
Created page with "--Categories: --Category:Seasonal modules return { index = { ["Destroyers"] = { "Fubuki", "Hatsuyuki", "Murakumo", "Oboro", "Akebono", "Sazanami", "Ushio", "Hatsuha..."
--[[Category:Seasonal modules]]

return {
index = {
["Destroyers"] = { "Fubuki", "Hatsuyuki", "Murakumo", "Oboro", "Akebono", "Sazanami", "Ushio", "Hatsuharu", "Nenohi", "Wakaba", "Hatsushimo", "Shiratsuyu", "Shigure", "Murasame", "Yuudachi", "Urakaze", "Tanikaze", "Hamakaze", "Akizuki", "Asagumo", "Nowaki", "Yamagumo" },
["Light Cruisers"] = { "Yura", "Ooi", "Kitakami", "Ooyodo" },
["Heavy Cruisers"] = { "Furutaka", "Kako", "Prinz Eugen" },
["Battleships"] = { "Nagato", "Ise", "Hyuuga", "Bismarck" },
["Light Carriers"] = { "Zuihou" },
["Standard Carriers"] = { "Souryuu", "Hiryuu" },
["NPC"] = { "Mamiya", "Irako" },
ships = {
["Fubuki"] = {
ja = "あけましておめでとうございます、司令官!今年ももーっともーっとがんばりますね!",
en = "Happy New Year, Admiral! I'll work even harder this year!",
note = "",
["Hatsuyuki"] = {
ja = "あけおめ・・・ことよろ・・・。初雪へのお年玉は・・・?えっ・・・ないの・・・",
en = "Happy New Year... regards... Where is my new years money...? Eh? ...There is none...",
note = "",
["Murakumo"] = {
ja = "謹賀新年ねっ、ほんっと仕方ない、今年もあんたに付き合ってあげるわ・・・ったく・・・",
en = "Happy New Year, right? It can't be helped, I'll go along with you this year too... Sheesh...",
note = "",
["Oboro"] = {
ja = "提督、あけましておめでとうございます。本年も朧をどうぞよろしくお願いします",
en = "Admiral, Happy New Year! Please look after me this year too.",
note = "",
["Akebono"] = {
ja = "クソ提督!あけおめことよろ!なによっ、新年ぐらいシャキっとしてよ!",
en = "Shitty Admiral! Happy New Year and best regards! What? At least do the New Year's greeting properly!",
note = "",
["Sazanami"] = {
ja = "新年ktkr!!・・・あー、今年も一年歳を取ってしまいましたがー・・・",
en = "The new year is here!! ...Ah, but we'll grow a year older this year...",
note = "",
["Ushio"] = {
ja = "提督、新年あけましておめでとう・・・ございます!・・・あっ・・・あの・・・、ごめんなさいっ!",
en = "Admiral, Happy New... Year! ...U-um... Sorry!",
note = "",
["Hatsuharu"] = {
ja = "初春じゃ!めでたいのう。本年もこの初春をわらわと祝おうぞ!",
en = "It's Hatsuharu! How auspicious. Let us celebrate this year together!",
note = "",
["Nenohi"] = {
ja = "新年!あけおめ!ことよろ!なのっ!本年も、ねのひをどうぞよろしくだよ?ねっ?",
en = "New year! Happy new year! Regards for this year! Yes! Please take care of me this year too. Ok?",
note = "",
["Wakaba"] = {
ja = "新年か、この瞬間を待っていた。提督、今年もよろしく頼む!・・・ああ、大丈夫だ!",
en = "It's the new year huh. I've been waiting for this moment. Admiral, I will be counting on you again this year. Yes, I'll be fine!",
note = "",
["Hatsushimo"] = {
ja = "謹賀新年、あけましておめでとうございます。初霜、今年もがんばります!はいっ!",
en = "It's a new year. Happy New Year! Hatsushimo will do her best this year! Yes!",
note = "",
["Shiratsuyu"] = {
ja = "あけましておめでとう!いっちばーん沢山入ったお年玉をちょうだい!提督!",
en = "Happy New Year! Give me the most New Years money! Admiral!",
note = "",
["Shigure"] = {
ja = "あけましておめでとう提督。今年もボクを・・・僕たちをよろしくね!",
en = "Happy New Year, Admiral. This year, please take care of m-..please take care of us again.",
note = "",
["Murasame"] = {
ja = "提督、謹賀新年です。今年も村雨の…ちょっといいとこ、みせてあげる!",
en = "Admiral, Happy New Year! I'll show you a few of Murasame's good points this year too!",
note = "",
["Yuudachi"] = {
ja = "お正月っぽいー!夕立も晴れ着を着るっぽい!これで戦闘は・・・出来るっぽい!",
en = "Looks like its the new year! Looks like Yuudachi will be wearing her best clothes! Looks like...I can fight in these clothes!",
note = "",
["Urakaze"] = {
ja = "提督、謹賀新年じゃけぇ。今年もよろしゅうね!",
en = "Admiral, it's the new year. I'll be counting on you this year too!",
note = "",
["Tanikaze"] = {
ja = "あっ↑けましてぇ↓、おめっとさーん!ていとくぅ!今年は景気良くなるさっ!う゛ん゛!だいじょうぶぅ~",
en = "Happy New Year, Admiral! Our condition is only going to get better this year! It'll be fine!",
note = "",
["Hamakaze"] = {
ja = "提督、新年あけましておめでとうございます。今年もよろしくどうぞ・・・です",
