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''' Preferred if all fields are filled. Slideshow is absolutely necessary!'''
NOTE: Dynamic slideshow height adjustment is also a desired feature, and if anyone can actually make it possible, that would be awesome.
There are four color codes for the template, which is determined by the type variable:
figure = #cc74bd
nendo = #49ff45
figma = #0266c8
other = #d3d3d3
Multiple variables can be used with this template. As stated before, slideshow is a must because the image code broke... So somehow slideshows are possible but individual images aren't.
Variables possible are:
name - The name inside the header window.
jpname - Secondary italic name, for alternative Japanese names.
type - Type of the figurine. There are 4 kinds, as written above.
scale - The scale ratio.
price - Price. MSRP preempts the need to mention 'Before Tax'.
date - Date released.
specs - The specifications.
sculpt - Sculptor of the figurine.
info - Detailed information on the figurine.
slideshow - Self Explanatory. ABSOLUTELY MUST BE INCLUDED IN CODE
Use this code for the slideshow:
<gallery type="slideshow" widths="360px" position="center" hideaddbutton="false">
Where the names of the desired images for the slideshow can be entered into the space before </gallery>.
So far there have been no limitations discovered in the code but if any are found please send a message to Gensui Hime.
Below is a sample:
| name = Final Boss
| jpname = さいごのぼす
| type = nendo
| scale = 1/1
| price = priceless
| date = beginning of time
| specs = Power to end worlds.
| sculpt = DMM
| info = The final boss of DMM. Known to appear frequently on error pages.
| slideshow=<gallery type="slideshow" widths="360px" position="center" hideaddbutton="true">NPC_FinalBoss.png
| name = Final Boss
| jpname = さいごのぼす
| type = nendo
| scale = 1/1
| price = priceless
| date = beginning of time
| specs = Power to end worlds.
| sculpt = DMM
| info = The final boss of DMM. Known to appear frequently on error pages.
| slideshow=<gallery type="slideshow" widths="360px" position="center" hideaddbutton="false">NPC_FinalBoss.png
Example 2:
| name = Multiple Slideshow Images
| jpname = ???
| type = figure
| scale = 1/8
| price = Unknown
| date = 01/2015
| specs = Spec test
| sculpt = ?
| info = Mmm images.
| slideshow = <gallery type="slideshow" widths="360px" position="center" hideaddbutton="false">KongouDmg_Figure_MAX.jpg
| name = Multiple Slideshow Images
| jpname = ???
| type = figure
| scale = 1/8
| price = Unknown
| date = 01/2015
| specs = Spec test
| sculpt = ?
| info = Mmm images.
| slideshow = <gallery type="slideshow" widths="360px" position="center" hideaddbutton="false">KongouDmg_Figure_MAX.jpg
