
no edit summary
Line 17: Line 17:  
         ja = "はい、提督。睦月からのチョコ、差し上げます! いひひ、どうぞです♪",
         ja = "はい、提督。睦月からのチョコ、差し上げます! いひひ、どうぞです♪",
         en = "Here, Admiral. Mutsuki offers you this chocolate! Ehehe, please do♪",
         en = "Here, Admiral. Mutsuki offers you this chocolate! Ehehe, please do♪",
        note = "",
Line 24: Line 23:  
         ja = "はぁーい♡ 如月の気持ちを込めたチョコレート、ちゃんと最後まで、食べてね?",
         ja = "はぁーい♡ 如月の気持ちを込めたチョコレート、ちゃんと最後まで、食べてね?",
         en = "He–re you go♡ Chocolates filled with my feelings, make sure you eat every last one, 'kay?",
         en = "He–re you go♡ Chocolates filled with my feelings, make sure you eat every last one, 'kay?",
        note = "",
Line 31: Line 29:  
         ja = "司令官、これ…あ、あげます。甘いです。お返しは、気にしなくていい…です。",
         ja = "司令官、これ…あ、あげます。甘いです。お返しは、気にしなくていい…です。",
         en = "Commander, here....t-these are for you. They're sweet. Don't worry about getting me....anything.",
         en = "Commander, here....t-these are for you. They're sweet. Don't worry about getting me....anything.",
        note = "",
Line 38: Line 35:  
         ja = "しれいかぁ~ん! 卯月から、チョコあげるぴょ~ん! あー、これは嘘じゃないぴょん!",
         ja = "しれいかぁ~ん! 卯月から、チョコあげるぴょ~ん! あー、これは嘘じゃないぴょん!",
         en = "A–dmiral! Here's some chocolate from me, pyon! Ah–, I'm not kidding this time, pyon!",
         en = "A–dmiral! Here's some chocolate from me, pyon! Ah–, I'm not kidding this time, pyon!",
        note = "",
Line 45: Line 41:  
         ja = "え~、バレンタイン?めんどくせぇ~。一応あるけどさぁチョコ、食べる?",
         ja = "え~、バレンタイン?めんどくせぇ~。一応あるけどさぁチョコ、食べる?",
         en = "Eh~, Valentine's? What a pain~. Well, I do have some chocolate, though. Wanna eat?",
         en = "Eh~, Valentine's? What a pain~. Well, I do have some chocolate, though. Wanna eat?",
        note = "",
Line 52: Line 47:  
         ja = "あの、司令官、これ、受けとてください!ち、ちがいます!チョコレットです!",
         ja = "あの、司令官、これ、受けとてください!ち、ちがいます!チョコレットです!",
         en = "Um, Commander, this, please accept it! N-no! It's chocolate!",
         en = "Um, Commander, this, please accept it! N-no! It's chocolate!",
        note = "",
Line 59: Line 53:  
         ja = "司令官…あの、こちらに甘いお菓子をご用意しました。良かったら、召し上がって?",
         ja = "司令官…あの、こちらに甘いお菓子をご用意しました。良かったら、召し上がって?",
         en = "Commander.... Um, I have some sweets here for you. If you'd like, please have them.",
         en = "Commander.... Um, I have some sweets here for you. If you'd like, please have them.",
        note = "",
Line 66: Line 59:  
         ja = "チっ、チョっ、ン…チョコレート。いいちおう、買ってきた……あげる…",
         ja = "チっ、チョっ、ン…チョコレート。いいちおう、買ってきた……あげる…",
         en = "W-well, I did buy some ch-cho....chocolate....for you....",
         en = "W-well, I did buy some ch-cho....chocolate....for you....",
        note = "",
Line 73: Line 65:  
         ja = "これっ、そこに落ちてたわよっ!あ\"っ、私が買ってきたもんじゃないからっ!あんたのじゃないのっ? …はやく、持って行ってよ!",
         ja = "これっ、そこに落ちてたわよっ!あ\"っ、私が買ってきたもんじゃないからっ!あんたのじゃないのっ? …はやく、持って行ってよ!",
         en = "I found this on the floor over there! Ah! It's not like I bought it or anything! It's yours, isn't it? Hurry up and take it already!",
         en = "I found this on the floor over there! Ah! It's not like I bought it or anything! It's yours, isn't it? Hurry up and take it already!",
