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| scenario    =Introduction
| scenario    =Introduction
| origin      =日振型海防艦、その二番館、大東さ!着任!あんたが提督か、へへぇ!いいね!あたいもよろしくな。さっ、行ってみよう!
| origin      =日振型海防艦、その二番艦、大東さ!着任!あんたが提督か、へへぇ!いいね!あたいもよろしくな。さっ、行ってみよう!
| translation =I'm the 2nd ship of the Hiburi-class coastal defense ships, Daitou! Reporting for duty! So you're the Admiral. Hehe~! Great! Take care of me too. Now, let's get going!
| translation =I'm the 2nd ship of the Hiburi-class coastal defense ships, Daitou! Reporting for duty! So you're the Admiral. Hehe~! Great! Take care of me too. Now, let's get going!
| audio      = Daitou-Intro.mp3
| audio      = Daitou-Intro.mp3
Line 15: Line 15:  
| scenario    =Introduction
| scenario    =Introduction
| kai        =yes
| kai        =yes
| origin      =日振型海防艦、その二番館、大東!ここにいるぜ!提督、へへぇ、いいじゃん!元気そうだ。今日もよろしくな。さあ、行ってみよう!
| origin      =日振型海防艦、その二番艦、大東!ここにいるぜ!提督、へへぇ、いいじゃん、元気そうだ!今日もよろしくな。さっ、行ってみよう!
| translation =2nd ship of the Hiburi-class coastal defense ships, Daitou! I'm right here! Hehe, aren't I great, Admiral? You're looking good. Now, let's get going!
| translation =2nd ship of the Hiburi-class coastal defense ships, Daitou! I'm right here! Hehe, you're looking good, Admiral, isn't that great! Now, let's get going!
| audio      = DaitouKai-Intro.mp3
| audio      = DaitouKai-Intro.mp3
| scenario    =Library
| scenario    =Library
| origin      =日振型海防艦、その二番艦、大東さ!そうよ、もう大変なんだよ、色々なこと。海上護衛、掃海任務、頑張ったけどね。……はぁ、なんだよ?そんな顔すんなって。提督、安全な海っていいよな、あたいも大好きさ。そういうの……ってさ。まぁ、いっか。あたいのことも、覚えておきなよ!
| origin      =日振型海防艦、その二番艦、大東さ!そうよ、もう大変なんだよ、色々なこと。海上護衛、掃海任務、頑張ったけどね。……あぁ、なんだよ?そんな顔すんなって。提督、安全な海っていいよな、あたいも大好きさ。そういうの……ってさ。まぁ、いっか。あたいのことも、覚えておきなよ!
| translation =I'm the 2nd ship of the Hiburi-class coastal defense ships, Daitou! That's right, I had it really hard. I worked hard on surface escorts and minesweeping missions... Huh, what? Don't make that face. Admiral, safe seas are great right, I like them too. So you know... Well, forget it. Just remember what I told you!
| translation =I'm the 2nd ship of the Hiburi-class coastal defense ships, Daitou! That's right, I had some rough times. I worked hard on surface escorts and minesweeping missions... Huh, what? Don't make that face. Admiral, safe seas are great, right? I like them too. So you know... Well, forget it. Just remember what I told you about me!
| audio      = Daitou-Library.mp3
| audio      = Daitou-Library.mp3
Line 46: Line 46:  
| scenario    =Secretary 3
| scenario    =Secretary 3
| origin      =はぁ…そだな、海を守るってさ、いろいろ案だよね。今もそれは変わんないよ。大事な、仕事さ。何かをかける、意味は「愛」よ。なぁ!
| origin      =あぁ…そだな、海を守るってさ、いろいろ案だよね。今もそれは変わんないよ。大事な、仕事さ。何かを駆ける、意味は「愛」よ。なぁ!
| translation =*sigh*... That's right, I've put a lot of thought into defending the seas. That still hasn't changed. It's my important duty. If I have to give a reason for it, it'd be "love". Right!
| translation =''Sigh''... Yeah, that's right, I've put a lot of thought into defending the seas. That still hasn't changed. It's my important duty. If I have to give a reason for it, it'd be "love". Right!
| audio      = Daitou-Sec3.mp3
| audio      = Daitou-Sec3.mp3
Line 53: Line 53:  
| scenario    =Secretary Idle
| scenario    =Secretary Idle
| origin      =ん?あぁ、掃海の話?いいよ、しても。今も昔も大事な任務さ。海は、綺麗にして未来に渡したいじゃん。ん?おぉい、聞いてっか!?
