
Adding to chatlog using ChatLogger script
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[08:55] <Hossinator> [[Kancolle Wiki:Chat/Logs/14 March 2015]]
[08:55] <Hossinator> [[Kancolle Wiki:Chat/Logs/14 March 2015]]
[08:56] <Kyzella> Not oppai's fault...
[08:56] <Kyzella> Not oppai's fault...
[08:56] <Harunadesu> i feel chat privacy being invaded
[08:56] <Harunadesu> :&gt;
[08:56] <Kitsuboshi> hmm intesing spot to leave off on
[08:56] <Kitsuboshi> again it catches me not being weird
[08:56] <Kitsuboshi> this thing has timing
[08:56] <Kevadu> There was chat privacy?
[08:56] <Harunadesu> lel
[08:57] <Kyzella> US gov't does not know this word 'privacy' you speak of
[08:57] <Harunadesu> dat mcderp
[08:57] <Harunadesu> laser on the chatlog
[08:57] <Harunadesu> :x
[08:57] <Kitsuboshi> he really wanted lazers in the log
[08:57] <Harunadesu> xD
[08:57] <Harunadesu>
[08:58] <Kitsuboshi> sigh
[08:58] <Kitsuboshi> green T
[08:58] <Kitsuboshi> thats anotehr 2 buckets
[08:58] <Harunadesu> new dd k2
[08:58] <Risemiria> \o/
[08:58] <Harunadesu> what isss ittt :v
[08:58] <Harunadesu> hypeeee
[08:58] <Risemiria> Eugen lvl 99
[08:58] <Kitsuboshi> nice
[08:58] <Kitsuboshi> put a ring on it rise :D
[08:58] <Harunadesu> i hope its akatsuki
[08:58] <EchoHolic> technically
[08:59] <Risemiria> @Kitsu
[08:59] <Risemiria> tomorrow
[08:59] <EchoHolic> IRC autologs so it's a wonder wikia chat doesn't have that functionality
[08:59] <Kitsuboshi> :o
[08:59] <Kevadu> Well IRC clients can log, but that has nothing to do with the protocol
[09:00] <Harunadesu> didnt even know spring event was updated lel
[09:00] <Intelman> RNG no longer gives me the 4 transports composition anymore past 65 @ 2-2
[09:00] <SmokeyTheButt> Came here to see bot
[09:00] <SmokeyTheButt> no bot
[09:00] <Mikomotoko> hope that the spring event doesn't happen all that soon
[09:00] <SmokeyTheButt> now I leave
[09:00] <Harunadesu> butt=bot
[09:00] <Dragonjet> no
[09:00] <SmokeyTheButt> Butt is butt
[09:00] <SmokeyTheButt> not bot
[09:00] <Harunadesu> probably 1 or 2 patch
[09:00] <Harunadesu> :&gt;
[09:00] <Harunadesu> ah
[09:00] <Harunadesu> 2-3
[09:00] <Dragonjet> smokeythebott
[09:00] <Mikomotoko> hm i guess that's okay
[09:00] <Kitsuboshi> the should be here
[09:01] <Harunadesu> 1 is too soon :3
[09:01] <Mikomotoko> you meant 2 or 3 patches?
[09:01] <Harunadesu> yes
[09:01] <SmokeyTheButt> beep boop
[09:01] <Mikomotoko> ah okay
[09:01] <SmokeyTheButt> beep booooop
[09:01] <SmokeyTheButt> beeeeeeeeeeeeep booooooooooooooooop
[09:01] <SmokeyTheButt> Sorry. Malfunction
[09:01] <Mikomotoko> i want mein fraulien....prinz eugen...ah i hope she can return
[09:01] <Zel-melon> please don't tell me those sounds are coming out from where I'm thinking...