        note = "",
Line 80: Line 71:  
         ja = "てーとく…提督さん! あ、あの、これをもらってくださいますか? ど、ど、どうぞ!",
         ja = "てーとく…提督さん! あ、あの、これをもらってくださいますか? ど、ど、どうぞ!",
         en = "Admiral....Admiral! Ah, um, please accept this! H-h-here!",
         en = "Admiral....Admiral! Ah, um, please accept this! H-h-here!",
        note = "",
Line 87: Line 77:  
         ja = "は?チョコレート?クソ提督、何言ってんの? ……一応用意したけど、さっさと取ってってよね! っほら!",
         ja = "は?チョコレート?クソ提督、何言ってんの? ……一応用意したけど、さっさと取ってってよね! っほら!",
         en = "Haa? Chocolate? The hell are you talking about, you shitty admiral? ....Well I do have some though. Hurry up and take it! Here!",
         en = "Haa? Chocolate? The hell are you talking about, you shitty admiral? ....Well I do have some though. Hurry up and take it! Here!",
        note = "",
Line 94: Line 83:  
         ja = "バレンタイン( ・∀・)キタコレ! 仕方ない…ご主人様にもチョコレート、はい❤",
         ja = "バレンタイン( ・∀・)キタコレ! 仕方ない…ご主人様にもチョコレート、はい❤",
         en = "Valentine's, YESSS! Right....a chocolate for you too, Master. Here❤",
         en = "Valentine's, YESSS! Right....a chocolate for you too, Master. Here❤",
        note = "",
Line 101: Line 89:  
         ja = "提督、はい。いっちばん美味しいチョコ、あげるね♪ 絶対食べるんだよ?",
         ja = "提督、はい。いっちばん美味しいチョコ、あげるね♪ 絶対食べるんだよ?",
         en = "Admiral, here. I'll give you the tastiest one. Make sure you eat it, 'kay?",
         en = "Admiral, here. I'll give you the tastiest one. Make sure you eat it, 'kay?",
        note = "",
Line 108: Line 95:  
         ja = "提督。一応これ、僕からも渡しておくね……邪魔、かな?",
         ja = "提督。一応これ、僕からも渡しておくね……邪魔、かな?",
         en = "Admiral. I'd like you to have this....should I not have?",
         en = "Admiral. I'd like you to have this....should I not have?",
        note = "",
Line 115: Line 101:  
         ja = "村雨の、ちょっと良いチョコ、食べてみる? 甘くて、すこーし苦いんです。うふふ♪",
         ja = "村雨の、ちょっと良いチョコ、食べてみる? 甘くて、すこーし苦いんです。うふふ♪",
         en = "Would you like to try some of these nice chocolates? They're sweet and just a little bitter. Ufufu♪",
         en = "Would you like to try some of these nice chocolates? They're sweet and just a little bitter. Ufufu♪",
        note = "",
Line 122: Line 107:  
         ja = "えっと、このチョコレートあげるっぽい。夕立。結構頑張って作ったっぽい。",
         ja = "えっと、このチョコレートあげるっぽい。夕立。結構頑張って作ったっぽい。",
         en = "Um, this chocolate-ish thing's for you. I did my bestest making it!",
         en = "Um, this chocolate-ish thing's for you. I did my bestest making it!",
        note = "",
Line 129: Line 113:  
         ja = "あ、チョコなんて用意してないわよ! 何いってんの? こ、これも別に違うんだからね!",
         ja = "あ、チョコなんて用意してないわよ! 何いってんの? こ、これも別に違うんだからね!",
         en = "Eh? I didn't get any chocolate for you, you know! What do you mean? Th-these aren't what you think, okay!",
         en = "Eh? I didn't get any chocolate for you, you know! What do you mean? Th-these aren't what you think, okay!",
        note = "",
Line 136: Line 119:  
         ja = "バラン…タイ…? まーたおかしな祭りばっかだな、この艦隊は。…ぅ、一応あるぜ、はいよ!",
         ja = "バラン…タイ…? まーたおかしな祭りばっかだな、この艦隊は。…ぅ、一応あるぜ、はいよ!",
         en = "Valen....tine's? Jeez, this fleet has all sorts of weird holidays. Well, I do have some for you, though. Here!",