| origin      =ん?あぁ、掃海の話?いいよ、しても。今も昔も大事な任務さ。海は、綺麗にして未来に渡したいじゃん。ん?おぉい、聞いてっか!?
| translation =Hmm? Ah, the story of the minesweeping? Fine, I don't mind. It's was an important mission back then like it is now. I wanted to leave behind a clean future for the seas. Hmm? Oi~, are you listening!?
| translation =Hmm? Ah, a minesweeping story? Fine, I don't mind. It was an important mission back then, just like it is today. I wanted to pass a clean sea down to future generations. Hmm? Oi~, are you listening!?
| audio      = Daitou-Idle.mp3
| audio      = Daitou-Idle.mp3
Line 70: Line 70:  
| scenario    =Player's Score
| scenario    =Player's Score
| origin      =ん?情報?仕方ねぇ、取ってやんよ。これでいいかい?
| origin      =あぁ?情報?仕方ねぇ、取ってやんよ。これでいいかい?
| translation =Hmm? Intelligence? Well I have to get it for you then. Is this fine?
| translation =Hmm? Intelligence? Well, I'll have to get it for you then. Is this fine?
| audio      = Daitou-PlayerScore.mp3
| audio      = Daitou-PlayerScore.mp3
Line 83: Line 83:  
| scenario    =Joining the Fleet
| scenario    =Joining the Fleet
| kai        =yes
| kai        =yes
| origin      =第百一戦隊、大東、出撃だ!ついてきなぁ!
| origin      =第百一戦隊、大東、出撃だ!ついて来なぁ!
| translation =101st Squadron, Daitou, sortieing! Follow me!<ref>Referring to the [ escort squadrons]  of the Special Escort Fleet.</ref>
| translation =101st Escort Squadron, Daitou, sortieing! Follow me!<ref>Referring to one of the [特設護衛船団司令部#護衛戦隊一覧 escort squadrons]  under General Escort Command.</ref>
| audio      = DaitouKai-JoinFleet.mp3
| audio      = DaitouKai-JoinFleet.mp3
Line 114: Line 114:  
| scenario    =Docking (Minor)
| scenario    =Docking (Minor)
| origin      =お風呂入るわ。
| origin      =お風呂入るわ。
| translation =I'm going into the bath.
| translation =I'm going to take a bath.
| audio      = Daitou-DockMinor.mp3
| audio      = Daitou-DockMinor.mp3
| scenario    =Docking (Major)
| scenario    =Docking (Major)
| origin      =ちっ…汚れと破れだ、むっかぁ!提督、ちょっと休むぜ。いいだろう??
| origin      =ちっ…汚れと破れだ、むっかぁ!提督、ちょっと休むぜ。いいだろう!?
| translation =Tch... I'm all filthy and torn up. Damnit! I'll be resting for a while, Admiral. That's fine right??
| translation =Tch... I'm all filthy and torn up. Dammit! Admiral, I'll be resting for a while. That's fine, right!?
| audio      = Daitou-DockMajor.mp3
| audio      = Daitou-DockMajor.mp3
Line 126: Line 126:  
| scenario    =Construction
| scenario    =Construction
| origin      =できた見てよ、新しいやつ。
| origin      =できた見てよ、新しいやつ。
| translation =Looks like someone new is done.
| translation =Looks like some new girl's done.
| audio      = Daitou-Construction.mp3
| audio      = Daitou-Construction.mp3
Line 132: Line 132:  
| scenario    =Return From Sortie
| scenario    =Return From Sortie
| origin      =ふぇ~、艦隊帰投だぜ。いいよな港って〜。なんだかんだでほっとすんだよ、えへへ。
| origin      =ふぇ~、艦隊帰投だぜ。いいよな港って〜。なんだかんだでほっとすんだよ、えへへ。
| translation =Whew~ the fleet has returned. Being in harbour feels good~ Somehow it makes me feel relieved. Ehehe.
| translation =Whew~ the fleet has returned. Being in harbour feels good~ Somehow makes me feel relieved. Ehehe.
| audio      = Daitou-SortieReturn.mp3
| audio      = Daitou-SortieReturn.mp3
| scenario    =Starting a Sortie
| scenario    =Starting a Sortie
| origin      =あたいが守ってやるよ!船団、抜錨!みんな、空と海ん中、よ~く見張ってな!いくぜ!
