10,
  _scrap_ammo = false,
  _scrap_steel = 10,
  _scrap_bauxite = false,
  _info = "改良型の新型タービン機関です。<br>従来型タービンの各部素材を見直し構造強化を行なって、より高出力が可能となりました。<br>機動性が向上し、砲雷撃戦や、対空戦における回避率が向上します。",
  _info_en = "This is the improved version of the steam turbine engine.<br>The existing turbine's parts and materials have been revised for this new construction, making higher outputs possible.<br>This allows for even more evasion from torpedo attacks and air strikes.",
  _buildable = true,
  _improvements = false,