
Created page with "==Day 2== Date: 5/23/15<br /> Time spent: ~.5 hours <span class="mw-customtoggle-furutaka-day2" style="border:1px solid blue; border-radius: 5px;padding:5px">Show/Hide Day 2<..."
==Day 2==
Date: 5/23/15<br />
Time spent: ~.5 hours

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So I actually didn't get to work on this a whole lot today cuz I was busy playing other games and frantically finishing up my completely neglected weeklies, but yeah. Running 2-2 and 2-3 like 10 times and not getting sent to a single node with a transport ship is really frustrating. Especially when you're literally one kill away from finishing the quest.

Anyway, so in the ~30 minutes I actually worked on the cosplay, I decided to try and plan out the sketches a bit more. This time, I worked on the torpedo mount on Furutaka's left leg.

[[File:Furutaka_Kai_Ni_7.png|thumb|500px|left|Ignore the completely disproportionate measurements I have. I drew first, THEN put down numbers, kek]]

To summarize, what I'm thinking of doing here is getting one inch PVC pipes for the torpedoes themselves. I'll likely get a set of 1.5" PVC and heat bend them to be smaller in diameter so they snugly fit the 1" diameter ones and use that as the torpedo housing. On top of this, since the torpedo mount connector (the thing that connects the mount to Furutaka's leg) will need to be rigid and resistant to stress and strain, I'll likely make the actual housing component out of a stronger and more durable material. Perhaps I'll do a combination of a carve-able expanding foam and cutting out a torpedo housing for it and have a wooden flat base to connect it onto the actual mount connector. That probably made no sense. Gah, I usually just #yolo these things and don't bother explaining to anybody so trying to explain the method to my madness in words is hard. Also I'm terrible at drawing so the diagram probably doesn't help much.

Basically, torpedo mount will have two primary components and a couple of sub-components on one of the primary components. First component is the "rigid torpedo casing" which will be made from the sub-components of expanding foam and wood, likely held together with glue and a few screws/washers/nuts. The second component will be made from more fragile materials like the foamboard and layered paper. In the final product, the foam sub-component shouldn't be visible from the outside. The torpedo itself will likely be crafted from 1-inch PVC pipes and the housing that cups around the torpedo will be made from heat-bent 1.5-inch PVC piping.

This should make a '''''lot''''' more sense when I actually start making the stuff and have pics to show what I mean. Words are hard... especially at 10am when I haven't slept yet. I should go sleep now.