[09:01] <EchoHolic> Bot is hidden under css
[09:01] <Harunadesu> from a melon
[09:02] <SmokeyTheButt> Zel, just imagine ;)
[09:02] <Zel-melon> <span class="me-username">* <span>Zel-melon</span></span> imagined it...never again
[09:02] <SmokeyTheButt> Wahahahahah~
[09:02] <SmokeyTheButt> Okay
[09:02] <SmokeyTheButt> I'm leaving now
[09:02] <Harunadesu> when should we starting stocking guis
[09:02] <Harunadesu> :&gt;
[09:03] <SmokeyTheButt> Have fun being yourselfs
[09:03] <Kitsuboshi> you too butt
[09:03] <Zel-melon> bye
[09:03] <Harunadesu> butt bye
[09:05] <Kitsuboshi> greent
[09:05] <Kitsuboshi> this is sooo over
[09:05] <Kitsuboshi> or not
[09:05] <Kitsuboshi> yay hoppo
[09:07] <Dragonjet> where are the "will i have enough resources for the event" comments
[09:08] <Kitsuboshi> in time
[09:08] <Kitsuboshi> give it a week
[09:09] <Kevadu> Will I have enough resources for the event if I do 4 LSCs a day from now until the event?
[09:10] <CreamX>
[09:10] <Mikomotoko> ah i don't want to think about the next event.....
[09:11] <Kitsuboshi> tahts so sendai
[09:14] <Dragonjet> gen
[09:14] <Gensui Hime> yes
[09:14] <Gensui Hime> yoohoo!
[09:15] <Dragonjet> is the bot running?
[09:15] <Gensui Hime> it is now that I reran it
[09:15] <Gensui Hime> but it keeps dying
[09:15] <Gensui Hime> are you any good with javascript
[09:15] <Dragonjet> only officially run it once it has been flagged as bot
[09:15] <Gensui Hime> I already contacted sactage about that
[09:15] <Gensui Hime> hopefully he returns my message within 2 weeks
[09:17] <Dragonjet> supposedly it should be hidden from [[Special:RecentChanges]]
[09:17] <Dragonjet> but before being flagged dont leave it running xD
[09:17] <Gensui Hime> can't you mess with CSS to hide it anyways
[09:18] <Gensui Hime> hell, I succeeded in hiding it here
[09:18] <Dragonjet> no it had a backend flag, see filter at the top
[09:18] <Dragonjet> it has hide/show bots
[09:18] <Dragonjet> not recommended to hack it
[09:20] <EchoHolic> 2nd Boss: "We're not in outer space!"
[09:20] <EchoHolic> 1st Boss: "What if I told you, the Earth is in outer space."
[09:21] <AIDarkSaver> lol
[09:23] <Kitsuboshi> abukuma seems to like me tonight
[09:24] <Risemiria> <span class="me-username">* <span>Risemiria</span></span> explodes
[09:24] <CreamX>
[09:25] <Kitsuboshi> night rise
[09:26] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[09:26] <Kitsuboshi> cream that comic
[09:26] <Kitsuboshi> yes
[09:26] <Kitsuboshi> got past hoppo
[09:27] <Kyzella> Log Horizon... Minori = Inazuma
[09:27] <Dragonjet> do we have a wiki page that explains the Mamiya/Irako mechanic?
[09:28] <Kitsuboshi> i think we did
[09:28] <Kitsuboshi> i remember seeing one somewhere
[09:28] <Kitsuboshi> ty KTKM, torp killed the boss
[09:29] <CreamX> gz
[09:29] <Kitsuboshi> ty
[09:29] <Kitsuboshi> not looking forward to it again next month
[09:30] <CreamX> what map :v 5-5?
[09:30] <Kitsuboshi> 3-5
[09:30] <Kitsuboshi> i still need to beat 5-3
[09:30] <Kitsuboshi> any tips on that
[09:30] <Kitsuboshi> beside pucker and pray
[09:31] <Xx0099xx> 6 ss + buckets
[09:31] <Kitsuboshi> not an option
[09:31] <Kitsuboshi> only 8 buckets
[09:32] <Kitsuboshi> DJ theres a slight explaination of the Mamiya/Irako on the Morale page
[09:32] <Kitsuboshi> thats about it it seems
[09:33] <CreamX> 2dd 4ss
[09:33] <CreamX> +damecon
[09:33] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[09:33] <Kitsuboshi> oh those hammers
[09:34] <CreamX> yep :3
[09:34] <Kitsuboshi> hmm
[09:34] <Kitsuboshi> take it they have nothing but the hammers
[09:37] <CreamX> use disposable dd
[09:37] <Kitsuboshi> your telling me to kuso?
