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==Gameplay Notes==
==Gameplay Notes==
===Special Mechanics===
====[[Special Attacks#Colorado-class_Special_Attack|Colorado-class Special Attack]]====
{{:Special Attacks/Colorado-class Touch}}
===Equipability Exceptions===
* Default [[BB]] equipment compatibility
===Fit Bonuses===
{{/Equipment Bonuses}}
;Hidden Fit Bonuses
* Has some hidden fit bonuses when equipped with certain equipment. Please see [[Hidden Fit Bonuses]] for more details.
===Important Information===
* Helper for the following equipment:
** Improvement: [[OS2U]], [[16inch Mk.VIII Twin Gun Mount Kai]]
** Improvement & upgrade: [[16inch Mk.I Twin Gun Mount]], [[16inch Mk.V Twin Gun Mount]]
==Drop Locations==
==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
Line 11: Line 34:  
|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|origin = Hi、私がStatesのBig Seven、Colorado級戦艦一番艦、USS Coloradoよ。あなたがAdmiral?悪くないわね。私にしっかり付いてきなさい。返事は?
|origin = Hi、私がStatesのBig Seven、Colorado級戦艦一番艦、USS Coloradoよ。あなたがAdmiral?悪くないわね。私にしっかり付いてきなさい。返事は?
|translation = Hi, I'm one of the Big Seven from the States, the 1st ship of the Colorado-class battleships, USS Colorado. So you're the Admiral? Not too shabby. Make sure you stick real close to me. What do you say?
|translation = Hi, I'm one of the Big Seven from the States, first of the Colorado-class battleships, USS Colorado. So you're the Admiral? Not too shabby. Make sure you stick real close to me. What do you say?
|audio = Colorado-Introduction.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Introduction.mp3
Line 17: Line 40:  
|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = Hi、StatesのBig Seven、Colorado級戦艦一番艦、USS Colorado、配置に付いてるわ。Admiral、今日も私にしっかりついてきなさい。返事は?OK!
|origin = Hi、StatesのBig Seven、Colorado級戦艦一番艦、USS Colorado、配置に付いてるわ。Admiral、今日も私にしっかり付いてきなさい。返事は?OK!
|translation = Hi, one of the Big Seven from the States, 1st ship of the Colorado-class battleship, USS Colorado, arriving on station. Admiral, make sure you stick real close to me today too. What do you say? OK!
|translation = Hi, one of the Big Seven from the States, first of the Colorado-class battleship, USS Colorado, arriving on station. Admiral, make sure you stick real close to me today too. What do you say? OK!
|audio = ColoradoKai-Introduction.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-Introduction.mp3
Line 24: Line 47:  
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin = 私がStatesのBig Seven、Colorado級戦艦一番艦、USS BB-45 Coloradoよ。そう、New York生まれ、太平洋艦隊、真珠湾に配属されたわ。でも、本国で入渠中に奇襲があって…まあ、いいわ。Big Sevenの力、存分に見せてあげるわね。覚悟してて。
|origin = 私がStatesのBig Seven、Colorado級戦艦一番艦、USS BB-45 Coloradoよ。そう、New York生まれ、太平洋艦隊、真珠湾に配属されたわ。でも、本国で入渠中に奇襲があって…まあ、いいわ。Big Sevenの力、存分に見せてあげるわね。覚悟してて。
|translation = I'm one of the Big Seven from the States, 1st ship of the Colorado-class battleships, BB-45 USS Colorado. Yes, I was born in New York and assigned to the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour. But, I was in the dock back home when the attack happened...<ref>She was undergoing repairs at Puget Sound Navy Yard when the Attack on Pearl Harbor happened.</ref> Oh well. I'll show you what a Big Seven can really do. Just you wait.
|translation = I'm one of the Big Seven from the States, first of the Colorado-class battleships, USS BB-45 Colorado. Yes, I was born in New York and assigned to the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. But I was under repair back home when the attack happened...<ref>She was undergoing repairs at Puget Sound Navy Yard when the Attack on Pearl Harbor happened.</ref> well, nevermind that. I'll show you what one of the Big Seven can really do. Just you wait.