         en = "Valen....tine's? Jeez, this fleet has all sorts of weird holidays. Well, I do have some for you, though. Here!",
        note = "''Kai''",
Line 143: Line 125:  
         ja = "バ、バレンタイン…今年こそは決戦ね! うふふ、ふふ…うっ?! は、鼻血が? あははは…",
         ja = "バ、バレンタイン…今年こそは決戦ね! うふふ、ふふ…うっ?! は、鼻血が? あははは…",
         en = "Va-Valentine's.... Surely this year will be the decisive battle! Ufufu, fufu....uu?! Ah, my nose is bleeding! Ahahaha....",
         en = "Va-Valentine's.... Surely this year will be the decisive battle! Ufufu, fufu....uu?! Ah, my nose is bleeding! Ahahaha....",
        note = "",
Line 150: Line 131:  
         ja = "バレンタインねー?なんでアタシチョコ貰うんだろう?そうゆう日だっけ?",
         ja = "バレンタインねー?なんでアタシチョコ貰うんだろう?そうゆう日だっけ?",
         en = "Valentine's, huh? Why am I getting chocolate? Is this how it's supposed to go?",
         en = "Valentine's, huh? Why am I getting chocolate? Is this how it's supposed to go?",
        note = "",
Line 157: Line 137:  
         ja = "提督さん、チョコレートそんなに好き……なの? じゃあ、由良もチョコをあげる……ね?",
         ja = "提督さん、チョコレートそんなに好き……なの? じゃあ、由良もチョコをあげる……ね?",
         en = "Admiral, do you really like chocolate that much? Then, I'll give you some too....'kay?",
         en = "Admiral, do you really like chocolate that much? Then, I'll give you some too....'kay?",
        note = "",
Line 164: Line 143:  
         ja = "んだよぉ、バレンタイン?うっぜぇなぁ、もう!まぁでも、一応買ってあんぜ…ホラ",
         ja = "んだよぉ、バレンタイン?うっぜぇなぁ、もう!まぁでも、一応買ってあんぜ…ホラ",
         en = "What? Valentine's? Ugh, jeez! Ehh, but I did buy some for you anyways. Here!",
         en = "What? Valentine's? Ugh, jeez! Ehh, but I did buy some for you anyways. Here!",
        note = "",
Line 176: Line 154:  
         ja = "私の計算では、この甘さがベストなはず。あ、あの…このチョコレート、どうぞ。",
         ja = "私の計算では、この甘さがベストなはず。あ、あの…このチョコレート、どうぞ。",
         en = "According to my calculations, this level of sweetness should be best. Ah, um.... Here, these chocolates are for you.",
         en = "According to my calculations, this level of sweetness should be best. Ah, um.... Here, these chocolates are for you.",
        note = "",
Line 188: Line 165:  
         ja = "HEY、提督ぅー! Burning Love!! な、chocolate持ってきたヨ-!",
         ja = "HEY、提督ぅー! Burning Love!! な、chocolate持ってきたヨ-!",
         en = "Hey Admiral! I've brought you some chocolates full of Burning Love!",
         en = "Hey Admiral! I've brought you some chocolates full of Burning Love!",
        note = "",
Line 200: Line 176:  
         ja = "手作りチョコ、よし。気合十分、よし。この季節は、恋も戦いも、負けませんっ!",
         ja = "手作りチョコ、よし。気合十分、よし。この季節は、恋も戦いも、負けませんっ!",
         en = "Homemade chocolates: check. Spirit: pumped. At Valentine's, I won't lose in love or war!",
         en = "Homemade chocolates: check. Spirit: pumped. At Valentine's, I won't lose in love or war!",
        note = "",
Line 212: Line 187:  
         ja = "提督…もしよかったら…この榛名のチョコレート…もらっていただけますか?",
         ja = "提督…もしよかったら…この榛名のチョコレート…もらっていただけますか?",
         en = "Admiral, if you'd like, would you have some of Haruna's chocolates?",
         en = "Admiral, if you'd like, would you have some of Haruna's chocolates?",
        note = "",
Line 224: Line 198:  