| origin      =あたいが守ってやるよ!船団、抜錨!みんな、空と海中、よ~く見張ってな!いくぜ!
| translation =I'll protect you! Fleet, weigh anchor! Keep a careful watch on the sea and sky, everyone! Let's go!
| translation =I'll protect you! Fleet, weigh anchor! Keep a caaaareful watch on the sea and sky, everyone! Let's go!
| audio      = Daitou-Sortie.mp3
| audio      = Daitou-Sortie.mp3
Line 155: Line 155:  
| scenario    =Night Battle Attack
| scenario    =Night Battle Attack
| origin      =この大東さんをなめんなよ!守ってやるって、んなろう!
| origin      =この大東さんはなめんなよ!守ってやるって、んなろう!
| translation =Don't underestimate me! I said I'd protect everyone!
| translation =Don't underestimate me! I said I'd protect everyone, didn't I!
| audio      = Daitou-NightAtk.mp3
| audio      = Daitou-NightAtk.mp3
| scenario    =Night Battle
| scenario    =Night Battle
| origin      =はぁ…夜かい?魚雷ねぇけどな。でも、いくさ。みんな、用意はいいか?艦隊、増速、追撃するぜ!
| origin      =はぁ…夜かい?魚雷ねぇけどな。でも、行くさ。皆、用意はいいか?艦隊、増速、追撃するぜ!
| translation =*sigh*... Night huh? I don't have any torpedoes though. But, I'll still go. Are you ready, everyone? Fleet, increase speed, we're charging in!
| translation =''Sigh''... Night, huh? Not like I have torpedoes. But, I'll still go. Are you ready, everyone? Fleet, increase speed, we're charging in!
| audio      = Daitou-NightBattle.mp3
| audio      = Daitou-NightBattle.mp3
Line 168: Line 168:  
| scenario    =MVP
| scenario    =MVP
| origin      =へぇん、だから、海防艦だからってなめんなって。あたいが守ってやるって言ったろうが。へへぇ〜、な!
| origin      =へぇん、だから、海防艦だからってなめんなって。あたいが守ってやるって言ったろうが。へへぇ〜、な!
| translation =Humph, I don't you not to underestimate coastal defense ships. I did say I'd protect you. Heheh, right!
| translation =Hmph, Didn't I tell you not to underestimate coastal defense ships? I did say I'd protect you. Heheh, right!
| audio      = Daitou-MVP.mp3
| audio      = Daitou-MVP.mp3
Line 174: Line 174:  
| scenario    =Minor Damage 1
| scenario    =Minor Damage 1
| origin      =いてて、やめろって!
| origin      =いてて、やめろって!
| translation =owow, stop that!
| translation =Owow, stop that!
| audio      = Daitou-MinorDmg1.mp3
| audio      = Daitou-MinorDmg1.mp3
Line 180: Line 180:  
| scenario    =Minor Damage 2
| scenario    =Minor Damage 2
| origin      =いてぇ…ちっくしょ!
| origin      =いてぇ…ちっくしょ!
| translation =Ouch... Goddamnit!
| translation =Ouch... Goddammit!
| audio      = Daitou-MinorDmg2.mp3
| audio      = Daitou-MinorDmg2.mp3
Line 187: Line 187:  
| kai        =yes
| kai        =yes
| origin      =いてぇ…ちっくしょ!マジむかつく!
| origin      =いてぇ…ちっくしょ!マジむかつく!
| translation =Ouch... goddamnit! This really pisses me off!
| translation =Ouch... goddammit! This really pisses me off!
| audio      = DaitouKai-MinorDmg2.mp3
| audio      = DaitouKai-MinorDmg2.mp3
Line 199: Line 199:  
| scenario    =Sunk
| scenario    =Sunk
| origin      =えはぁ……マジかよ、こんなとこでか……あたいは、戦いが終わっても、やることが……なのによ……
| origin      =えはぁ……マジかよ、こんなとこでか……あたいは、戦いが終わっても、やることが……なのによ……
| translation =Argh... Am I seriously falling in a place like this... I still have... so many things I want to do... after the fighting ends...
| translation =Argh... Am I seriously falling in a place like this... I still have... so many things to do... after the fighting ends...
| audio      = Daitou-Sunk.mp3
| audio      = Daitou-Sunk.mp3