|audio = Colorado-Library.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Library.mp3
Line 56: Line 79:  
|scenario = Secretary 3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = あなた、少し気安いわね。いいこと、私はあのBig Sevenの、そしてその一番艦なのよ。もっと尊敬と畏敬の念を……えぇ、陸奥、何?そうじゃない?えぇ!?
|origin = あなた、少し気安いわね。いいこと、私はあのBig Sevenの、そしてその一番艦なのよ。もっと尊敬と畏敬の念を……えぇ、陸奥、何?そうじゃない?えぇ!?
|translation = You're being a bit too casual with me. Listen here, I'm one of the Big Seven and a lead ship to boot. Show some more reverence and respect... Eh, Mutsu, what is it? I'm going too far? Eeh!?
|translation = You're being a bit too casual with me. Listen here, I'm one of the Big Seven, and its lead ship to boot! Show some more reverence and respect... Eh, Mutsu, what is it? That's not true? Eeh!?<ref>The ''Colorado''-class was technically designed earlier (as an up-gunned version of the preceding ''Tennessee''-class), but due to various delays ''Nagato'' became the first of the Big Seven to actually be launched.</ref>
|audio = Colorado-Secretary_3.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Secretary_3.mp3
Line 73: Line 96:  
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = Admiral?このringはなに?…えっ、私に?So beautiful!あ・り・が・と!ずっと大切にするわ!
|origin = Admiral?このringは何?…えっ、私に?So beautiful!あ・り・が・と!ずっと大切にするわ!
|translation = Admiral? What's this ring for? ...Eh, it's for me? It's so beautiful! Thank~ you~! I'll always treasure it!
|translation = Admiral? What's this ring for? ...Eh, it's for me? It's so beautiful! Thank~ you~! I'll always treasure it!
|audio = Colorado-Wedding.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Wedding.mp3
Line 85: Line 108:  
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|origin = USS BB-45, Colorado-class nameship, Colorado. 出るわ。ついて…きなさい!
|origin = USS BB-45, Colorado-class nameship, Colorado. 出るわ。付いて…きなさい!
|translation = USS BB-45, Colorado-class nameship, Colorado. I'm heading out. Follow... me!
|translation = USS BB-45, Colorado-class nameship, Colorado. I'm heading out. Follow... me!
|audio = Colorado-Joining_A_Fleet.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Joining_A_Fleet.mp3
Line 128: Line 151:  
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = ちょっと休暇をもらうわ。何?あなた、なにか文句でもあるの?
|origin = ちょっと休暇をもらうわ。何?あなた、何か文句でもあるの?
|translation = I'm going to get some rest. What? You got a problem with that?
|translation = I'm going to get some rest. What? You got a problem with that?
|audio = Colorado-Docking_Major.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Docking_Major.mp3
Line 147: Line 170:  
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = 太平洋艦隊旗艦、戦艦Colorado、出撃します!みんな、いい?私達で蹴散らします!抜錨!
|origin = 太平洋艦隊旗艦、戦艦Colorado、出撃します!みんな、いい?私達で蹴散らします!抜錨!
|translation = Pacific Fleet flagship, battleship Colorado, sortieing. Is everyone ready? We'll drive them before us! Weigh anchor!<ref>The phrase she uses "蹴散らします" is more accurately "scatter them" or "rout them".</ref>
|translation = Pacific Fleet flagship, battleship Colorado, sortieing. Is everyone ready? We'll put them to rout! Weigh anchor!
|audio = Colorado-Starting_A_Sortie.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Starting_A_Sortie.mp3
Line 153: Line 176:  
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = Enemy in sight!さあ、始めます。蹴散らせ!
|origin = Enemy in sight!さあ、始めます。蹴散らせ!
|translation = Enemy in sight! Now, let's get started. Crush them!
|translation = Enemy in sight! Alright, let's get started. Crush them!
|audio = Colorado-Battle_Start.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Battle_Start.mp3
Line 166: Line 189:  
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = この近代化改装はだてじゃないのよ。Fire!