en = "Admiral, Happy New Year. I will be counting on you again this year.",
note = "",
["Akizuki"] = {
ja = "あけましておめでとうございます。司令!本年も、どうぞよろしくお願い致します!",
en = "Happy New Year. Commander, please treat me well this year too!",
note = "",
["Asagumo"] = {
ja = "謹賀新年!司令、あけましておめでとう。・・・今年も付き合ってあげるわよ。安心しなさい!",
en = "It's the new year! Commander, Happy New Year! I'll accompany you this year too. Don't worry!",
note = "",
["Nowaki"] = {
ja = "謹賀新年、司令!昨年は大変お世話になりました。今年も、よろしくどうぞ・・・です!",
en = "Happy New Year, Commander. You took great care of me last year. I will be in your care again this year.",
note = "",
["Yamagumo"] = {
ja = "司令さーん、あけましてぇ、おめでとうございまーす!・・・山雲、今年も、よろしくでーす!",
en = "Commander-san~, Happy~ New Year~! ...Yamagumo will be in your care this year too~!",
note = "",
["Yura"] = {
ja = "提督さん、謹賀新年、です。今年も由良をよろしくお願いしますね。ねっ",
en = "Admiral-san, Happy New Year. Please look after me this year too. Alright?",
note = "",
["Ooi"] = {
ja = "北上さん!!あけましておめでとうございます!!っ今年も! ・・・あっ提督?提督も今年もどうぞよろしくおねがい致します。はい",
en = "Kitakami-san, Happy New Year! This year-...Oh, Admiral? I will be in your care again this year too. Yep!",
note = "",
["Kitakami"] = {
ja = "いやー、めでたいねぇ。今年もよろしくねー。正月ぐらいはのんびりしたいねー。ねー、大井っちー",
en = "Hey, isn't this fortunate? I'm counting on you this year too. Don't you just wanna relax, at least during the New Year? Right, Ooicchi?",
note = "",
["Ooyodo"] = {
ja = "提督!新年もあけましておめでとうございます。本年もどうぞ、よろしくお願い致します!",
en = "Admiral, Happy New Year. I'll be counting on you again this year.",
note = "",
["Furutaka"] = {
ja = "提督!あけましておめでとうございます、古鷹、今年も重巡洋艦の良いところ、沢山お見せ出来るよう頑張ります!",
en = "Admiral! Happy New Year! I'll do my best to show you all the good things about heavy cruisers this year as well!",
note = "",
["Kako"] = {
ja = "新年あけまして、おめっとさーん!提督、今年もばりばり行こうぜぇ!",
en = "Happy New Year! Admiral, let's charge on this year too!",
note = "",
["Prinz Eugen"] = {
ja = "これがニホンの新年、『オショウ・ガ・ツー』なのか…! カドマ・ツーも、独特で素敵かも…!",
en = "This is a Japanese new year. There are \"2 Priests\"...! Kadoma-2, too, is unique and wonderful...!",
note = "お正月 (Oshougatsu, New Years) mixed up with 和尚が2 (Oshou ga 2, 2 priests)<br>門松 (Kadomatsu, New Years decoration) mixed up with 門真2 (Kadoma 2, 2nd Kadoma [city])",
["Nagato"] = {
ja = "謹賀新年か・・・、胸が熱いな",
en = "It's a happy new year, huh... I'm getting excited.",
note = "",
["Ise"] = {
ja = "新年だよ新年!日向、あけましておめでとう!今年もよろしくね",
en = "It's a new year! Hyuuga, Happy New Year! I'll be in your care this year as well.",
note = "",
["Hyuuga"] = {
ja = "謹賀新年・・・、あけましておめでとう、伊勢、そして提督。今年もよろしく頼む",
en = "It's a new year... Happy New Year, Ise, also Admiral. Treat me well this year too.",
note = "",
["Bismarck"] = {
ja = "提督!新年も頑張っていきましょう!もちろん私は、いつだって頑張っているわ",
en = "Admiral, let's work hard this year too! Naturally, I'm always working hard though!",
note = "",
["Zuihou"] = {
ja = "謹賀新年、あけましておめでとうございます。・・・あのっ・・・私の作った伊達巻・・・たべる?",
en = "It's the new year! Happy New Year! Umm, would you like to eat my handmade Rolled Omelette?",
note = "",
["Souryuu"] = {
ja = "提督ぅ!あけおめことよろでーす!新年も第二航空戦隊をどうぞよろしくでーす!",
en = "Admiral, Happy New Year! This year, the 2nd Carrier Division will be in your care again!",
note = "",
["Hiryuu"] = {
ja = "あけましておめでとうございまーす!提督、今年も二航戦をよろしくね!ねっ!",
en = "Happy New Year! Admiral, please take care of the 2nd Carrier Division this year too, okay? Okay?",
note = "",
["Mamiya"] = {
ja = "新年はやっぱり、おせちもいいけれど。カレーとかも食べたくなりません?",
en = "Osechi is good for New Years, but don't you want to have some curry too?",
note = "",
["Irako"] = {
ja = "あけましておめでとうございます。新年も、伊良湖、がんばります!",
en = "Happy New Year. Irako will do her best this year too!",
note = "",
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