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Naval Exercises are practice matches where you combat the fleets of other admirals. Exercises reset twice daily, once at 03:00 JST and again at 15:00 JST.  This means you can run a maximum of 10 exercises per day.
The '''Exercise (演習)''' menu can be accessed from the '''Sortie (出撃)''' button on the main menu. This is the PvP section of the game where you fight a random selection of 5 other players on your server.
==Basic Explanation==
* The exercise list will reset at 0300 and 1500 JST daily.
*Exercise is a battle against another player's fleet. In order to participate, from Naval Base, click on Sortie (出撃), followed by Exercise (演習).
**Cannot be done if the flagship of the fleet in question is heavily damaged (大破).
**Can deploy if an escort ship is heavily damaged, but it may result in that ship not receiving any EXP. See [[#Benefits of Participating|below]] for details.
*List is refreshed at 3AM and 3PM JST (coinciding with the Ranking update). This normally means you can run up to 10 exercises per day.
**Since the daily quest list refreshes at 5AM, it is possible to "finish" the day's exercise quest by exercising between 3AM and 5AM. However, this will cause you to have fewer battles for the next day (you end up using the next day's list early).
*The enemy list is chosen in a very specific way.
**If you are ranked within the '''Top 1000''', your list will be '''5 random players within Top 1000'''.
**If you are '''NOT''' ranked within the Top 1000, your list will be '''1 random player within Top 1000, the 3 players immediately above you in Ranking, and the player 10 places after you in Ranking'''.
**Because of how the list is populated, it means that you have an extremely high chance of being chosen as exercise target if you are within the Top 1000.
*There is no rematch.
**However, if the same opponent shows up when the Ranking list updates, you will be able to battle that opponent again.
*Enemy fleet is that player's first fleet.
**The composition of that fleet is updated almost real-time, but until the battle actually starts, the enemy fleet is not set in stone. The enemy fleet can still change '''after''' you select your formation.
***Which means that you may end up facing a different fleet than what you saw.
*You cannot lose a ship girl during exercise. At the end of any exercise battle, ship girls have their pre-exercise HP restored.
*Your opponent's fleet always starts at Maximum HP, regardless of what it actually is for your opponent.
==Benefits of Participating==
=Menu Functions=
The first and most obvious benefit of exercises is that participation is required for several quests. The exercise list is updated twice daily (at 3AM and 3PM JST), so you get ten chances total to complete all your daily quests.
* '''Flagship''' - Displays the opponent's current flagship.
* '''Name''' - Displays the opponent's name.
* '''Message''' - Displays the opponent's message that was set in the Information menu.
* '''HQ Level''' - Displays the opponent's HQ level.
* '''Medals''' - Displays the number of hard mode medals the opponent has earned.
* '''Result''' - Displays the result of the exercise. It will be blank if you haven't fought the opponent yet.
* '''Matchmaking Mode''' - Allows you to select which matchmaking mode you'd prefer. See [[#Matchmaking Mode|below]] for details.
* '''Fleet Preview''' - Displays the opponent's current fleet.
* '''Opponent Information''' - Displays the opponent's current rank, exp total, number of ship girls, equipment and furniture.
* '''Challenge''' - Starts the exercise.
Exercises are also a very safe way of gaining experience for your ships. Ships cannot sink, and are automatically repaired back to their pre-exercise status after a battle has concluded. The only running cost is fuel/ammo (as if you participated in a sortie battle; 20% fuel and 20%/30% ammo) and bauxite (planes are still shot down and must be replenished).
=How to Exercise=
Winning exercises generally results in your ships gaining [[Morale/Fatigue|morale]]. PvP modifiers for morale are generally the same as sorties; for example, a ship can gain morale by achieving MVP in an exercise. However, unlike sorties, returning from exercises does not drain morale, allowing admirals to easily generate morale for their ships for the purposes of sortieing or expeditions. Since achieving an S rank gives +1 morale to all participating ships, ships can go from 49 morale to 50, instantly sparkling them.
1. To begin an exercise, just click on the opponent you wish to fight. This will bring up the opponent's information.
2. Clicking on '''Challenge (演習を挑む)''' will bring up your fleet.  
3. Clicking on '''Begin Exercise (演習開始!)''' will start the exercise.
4. Select a formation to begin combat.
* This step is your last chance to back out if you wish. Once you select a formation, the battle result will be locked in and you cannot challenge this opponent again.
* '''Your ship girls will not earn experience from cancelled exercises.'''