|origin = この近代化改装はだてじゃないのよ。Fire!
|translation = My modernisation remodel isn't just for show. Fire!
|translation = My modernization remodel isn't just for show. Fire!
|audio = ColoradoKai-Attack.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-Attack.mp3
Line 177: Line 200:  
|scenario = Night Battle
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = 全艦、私についてきなさい!この夜で殲滅します!
|origin = 全艦、私に付いてきなさい!この夜で殲滅します!
|translation = All ships, follow me! We'll annihilate them at night!
|translation = All ships, follow me! We'll annihilate them at night!
|audio = Colorado-Night_Battle.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Night_Battle.mp3
Line 209: Line 232:  
|scenario = Major Damage
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = Oh my God!この私が?今に見てなさい。
|origin = Oh my God!この私が?今に見てなさい。
|translation = Oh my God! I've been hit? Look at what you've done now.
|translation = Oh my God! I've been hit? Look what you've done!
|audio = Colorado-Major_Damage.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Major_Damage.mp3
Line 218: Line 241:  
|audio = Colorado-Sunk.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Sunk.mp3
|} <references/>
   Line 232: Line 254:  
|scenario = 01:00  
|scenario = 01:00  
|origin = It is 1。まあ、そういうことね?
|origin = It is 1. まあ、そういうことね?
|translation = It is 1. Well, something like this?
|translation = It is 1. Well, something like this?
|audio = ColoradoKai-01.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-01.mp3
Line 238: Line 260:  
|scenario = 02:00  
|scenario = 02:00  
|origin = It is 2。陸奥は「ウシミツ」って言ってたわね?
|origin = It is 2. 陸奥は「ウシミツ」って言ってたわね?
|translation = It is 2. Mutsu said it was "ushimitsu", right?<ref>"Ushimitsu" (丑三つ) is the "hour of the ox" and refers to 0200-0230 in traditional Japanese timekeeping.</ref>
|translation = It is 2. Mutsu said it was "ushimitsu", right?<ref>"Ushimitsu" (丑三つ) is the "hour of the ox" and refers to 0200-0230 in traditional Japanese timekeeping.</ref>
|audio = ColoradoKai-02.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-02.mp3
Line 244: Line 266:  
|scenario = 03:00  
|scenario = 03:00  
|origin = It is 3。さすがに眠いわ。お休みしない?
|origin = It is 3. さすがに眠いわ。お休みしない?
|translation = It is 3. Even I'm getting sleepy. Shall we get some rest?  
|translation = It is 3. Even I'm getting sleepy. Shall we get some rest?  
|audio = ColoradoKai-03.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-03.mp3
Line 250: Line 272:  
|scenario = 04:00  
|scenario = 04:00  
|origin = It’s 4。まだ頑張るの?Really?
|origin = It’s 4. まだ頑張るの?Really?
|translation = It's 4. You're still going to keep going? Really?
|translation = It's 4. You're still going to keep going? Really?
|audio = ColoradoKai-04.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-04.mp3
Line 256: Line 278:  
|scenario = 05:00  
|scenario = 05:00  
|origin = It’s 5。もう朝になるわ。仕方ない。私がcoffeeを入れてあげる。あなたも飲むでしょう?
|origin = It’s 5. もう朝になるわ。仕方ない。私がcoffeeを入れてあげる。あなたも飲むでしょう?
|translation = It's 5. Morning is almost here. I've got no choice then. I'll make some coffee. You'll have some, right?
|translation = It's 5. Morning is almost here. I've got no choice then. I'll make some coffee. You'll have some, right?
|audio = ColoradoKai-05.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-05.mp3
Line 262: Line 284:  
|scenario = 06:00
|scenario = 06:00
|origin = Good morning。It is 6。さあ、艦隊総員起床をかけるわよ。はぁー、んー。いい朝ね。
|origin = Good morning. It is 6. さあ、艦隊総員起床をかけるわよ。はぁー、んー。いい朝ね。
|translation = Good morning. It is 6. Now, let's go wake the fleet up. *deep breath* Nngggh. It's a great morning.
