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* Content Navigation
* Content Navigation
** mainpage|mainpage
** mainpage|mainpage
** content-url|content
** randompage-url|randompage
** randompage-url|randompage
** recentchanges-url|recentchanges
** recentchanges-url|recentchanges
** |Batch Uploading
* Current Event
* Sortie
* Sortie
** Sortie|Sortie
** Sortie|Sortie
** World 1: 鎮守府海域|World 1: 鎮守府海域
** World 1|World 1 (Naval Base Waters)
** World 2: 南西諸島海域|World 2: 南西諸島海域
** World 2|World 2 (Nansei Island Waters)
** World 3: 北方海域|World 3: 北方海域
** World 3|World 3 (Northern Waters)
** World 4: 西方海域|World 4: 西方海域
** World 7|World 7 (South Western Waters)
** World 5: 南方海域|World 5: 南方海域
** World 4|World 4 (Western Waters)
** World 6: 中部海域|World 6: 中部海域
** World 5|World 5 (Southern Waters)
** World 6|World 6 (Central Waters)
** Events|Events
** Events|Events
* Shortcut
* Shortcuts
** Getting Started |Getting Started
** Expeditions|Expeditions
** Expedition|Expedition
** Quests|Quests
** Quests|Quests
** Ship_Maximum_Status|Ships
** Ship_Maximum_Status|Ships Maximum Status
** Equipment|Equipment
** Equipment|Equipment
** Construction|Construction
** Construction|Construction
** Development|Development
** Development|Development
** Akashi's Improvement Arsenal|Akashi's Improvement Arsenal
** Akashi's Improvement Arsenal|Akashi's Improvement Arsenal
** Shop|Shop and Inventory
** Shop|Shop
** Combat|Game Mechanics
** Inventory|Inventory
** Combat|Combat Mechanics
** Glossary|Glossary
** Drop_List|Drop List
** Template:NavboxInterview|Interviews
* Tutorials
** Tutorial: How to Register|How to Register
** Tutorial:_How_to_Play|How To Play
** Tutorial:_Leveling|Leveling
** Help:Resource Farming|Resource Farming
** Help:Ship Priority|Ship Priority
** Help:Equipment Setup|Equipment Setup
** Help:Akashi Upgrades|Akashi Upgrades
** Help:Event Preparation|Event Preparation
** Tutorial:_Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting
** Tutorial:_FAQ|FAQ
* Community
* Community
** portal-url|portal
** helppage|help
** helppage|help
** forum-url|forum
** Suggestion|Suggestion
** Special:Chat|Chat
** Blog:Recent_posts|Blog
** Sandbox|Sandbox
** Sandbox|Sandbox
advmod, cssedit, Moderators, oversight, prechecked, Account Reviewers