Heavily damaged ships can gain exp, but they do not have protection from sinking (just as if they are in a sortie). They can receive damage, and if the damage would exceed their current HP, they will be treated as "sunken". If this happens, the ship will not gain any experience, and your battle rank will lower (see [[Combat#Victory_Conditions|here]] for details, replacing "friendly ship sunk" with "ship treated as sunken" in the conditions).
'''Important Notes'''
* The flagship must not be <span style="color:red;">'''heavily damaged (大破)'''</span>.
** Can deploy if an escort ship is heavily damaged, but it may result in that ship not receiving any EXP. See [[#General Tips|below]] for details.
* The list of opponents refreshes twice a day at 0300 and 1500 JST.
** This means a maximum of 10 exercises a day.
** Since the daily quest list refreshes at 0500, it is possible to "finish" the day's exercise quest by exercising between 0300 and 0500. However, this will cause you to have fewer battles for the next day (you end up using the next day's list early).
* The opposing fleet is the 1st fleet of the opponent.
** The composition of that fleet is updated almost real-time. It is only confirmed '''after formation is selected'''.
** You can end up fighting a different fleet than what was presented at the opponent information menu.
* Ship girls cannot be sunk in exercises.
** But they can be considered "sunk" for exp and victory condition purposes.
* You cannot gain or lose [[Plane Proficiency|plane proficiency]] in exercises.
* The opponent's fleet will always be at full HP and 0 plane proficiency regardless of their actual status.
* You will not be able to have a rematch with the opponent.
** They can still be selected as your opponent again during another reset.
* Exercises cost as much as a normal combat node. That is '''20% fuel and ammo'''.
* Ship girls cannot be truly sunk in exercies. They will not go below 1HP.
** This can lead to confusion as actual 1HP ship girls are still not considered "sunk" for the purposes of determining rank.
Finally, if you own a training cruiser and put it in your fleet for PVP fighter, the training cruiser will be able to grant an exp bonus to your fleet. Originally, a training cruiser had to be the flagship to grant this effect. However, as of the Fall 2015 Event, training cruisers can be placed anywhere in the fleet composition and still grant an Experience bonus.
=Matchmaking Modes=
==When to Run Exercises==
The three different matchmaking modes are as follows:
{| class="wikitable typography-xl-optout" style="width:100%;text-align:center;"
* Exercise Fleet (Group 1) (演習艦隊【第一群】): Opponents will be selected from those that have a higher HQ level. Fleets are generally tougher but will have better experience rewards.
* Exercise Fleet (Group 2) (演習艦隊【第二群】): Opponents are selected from those around your HQ level. Fleets will generally be evenly matched to yours but provide less experience.
* Entire Server (全体): This is the original PvP matchmaking system and it is the '''default''' unless you change it. Oppontents are selected as follows:
** 1 random player within the '''Top 1000''' of your server.
** 3 players '''immediately above you in rankings'''.
** 1 player '''10 places above you in rankings'''.
** If you are within the Top 1000, it will just be '''5 random players within the top 1000'''.
'''Important Notes'''
* You are able to freely swap between matchmaking modes until '''2 hours before PvP reset''' (0100 and 1300 JST).
* It is generally advised to use "Group 1" whenever possible because it will match you with high level players. They will generally have high leveled ships that give the most exp.
=Fleet Formations=
The formation of the opponent's fleet is determined by a few factors:
* If ''your opponent'' has '''3 or fewer ships in the fleet''', their formation will be '''line ahead''' regardless of your composition. Otherwise:
# If ''you'' have a '''SS or SSV flagship''' and '''at least 1 other SS/SSV''', their formation will be '''line abreast'''.
# If ''your opponent'' has a '''SS or SSV flagship''', their formation will be '''echelon'''.
# If ''your opponent'' has a '''CV or CVL flagship''' and '''at least 5 ships''', their formation will be '''diamond'''.
#* Note that this means CV flagship of a 4-ship fleet will not be in diamond.
# In all other cases, their formation will be '''line ahead'''.
In case multiple criteria are met (for example, a fleet of 5 ships led by a CV facing a submarine-only fleet), the precedence is:
# '''Line abreast'''
# '''Echelon''' / '''Diamond''' (equal priority)
# '''Line ahead'''
So in the example given above, the enemy will be in line abreast.
=Experience Gain=
Please see [[Experience and Rank#Exercises|Experience and Rank]] for more details on the formula used for calculating experience earned in exercises.
===Experience Chart===
The table below represents the '''post-cap experience without the rank multiplier''' depending on the 1st and 2nd ships of your opponent.
* The first column represents the flagship level and the first row is the 2nd ship level.
* The red numbers represent the 100s thresholds for experience.
* The numbers assumes a random integer of 0, as per the experience formula.