|translation = Good morning. It is 6. Now then, time to sound Reveille. *deep breath* Nngggh. It's a great morning.
|audio = ColoradoKai-06.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-06.mp3
|scenario = 07:00  
|scenario = 07:00  
|origin = It is 7。Morningを用意しておいたわ。卵はscrambleでいいでしょう?はい、どぞ。
|origin = It is 7. Morningを用意しておいたわ。卵はscrambleでいいでしょう?はい、どぞ。
|translation = It is 7. I've made breakfast. Scrambled eggs are fine, right? Here you go.
|translation = It is 7. I've made breakfast. Scrambled eggs are fine, right? Here you go.
|audio = ColoradoKai-07.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-07.mp3
Line 274: Line 296:  
|scenario = 08:00  
|scenario = 08:00  
|origin = It is 8。さあ、海に出ましょう!今日はどんな艦隊運用?えぇ、長期入渠?却下よ。
|origin = It is 8. さあ、海に出ましょう!今日はどんな艦隊運用?えぇ、長期入渠?却下よ。
|translation = It is 8. Now, let's head out to sea! What operations will we be doing today? Eh, long-term docking? I refuse.
|translation = It is 8. Now, let's head out to sea! What operations will we be doing today? Eh, long-term docking? I refuse.
|audio = ColoradoKai-08.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-08.mp3
Line 280: Line 302:  
|scenario = 09:00  
|scenario = 09:00  
|origin = It is 9。あっ、Mary?そうね、また会えると思うわ。あの子達、ああ見えてしぶといから。
|origin = It is 9. あっ、Mary?そうね、また会えると思うわ。あの子達、ああ見えてしぶといから。
|translation = It is 9. Ah, Mary? Yes, I feel like I'll see them again. Those girls tougher than they look.<ref>Referring to her sister Maryland.</ref>
|translation = It is 9. Ah, Mary? Yes, I feel like I'll see them again. Those girls are tougher than they look.<ref>Referring to her sister Maryland and the other members of Battleship Row during the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Most were from older classes but survived and returned to service.</ref>
|audio = ColoradoKai-09.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-09.mp3
|scenario = 10:00  
|scenario = 10:00  
|origin = It is 10。あぁ、この艦橋構造?私はきらいじゃないんだけど。あなたはいやなの?ん、OK。
|origin = It is 10. あぁ、この艦橋構造?私は嫌いじゃないんだけど。あなたは嫌なの?ん、OK。
|translation = It is 10. Ah, the shape of my bridge? I don't dislike it. Do you not like it? Hmm, OK.
|translation = It is 10. Ah, the shape of my bridge? I don't dislike it. Do you not like it? Hmm, OK.
|audio = ColoradoKai-10.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-10.mp3
Line 292: Line 314:  
|scenario = 11:00  
|scenario = 11:00  
|origin = Elevensies。そろそろランチにする?まだ早いかな…今日は私がlunch boxを持ってきたから。
|origin = Elevensies. そろそろランチにする?まだ早いかな…今日は私がlunch boxを持ってきたから。
|translation = Elevenses. Shall we have lunch soon? I guess it's still early... I've brought a lunch box today.
|translation = Elevenses. Shall we have lunch soon? I guess it's still early... I've brought a lunch box today.
|audio = ColoradoKai-11.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-11.mp3
Line 298: Line 320:  
|scenario = 12:00  
|scenario = 12:00  
|origin = It is noon。さあ、開けてみて。どう?Colorado特製sandwichのlunch box!豪華でしょう?どぞ。
|origin = It is noon. さあ、開けてみて。どう?Colorado特製sandwichのlunch box!豪華でしょう?どうぞ。
|translation = It is noon. Come on, open it up. Well? It's my special sandwich lunch box! Isn't it grand? Help yourself.
|translation = It is noon. Come on, open it up. Well? It's my special sandwich lunch box! Isn't it grand? Help yourself.
