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--[[Category:Equipment modules]]
return {
return {
_name = "Striking Force Fleet Command Facility",
_name = "Striking Force Fleet Command Facility",
_id = 272,
_id = 272,
_japanese_name = "遊撃部隊艦隊司令部",
_japanese_name = "遊撃部隊 艦隊司令部",
_reading = "ゆうげきぶたいかんたいしれいぶ",
_reading = "ゆうげきぶたい かんたいしれいぶ",
_type = 34, -- 12,22,34,28,0
_type = 34,
_icon = 28,
_icon = 28,
_rarity = 5,
_types = {12, 22, 34, 28, 0},
_firepower = false,
_rarity = 5,
_bombing = false,
_firepower = false,
_torpedo = false,
_bombing = false,
_aa = false,
_torpedo = false,
_armor = 1,
_aa = false,
_asw = false,
_armor = 1,
_shelling_accuracy = 1,
_asw = false,
_torpedo_accuracy = false,
_shelling_accuracy = 1,
_evasion = 1,
_torpedo_accuracy = false,
_los = 1,
_evasion = 1,
_speed = false,
_los = 1,
_luck = false,
_speed = false,
_range = false,
_luck = false,
_flight_cost = false,
_range = false,
_flight_range = false,
_special = false,
_special = false,
_scrap_fuel = 2,
_scrap_fuel = 2,
_scrap_ammo = 1,
_scrap_ammo = 1,
_scrap_steel = 1,
_scrap_steel = 1,
_scrap_bauxite = 1,
_scrap_bauxite = 1,
_info = "洋上において遊撃部隊を指揮する艦隊司令部です。<br>司令部施設を開設できるある一定以上の大きさ艦に設営可能です。<br>同司令部を旗艦に設営した艦隊は、「遊撃部隊」として出撃している際に、損害の大きい艦を単艦で戦場から離脱させる「単艦退避」を実施可能です。",
_buildable = false,
_info_en = "This is a facility to command a striking force while underway.<br>It can be set up on ships over a certain size that are capable of hosting command facilities.<br>A fleet that has a ship with this command facility as its flagship will have the option to do \"Single Ship Evacuation\" where a heavily damaged ship withdraws by herself when sortied as a \"Striking Force\".",
_info = "洋上において遊撃部隊を指揮する艦隊司令部です。<br />司令部施設を開設できるある一定以上の大きさ艦に設営可能です。同司令部を旗艦に設営した艦隊は、「遊撃部隊」として出撃している際に、損害の大きい艦を単艦で戦場から離脱させる「単艦退避」を実施可能です。",
_buildable = false,
_improvements = false,