{| class="wikitable typography-xl-optout mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:100%;text-align:center;"
!colspan="30"|Second ship level
!colspan="32"|Second ship level
Top horizontal row represents the level of the second ship in the fleet while the first vertical row represents the flagship level.
Generally, if the sum of the levels of the ships in the '''top two slots''' in the enemy fleet is roughly fifty or more, you can expect a base experience of about 500. The other four ships in the enemy fleet seemingly do not factor into the experience formula.
At low Admiral Levels, players have very low level ships, so the experience gain from exercises tends to be bad (sometimes far lower than running sorties). Simply put, it may not be worth running many exercises until you reach higher levels. However, there is usually one admiral in your list that is three or four times your level. Even though you will likely be slaughtered by a superior force, the high base experience still means that you come out with a great deal of experience.
Similar to sorties, you gain more experience with an S rank than with an A or B rank. If you can spare the resources and are certain of victory, it is almost always worth it to enter night battle to finish off a wounded enemy fleet. However, note that both A and B rank yield the same amount of experience. There is no point pursuing night battle if you have already won, and cannot finish off the enemy completely. Note that the multiplier is different compared to a normal sortie and the Base XP shown already accounts for the multiplier.
{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align: center;" |Rank
! style="text-align: center;" |Multiplier
| style="text-align: center;" |S
| style="text-align: center;" |1.2
| style="text-align: center;" |A
| style="text-align: center;" |1.0
| style="text-align: center;" |B
| style="text-align: center;" |1.0
| style="text-align: center;" |C
| style="text-align: center;" |0.64
| style="text-align: center;" |D
| style="text-align: center;" |0.56
| style="text-align: center;" |E
| style="text-align: center;" |0.4, no MVP
==Fleet Composition==
=Exercise Tips=
As always, the flagship receives bonus experience. Thus, it makes sense to place a ship you wish to level in the flagship slot.
===General Tips===
Running carriers in exercises is not recommended. Any competent Admiral will equip their fleet with lots of anti-air, which can utterly decimate your planes. A competently equipped fleet can easily cost you 200-300 bauxite in planes. If you wish to level a carrier in exercises, consider equipping high angle guns on them instead of planes. Running a carrier with planes is possible, but you should exercise great caution in doing so.
Battleships should form the backbone of your fleet. Their high HP and armor means that they can take a beating, and their firepower makes them effective against all ship types. The number of battleships you use should depend on the number of battleships and carriers in the enemy fleet.
The air combat phase and the opening torpedo salvo can often determine who wins the fight. To this end, make sure you equip sufficient anti-air to neutralize your opponent's carriers. Fielding Kitakami and Ooi is also generally a good idea, as they can very easily oneshot ships.
If the enemy has many light carriers, light cruisers, or destroyers, consider using a sub. As in sorties, anything that can target the sub, will, so you can effectively divert a significant portion of the enemy's firepower to the sub. Light cruisers and destroyers will continue to target the sub (if it is still alive) in night combat, so use this to your advantage. You could also opt to run a fleet of mostly heavies and battleships, as their high armor will shrug off most attacks.
If you are looking to gain an exp bonus, be sure to place a training cruiser in your fleet. Keep in mind, that if own both Katori and Kashima, the experience will be shared depending on which ships has the higher level and what position they are in.
===Facing Submarines===
When facing a fleet entirely made of submarines, the line abreast formation is recommended. As the enemy fleet's formation is based on the composition of said fleet, a fleet of four subs will always be in echelon formation. This is advantageous for you, as the accuracy of their pre-emptive torpedoes will generally suck because of this.
Using high ASW ships is helpful, but not strictly necessary. You will still deal good damage due to the line abreast formation. Stacking ASW equipment on your ships is highly recommended. Add in any battleship to enable the second round of attacks. Finally, take a light carrier (or a carrier if you feel you don't need the extra attack) equipped with a Saiun recon plane. The Saiun will ensure that the ''Crossing the T (Disadvantageous)'' formation is avoided, which is very important, as this particular engagement form significantly hinders your ability to kill subs.
If the enemy fleet has a sub supported by a real fleet (battleships, carriers, etc), the battle becomes more difficult. Consider running Kitakami and Ooi with minisubs and ASW equipment. Their pre-emptive torpedo attack will prioritize enemy ships over the sub, and they have reasonably high ASW. When using the torpedo cruisers, you should use line ahead formation in order to maximize their accuracy, as this strategy hinges on sinking or critically damaging one or two of the enemy's ships to win the surface battle. Field one or more battleships to cement your surface superiority, and possibly a carrier (light carriers will target the sub and deal ''very ''little damage due to the formation) equipped with a Saiun. Adding another good ASW ship such as Isuzu Kai 2 is a good idea too. The main problem of this enemy fleet composition tends to be killing the sub, not killing the surface ships.