|audio = ColoradoKai-12.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-12.mp3
Line 304: Line 326:  
|scenario = 13:00  
|scenario = 13:00  
|origin = It is 1。食後はcoffeeでいい?OK。
|origin = It is 1. 食後はcoffeeでいい?OK。
|translation = It is 1. Would you like some coffee after your meal? OK.
|translation = It is 1. Would you like some coffee after your meal? OK.
|audio = ColoradoKai-13.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-13.mp3
Line 310: Line 332:  
|scenario = 14:00  
|scenario = 14:00  
|origin = It is 2。さあ、午後は演習でいい?
|origin = It is 2. さあ、午後は演習でいい?
|translation = It is 2. Now, can we do some exercises this afternoon?
|translation = It is 2. Alright, can we do some exercises this afternoon?
|audio = ColoradoKai-14.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-14.mp3
|scenario = 15:00  
|scenario = 15:00  
|origin = It is 3。あら、Nelson!Fine?
|origin = It is 3. あら、Nelson!Fine?
|translation = It is 3. Oh, Nelson! Are you doing fine?
|translation = It is 3. Oh, Nelson! Are you doing fine?
|audio = ColoradoKai-15.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-15.mp3
Line 322: Line 344:  
|scenario = 16:00  
|scenario = 16:00  
|origin = It is 4。そう、複縦陣…そうね、梯形陣も侮れない気がしない?正面、そして舷側方向に対しても。
|origin = It is 4. そう、複縦陣…そうね、梯形陣も侮れない気がしない?正面、そして舷側方向に対しても。
|translation = It is 4. Right, double line... But, don't you think you shouldn't ignore echelon? You can face both forwards and broadside.
|translation = It is 4. Right, double line... But I don't think you should just ignore echelon either. You can face both forwards and broadside.
|audio = ColoradoKai-16.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-16.mp3
|scenario = 17:00  
|scenario = 17:00  
|origin = It is 5。夕日が海に沈むわ。きれいね。このmagic hour私は、好き。あなたは?
|origin = It is 5. 夕日が海に沈むわ。きれいね。このmagic hour、私は、好き。あなたは?
|translation = It is 5. The sun is sinking below the sea. It's beautiful. I like this magic hour. What about you?
|translation = It is 5. The sun is sinking below the sea. It's beautiful. I like this magic hour.<ref>See [[wikipedia:Golden hour (photography)|golden hour]]</ref> What about you?
|audio = ColoradoKai-17.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-17.mp3
|scenario = 18:00  
|scenario = 18:00  
|origin = It is 6。さあ、dinnerの用意をしましょう。MenuはNew York cut steak。待っていて。
|origin = It is 6. さあ、dinnerの用意をしましょう。MenuはNew York cut steak。待っていて。
|translation = It is 6. Now, I'll go get dinner ready. The menu will be New York cut steak. Just wait.<ref>New York cut is more commonly known as [| strip steak].</ref>
|translation = It is 6. Alright, I'll go get dinner ready. The menu will be New York cut steak. Just wait! <ref>New York cut steak is more commonly known as [| strip steak].</ref>
|audio = ColoradoKai-18.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-18.mp3
|scenario = 19:00  
|scenario = 19:00  
|origin = It is 7。さあ、steakが焼けたわ。冷めないうちに召し上がれ。飲み物はbeerでいい?
|origin = It is 7. さあ、steakが焼けたわ。冷めないうちに召し上がれ。飲み物はbeerでいい?
|translation = It is 7. There, the steak is done. Eat up before it gets cold. Is beer fine for your drink?
|translation = It is 7. There, the steak is done. Eat up before it gets cold. Would you like some beer?
|audio = ColoradoKai-19.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-19.mp3
|scenario = 20:00  
|scenario = 20:00  
|origin = It is 8。食事中だっていうのに、港が少し騒がしいわね。3rd Squadron?…あっ、出撃した。
|origin = It is 8. 食事中だっていうのに、港が少し騒がしいわね。3rd Squadron?…あっ、出撃した。
|translation = It is 8. We're just having a meal, but the port is a bit too noisy. The 3rd Squadron? ...Ah, they sortied.