[09:38] <Kitsuboshi> oh ok
[09:39] <Kitsuboshi> 6 subs is interesting
[09:39] <CreamX> lel . . or 2dd 2fbb 2ca (high rsc consumption)
[09:39] <Kitsuboshi> so basicly i just keep failing until it works
[09:39] <Kitsuboshi> alrighty
[09:41] <AIDarkSaver> grinding and expedition,sleep
[09:42] <ArcticaFrost> FUCK
[09:42] <ArcticaFrost> Echo, do you want to see something really REALLY nasty?
[09:43] <Dragonjet> for echo? is that nico nii?
[09:43] <Kyzella>
[09:43] <Kitsuboshi> you got beat to it akaryuu
[09:43] <Kyzella> Aww D:
[09:43] <ArcticaFrost> Well.
[09:44] <Kyzella> Sorry was watching Log Horizon
[09:44] <Dragonjet> AF
[09:44] <ArcticaFrost> The kid is dead on that video.
[09:44] <EchoHolic> no
[09:44] <Kyzella> Then
[09:44] <Bauwie> Hey
[09:45] <Kitsuboshi> hi
[09:45] <Kyzella> 'Ello
[09:45] <Dragonjet> AF
[09:45] <ArcticaFrost> Yes?
[09:45] <Bauwie> Whats the best way to get Sendai
[09:45] <ArcticaFrost> DJ?
[09:45] <Dragonjet> the update thread highlighting worked somehow diverting currently 41 comments that wouldve been otherwise posted on recent updates
[09:45] <ArcticaFrost> Read the wikia.
[09:45] <ArcticaFrost> Yeah.
[09:45] <ArcticaFrost> Work decently.
[09:46] <Bauwie> i checked her page already but doesnt say where i can find her
[09:46] <ArcticaFrost> Have you check the drop list?
[09:47] <ArcticaFrost> [[Drop List]]
[09:47] <Bauwie> ahh didnt know there was a drop list
[09:47] <Bauwie> thx ^^
[09:47] <ArcticaFrost> np
[09:48] <Intelman> 2-2 south transport node has her
[09:48] <Nothis> any maps
[09:49] <Nothis> it just last sister curse issue lul :v
[09:49] <Kyzella> craft 30 4x
[09:49] <Kyzella> Eventually then!
[09:49] <Intelman> really, sendai is the hardest to get
[09:49] <Kitsuboshi> not really
[09:49] <Intelman> she's like... even rarer than Myoukou in my case
[09:50] <Nothis> not really, sendai come first for me after few sortie
[09:50] <Kitsuboshi> it varies from person to person
[09:50] <Nothis> ^
[09:50] <Intelman> what was your first CL?
[09:50] <Nothis> i don't remember sadly
[09:50] <Nothis> probaly kuma or nya ?
[09:51] <Intelman> It was Jintsuu for me
[09:52] <Kitsuboshi> i'll check after this match
[09:52] <Nothis> anyone know where nagato drop often :(
[09:52] <Xol2000> on my side acct, i got all 4 kongous before i got myoukou :\
[09:52] <Kitsuboshi> noooo
[09:52] <Nothis> in need of nagato
[09:52] <Kitsuboshi> i shot my feet
[09:52] <AIDarkSaver> uh guys why does Yamashiro have 2 types of planes (i have no clue how planes work on non-carriers)
[09:52] <Kitsuboshi> is she kai or kai 2
[09:53] <AIDarkSaver> kai
[09:53] <Bauwie>
[09:53] <Bauwie> There we go xD
[09:53] <Bauwie> 2 trys
[09:53] <Kitsuboshi> their just seaplanes bombers aren't thery
[09:53] <Nothis> you mean zuiun ?
[09:53] <Nothis> you will get a lot of them afterward
[09:54] <Intelman> first DD : Samidare, first CL : Jintsuu, First CLT : Ooi, First CA : Kako, First CAV : Mogami, First AV : Chiyoda, First CVL : Ryuujou, First CV : Kaga, First BBV : Ise, First FBB : Kongou, First BB : Nagato, First Sub : I-8
[09:54] <Nothis> first bb nagato D:
[09:54] <Intelman> yeah
[09:54] <Intelman> 400 100 600 30
[09:55] <Nothis> i don't trust my luck in construction
[09:55] <Intelman> you should've done it earlier
[09:55] <Nothis> did that
[[Category:Wikia Chat logs|2015 03 15]]
[[Category:Wikia Chat logs|2015 03 15]]
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