* If the sum of your opponent's first two ships is ≥50, then you can expect a base experience of 500.  
* It is always worth doing exercises against powerful opponents. Even if you lose badly, you stand to gain a significant amount of experience from high level ship girls.
** Setting your matchmaker to "Group 1" will help you find powerful opponents.
* It is inadvisable to run carriers with bombers in exercises.
** Due to how powerful ship girl anti-air can be, it can cost between 200-500 bauxite if you run into a fleet with heavy anti air.
* The flagship receives a significant bonus, this makes it a great way to level weak or expensive ship girls.
* <span style="color:red;">'''Heavily damaged (大破)'''</span> ship girls are subject to "sinking" just like in sorties.
** You will not lose them if they are "sunk" in exercises, but they will not earn any experience and will affect your rank.
As always, there is still some RNG involved with this strategy. If the enemy manages to inflict enough damage to your ASW ships, your chances of killing the sub are slim. Even then, you will probably still come out with an A or B rank.
===Fleet Setup===
==Fleet Formations==
* You can abuse the formation triggers to get an easy fight.
Your PvP opponent's fleet formation is automatically determined based on the compositions of both fleets.
** Eg. running submarines to neuter a fleet by forcing it into line abreast.
* If ''your opponent'' has '''3 or fewer ships in the fleet''', their formation will be '''line ahead''' regardless of your composition. Otherwise:
** It is inadvisable to do this too often as you would be wasting experience that could go to more useful ship girls.
# If ''you'' have a '''SS or SSV flagship''' and '''at least 1 other SS/SSV''', their formation will be '''line abreast'''.
* Running a carrier loaded with fighters is advisable to gain air superiority and activate artillery spotting.
# If ''your opponent'' has a '''SS or SSV flagship''', their formation will be '''echelon'''.
** Having a [[Saiun]] can also be helpful for preventing Crossing T (Disadvantage).
# If ''your opponent'' has a '''CV or CVL flagship''' and '''at least 5 ships''', their formation will be '''diamond'''.
* When facing submarines, use line abreast formation and ASW ships.
#* Note that this means CV flagship of a 4-ship fleet will not be in diamond.
** Adding a battleship to allow a 2nd round of shelling will help.
# In all other cases, their formation will be '''line ahead'''.
** Being able to [[Opening Anti-Submarine Warfare|OASW]] will make sumbmarine fleets trivial.
* When facing a heavy fleet, you can run a full submarine fleet to scrape a victory.
** Placing a surface ship as the flag can force the opponent into line ahead to neuter any ASW ships present.
* A single submarine can help tank light ships in the opponent's fleet.
In case multiple criteria are met (for example, a fleet of 5 ships led by a CV facing a submarine-only fleet), the precedence is:
=Exercise Result Reports=
# '''Line abreast'''
# '''Echelon''' / '''Diamond''' (equal priority)
# '''Line ahead'''
So in the example given above, the enemy will be in line abreast.
== PvP Reports against another Admiral==
If you were challenged to an exercise, you will be able to view the results of the battle by clicking the small blue arrow at the bottom of your home screen.
It is no surprise that you're not the only one doing the exercise; while you're fighting an admiral, someone is also fighting you (you just don't see it). The reports can be seen by clicking the small blue arrow at the bottom of your office screen.
Line 179: Line 205:  
<center>[Blue = Victory, Red = Defeat, Green = PvP, Orange = Name]</center>
<center>[Blue = Victory, Red = Defeat, Green = PvP, Orange = Name]</center>
PVP (or exercises) are any reports with the symbol "'''演習'''" besides it. Unless you can read Japanese, there's only 2 things you need to look at; your opponent (underline in orange) and the result (blue or red). The result can be either:
Reports marked with '''Exercise (演習)''' are the exercise reports. The result will either be:
*'''勝利''' <math>\longrightarrow</math> Victory
* Victory (勝利)
*'''敗北''' <math>\longrightarrow</math> Defeat
* Defeat (敗北)
The log basically shows the condition of '''your''' fleet. 勝利 indicates your fleet survived the player who challenged you, while 敗北 means they won over yours.
For quick read-through you can look through the passage and see if there's a character with one line poking in 利 (Victory) or one line poking out 北 (Defeat)
These results do not affect your win/loss ratio in your Information page.
=See Also=
*Result is against your first fleet.
*Result does not affect your win/lose ratio in your profile (it's just for fun)
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