|translation = It is 8. Isn't the port a little busy for mealtime? The 3rd Squadron?<ref>Presumably referring to Sendai's Third Destroyer Squadron setting out for night battle.</ref> ...Ah, they sortied.
|audio = ColoradoKai-20.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-20.mp3
|scenario = 21:00  
|scenario = 21:00  
|origin = It is 9。あぁ、あなたは確か…山城?えぇ、Wee Vee?ここにはいないわ。あぁ、そう?OK。
|origin = It is 9. あぁ、あなたは確か…山城?えぇ、Wee Vee?ここにはいないわ。あぁ、そう?OK。
|translation = It is 9. Ah, if I'm not mistaken, you're... Yamashiro? Eh, Wee Vee? She's not here. Ah, is that so? OK.<ref>Yamashiro was sunk by ''West Virginia'', nicknamed "Wee Vee".</ref>
|translation = It is 9. Ah, if I'm not mistaken, you're... Yamashiro? Eh, Wee Vee? She's not here. Ah, is that so? OK.<ref>Yamashiro was sunk by ''Colorado'''s sister ship and fellow Big Seven member ''West Virginia'', nicknamed "Wee Vee".</ref>
|audio = ColoradoKai-21.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-21.mp3
|scenario = 22:00  
|scenario = 22:00  
|origin = It is 10。ううん、大丈夫。山城はああ見えて、姉思いのいい子よ。私は嫌いじゃない。
|origin = It is 10. ううん、大丈夫。山城はああ見えて、姉思いのいい子よ。私は嫌いじゃない。
|translation = It is 10. No, it's fine. Yamashiro might not act like it, but she's a girl that loves her sister. I don't dislike that.
|translation = It is 10. No, it's fine. It might not seem like it, but Yamashiro's just a girl that loves her sister. I don't dislike that.
|audio = ColoradoKai-22.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-22.mp3
|scenario = 23:00  
|scenario = 23:00  
|origin = It is 11。もうこんな時間。明日?明日も色々手伝ってあげてもいいわ。…あっ!仕方ない…わね!
|origin = It is 11. もうこんな時間。明日?明日も色々手伝ってあげてもいいわ。…あっ!仕方ない…わね!
|translation = It is 11. Look at the time. Tomorrow? I'll help you with whatever you want tomorrow. ...Ah! I... I've got no choice then!
|translation = It is 11. Look how late it's gotten. Tomorrow? I'll help you with whatever you want tomorrow. ...Ah! Because... I've got no choice!
|audio = ColoradoKai-23.mp3
|audio = ColoradoKai-23.mp3
|} <references/>
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2019|Rainy Season 2019]]
|origin = ここでは、この季節はやたらとrainyね?。私は晴れのほうが好き。ね、WeeVee、あなたはどう?
|translation = So it gets pretty rainy here around this season, huh? I prefer it sunny. WeeVee, how about you?
|audio = Colorado_Rainy_Season_2019_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2019|Autumn 2019]]
|origin = 鎮守府秋祭り…いいわね。この国のフェスの雰囲気も…あぁ、あの駆逐艦がほうばってるのはなに?食べてみたいわ。
|translation = The Naval District Autumn Festival... This is nice. The atmosphere of the festivals in this country are... Ah, what is that destroyer eating? I'd like to try some.
|audio = Colorado_Autumn_2019_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Saury_2019|Saury 2019]]
|origin = 噂のサンマフェス。何か、思ってた以上に大掛かりなのね?せっかくだから、私もその「シオヤキ」試してみたい!いい?
|translation = So this is the Saury Festival I've heard about. It's a lot larger than I imagined. Since I'm here, I'd like to try one of those "salt grilled saury"! Can I?
|audio = Colorado_Saury_2019_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/End_of_Year_2019|End of Year 2019]]
|origin = Mary、大掃除ですって?大規模cleaningってことね。まあ、いいことじゃない。私たちも協力しましょう!
|translation = Mary, it's a spring cleaning you say? That means it's a large-scale cleaning. Well, this is good. We'll help out too!
