
creating doc page for template
<noinclude>{{Documentation subpage}}</noinclude>__NOTOC__
This is a generic table for Quests, mostly for use with the main [[Quests]] page.

There are a significant list of parameters for each Quest. A quick copy for making new quests and with short descriptions is available below.

| type = the kind of Quest, e.g., "Composition" quest</nowiki><br/><nowiki>
| listnum = the listing of the Quest</nowiki><br/><nowiki>
| namejp = the original Japanese name</nowiki><br/><nowiki>
| nameen = the translated name (English)</nowiki><br/><nowiki>
| req = requirements, etc., that are needed for completion; </nowiki>may include the in-game description in ''italics''.<br/><nowiki>
| fuel = </nowiki><br/><nowiki>
| ammo = </nowiki><br/><nowiki>
| steel = </nowiki><br/><nowiki>
| bauxite = the four materials given after completion (numerical)</nowiki><br/><nowiki>
| other = stuff given by the quest, if any; separate multiple with <br/> (breaks)</nowiki><br/><nowiki>
| notes = anything else that needs to be mentioned</nowiki><br/><nowiki>
| once = if the quest is only given only once, include this parameter and set to "True" (optional); use for specific types</nowiki><br/>
<!--this is experimental; not needed to know right now, but you can use this if you want to: <nowiki> | single = use if you want a compressed row and header; useful for blurbs on other wiki pages such as Ships, etc. (defaults to "False"; optional)</nowiki><br/>--><nowiki>

==="type" Parameter===
This is subdivided into the available kinds of quests. Respectively, they are:
* Composition
* Sortie
* PVP (for Practice)
* Expedition
* Supply
* Factory
* Modernization

[[Marriage]] quests use the above parameters, and are sorted by their type as seen in-game.

The Quests templates come in two parts, the Header and the main ''Quests'' row. Only the latter should be used extensively.

===Requirements and Format===
A minimum of three parts are needed for assembling the table:

<code><nowiki>{{QuestsHeader}} (this includes all of the sorting information)</nowiki> <br/>
<nowiki>{{Quests</nowiki> <br/>
(the parameters as explained above) <br/>
|} (table closing brace)<br/></code>

When adding in new quests, make sure to do so '''above''' <code>|}</code>.

This is an example of the template, showcasing all of the parameters.

| type = Factory
| listnum = F16
| namejp = 「伊良湖」の準備
| nameen = Preparation for "Irako"
| req = ''Scrap a number of equipments you don't need at the factory and prepare to summon the new model food supply ship!''
*Completion Condition: Scrap equipment 10 times.
| fuel = 100
| ammo = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = Food supply ship {{lang|ja|「伊良湖」}} "Irako" x4
| notes = Needs [[#F4|F4]] completion
| once = True
