Generate a scalable office screen from wikitext template, see Furniture for furniture images.
- Default scale value: 0.8
- Width: 800px * scale
- Height: 480px * scale
Limitation: Does not support screen alignment.
Background naming convention: Furniture_windowBGx_y
- x is the window type (0 to 13)
- y is time weather effect (morning=0, noon=1, afternoon=2, evening=3, night=4)
{{Office |wall=Furniture Full 237.png |floor=Furniture Full 5.png |window=Furniture Full 230.png |desk=Furniture Full 233.png |object=Furniture Full 584.png |chest=Furniture Full 234.png |ship=Ranger Full Setsubun 2023.png |scale=0.6 |background=Furniture windowBG4 3.png }}