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Priority: '''High'''
'''Yukikaze Kai'''
: Good combat stats and a very high luck stat plus low remodel level makes Yukikaze one of the most important destroyers for a new player. She is more or less a better Shigure Kai Ni and should be one of the first torpedo cut-in ships obtained.
Priority: '''Low'''
:At first remodel, she has low firepower and a decent torpedo stat, making her hitting harder in night battle than at day, but not great at either.
:While she's not impressive in combat, her excellent luck means she can use night cut-in attacks reliably.
'''Dan Yang'''
Priority: '''Medium-Low'''
:This intermediate remodel turns her into a firepower-focused destroyer belonging to the island nation of Taiwan.
:With the proper gear, she can reach a whopping 95 Firepower, rivaling heavy cruisers, although her Torpedo stat decreases significantly, so her overall night battle potential doesn't improve.
:Her AA also goes up.
:Keep in mind that this remodel requires a [[Blueprint]].
'''Yukikaze Kai Ni'''
Priority: '''Medium'''
:Yukikaze's true second remodel is a sight to behold.
:On top of Dan Yang's great firepower, she gains an excellent torpedo stat, which topped with a ridiculous 63 Luck and impressive equipment bonuses makes her outright superb in night battle, hitting on par with the strong cruisers with both double attacks and cut-ins.
:Oh, and on top of that she has now enough ASW to perform opening ASW attacks with proper gear, too.
:Still not enough? She gains the ability to equip a [[Fleet Command Facility]] and amphibious tanks, making her able to shine during amphibious operations as well.
:Sasebo's cute beaver has grown into a truly fearsome lady that mastered nearly every area of combat.
:However, there's a price to be paid to obtain all this goodness: this remodel requires two [[Blueprint]].
====Recommended Roles====
====Recommended Roles====
* Combat
* Night battle
* Surface combat (Dan Yang and beyond)
* ASW (Second remodel)
* Anti-installation (Second remodel)
===Important Information===
===Important Information===