|audio = Colorado_Year_End_2019_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2020|New Year 2020]]
|origin = Happy New Year!新年もよろしく頼むわ。OK?さあ、美味しいものでも食べに行きましょう??
|translation = Happy New Year! I'm counting on you again this year. OK? Now, shall we go have some good food?
|audio = Colorado_New_Year_2020_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2020|Setsubun 2020]]
|origin = あぁ、知っているわ。Saraに聞いたもの。セッツブーンね?任せておいて。初弾から当ててあげる。陸奥、覚悟!
|translation = Ah, I know about this. I heard about this from Sara. Setsubun, right? Leave it to me. I'll get them on the first shot. Mutsu, brace yourself!
|audio = Colorado_Setsubun_2020_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2020|Valentine's Day 2020]]
|origin = あなたにこれをあげるわ。Chocolate。特に深い意味はないの。みんなそうしてるみたいだから。そうよ。
|translation = This is for you. Some chocolate. There's nothing special about it. It's just that everyone was doing it. That's all.
|audio = Colorado_Valentines_2020_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/White_Day_2020|White Day 2020]]
|origin = あら!義理堅いのね。私のくれるの?Thanks!あぁ、そんな喜んではいないわ。普通よ!普通。
|translation = Oh my! You're so dutiful. Is this for me? Thanks! Ah, I'm not that happy about it! Just average! Yes, just that much.
|audio = Colorado_White_Day_2020_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Seventh_Anniversary|7th Anniversary 2020]]
|origin = 7th Anniversary! おめでとう!私も祝福するわ。艦隊に、みんなに、栄光ありますように!
|translation = It's the 7th Anniversary! Congratulations! I give you my blessings. May the entire fleet continue to gain glory!
|audio = Colorado_7th_Anniversary_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
   Line 377: Line 466:  
|scenario = Colorado Special Attack
|scenario = Colorado Special Attack
|origin = Colorado戦隊全力斉射!各個目標に砲撃開始!一気に殲滅する。Fire!
|origin = Colorado戦隊全力斉射!各個目標に砲撃開始!一気に殲滅する。Fire!
|translation = Colorado Squadron, full broadside! Open fire when you've confirmed the targets! We'll destroy them in one shot. Fire!
|translation = Colorado Squadron, full broadside! Open fire when you've confirmed your targets! We'll destroy them in one broadside. Fire!
|audio = Colorado-Special_1.mp3
|audio = Colorado-Special_1.mp3
|notes = Special Attack Line
|notes = Special Attack Line
|} <references/>
|scenario = [[Hinamatsuri 2020 Mini-Event]]
|origin = 臨時編成、太平洋艦隊、戦場到着。これより友軍を援護する。
|translation = The Provisional Pacific Fleet has arrived on the battlefield. We'll now support the allied fleet.
|audio = Ship_Voice_Colorado_Kai_Hinamatsuri_2020_Mini-Event_Friend_Fleet_1.mp3
|notes = Friend Fleet 1
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="width: 100%;"
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Ship Full Colorado.png|Base
KanMusu401CGDmg.png|Base Damaged
Ship Full Colorado Damaged.png|Base Damaged
Ship Full Colorado Kai.png|Kai
KanMusu406CGDmg.png|Kai Damaged
Ship Full Colorado Kai Damaged.png|Kai Damaged
Ship Special Colorado.png|Special Attack
Ship Special Colorado Kai.png|Special Attack Kai
==Drop Locations==
Her abyssal form is assumed to be the [[Abyssal Pacific Princess]].
;General Information
* She is named after the state of [ Colorado].
* She was launched on the 22nd of March 1921.
* Sold for scrap, on the 23rd of July 1959
;Update History
* She was added on the 25th of May 2019 as [[Spring 2019 Event]] E5 reward.
* She is named after the state of [ Colorado]
*Survived World War II.
==See Also==
==See Also==
[[| List of Battleships]]
* [[wikipedia:USS Colorado (BB-45)|Wikipedia entry on Colorado]]
[| Wikipedia entry on Colorado]
[[Category:United States Navy Vessels]]
[[Category:World War II Survivors]]