         ja = "甘さ良し、ほろ苦さ良し、包装良し! よーし、大丈夫! 司令官、こちらを!",
         ja = "甘さ良し、ほろ苦さ良し、包装良し! よーし、大丈夫! 司令官、こちらを!",
         en = "Sweetness: check. Bitterness: check. Wrapping: check! Alright, everything's good! Commander, please take these!",
         en = "Sweetness: check. Bitterness: check. Wrapping: check! Alright, everything's good! Commander, please take these!",
        note = "",
Line 236: Line 209:  
         ja = "そうね、ヴァレンタインだもの。提督、日向。はい、チョコレート。ふふ♪",
         ja = "そうね、ヴァレンタインだもの。提督、日向。はい、チョコレート。ふふ♪",
         en = "Oh, that's right, it's Valentine's, isn't it? Admiral, Hyuuga, here, chocolates! Fufu♪",
         en = "Oh, that's right, it's Valentine's, isn't it? Admiral, Hyuuga, here, chocolates! Fufu♪",
        note = "",
Line 243: Line 215:  
         ja = "そうか、ヴァレンタインというやつだな。仕方無い、特別な瑞雲をやろう。ほら。",
         ja = "そうか、ヴァレンタインというやつだな。仕方無い、特別な瑞雲をやろう。ほら。",
         en = "Oh, yeah, it's that thing called Valentine's, isn't it? Alright then, I'll give you a special [[Zuiun]]. Here.",
         en = "Oh, yeah, it's that thing called Valentine's, isn't it? Alright then, I'll give you a special [[Zuiun]]. Here.",
        note = "",
Line 250: Line 221:  
         ja = "はい、提督。私からもチョコあげる♪ あんまりいっぱいもらって食べ過ぎないでね?",
         ja = "はい、提督。私からもチョコあげる♪ あんまりいっぱいもらって食べ過ぎないでね?",
         en = "Here you go, Admiral. Some chocolates from me, too. Don't eat too much just because you got a lot, okay?",
         en = "Here you go, Admiral. Some chocolates from me, too. Don't eat too much just because you got a lot, okay?",
        note = "",
Line 257: Line 227:  
         ja = "んっふ~♪ 提督、チョコあげる、チョコ♪ 一応手作りだよ? 大事に食べてね♪",
         ja = "んっふ~♪ 提督、チョコあげる、チョコ♪ 一応手作りだよ? 大事に食べてね♪",
         en = "Huhu~m♪ Admiral, I have some chocolates for you. Chocolates♪ They're homemade, you know? Make sure you enjoy them♪",
         en = "Huhu~m♪ Admiral, I have some chocolates for you. Chocolates♪ They're homemade, you know? Make sure you enjoy them♪",
        note = "",
Line 264: Line 233:  
         ja = "あのー、これ、もしよかったら。どうぞ。はい!チョコケーキです。召し上がって。",
         ja = "あのー、これ、もしよかったら。どうぞ。はい!チョコケーキです。召し上がって。",
         en = "Um.... Here, would you perhaps want to eat this? Yes, it is a chocolate cake. Please enjoy it.",
         en = "Um.... Here, would you perhaps want to eat this? Yes, it is a chocolate cake. Please enjoy it.",
        note = "''Kai''",
Line 271: Line 239:  
         ja = "特製チョコレートケーキを焼きました。甘くって、美味しいですよ?うふふっ♪",
         ja = "特製チョコレートケーキを焼きました。甘くって、美味しいですよ?うふふっ♪",
         en = "I baked my special chocolate cake. It's really sweet & delicious, you know? Ehehe~♪",
         en = "I baked my special chocolate cake. It's really sweet & delicious, you know? Ehehe~♪",
        note = "",
Line 278: Line 245:  
         ja = "バレンタイン… やっぱり、チョコですよね!最中の中、チョコアイスにしてみました!",
         ja = "バレンタイン… やっぱり、チョコですよね!最中の中、チョコアイスにしてみました!",
         en = "Valentine's....that means chocolate! I tried adding some chocolate ice cream into the [[wikipedia:Monaka|Monaka]]!",
         en = "Valentine's....that means chocolate! I tried adding some chocolate ice cream into the [[wikipedia:Monaka|Monaka]]!",
        note = "",
cssedit, gkautomate
