Each Tank unit has 18 tanks within the unit, there are four slots for tanks, however one slot can be used for an AP shell to give your tanks more firepower against targets like abyssal cruisers and destroyers and other armored targets at the cost of one tank company. Depending on what tanks you have in the army depot will reflect the amount of damage you can deal on an enemy installation. If an enemy is in a river, or canal sometimes tanks can target enemy fleet units. Your tanks can be taken out by enemy fire and it will cost ammo and steel to replenish them. As long as an enemy node is near or on land your tanks based in the army depot can be used to attack the node. Node selection is the same as the LBAS in where you can send half or all against one node. Tanks will arrive before your fleet arrives on the scene just like LBAS however if LBAS is used on the same node as tanks the LBAS goes first before the tanks are used in support.