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==Voice Lines==
|自己紹介 = おはようございます~。<br>朝潮型駆逐艦六番艦、山雲です~。<br>よろしくお願い致します~。
|EN1 =Good morning~~. Asashio Destroyer number six, Yamagumo. Please treat me well!
|scenario = Introduction
|Note1 =よろしくお願い致します is a phrase that is commonly referenced as 'not perfectly translatable' in English, as it can mean 'please take care of (it/me/this),' 'I leave it to you,' 'please,' 'please treat me well,' 'please help me,' or anything that can fall within that vein.  
|origin = おはようございま~す。朝潮型駆逐艦六番艦、山雲です~。よろしくお願い致しま~す。
|Library =朝潮型駆逐艦六番艦の山雲です~。
|translation = Good morning~ I'm the 6th ship of the Asashio-class destroyers, Yamagumo. Please take good care of me~
|audio = Yamagumo-Introduction.ogg
|EN0 =I'm the sixth Asashio-class destroyer, Yamagumo~ I was born in Osaka and raised in Yokosuka~ Uh-huh, I'll have to watch out for sea mines~ I was active in escort and patrol missions, then deployed to the Marianas and also Leyte Gulf as part of the Nishimura fleet~
|scenario = Library
|Note0 =  
|origin = 朝潮型駆逐艦六番艦の山雲です~。
|建造時 = 新しい娘が来たみたいねー。|出撃時 = 駆逐艦山雲ー、抜錨しま~す。<br><br>あら~ 朝雲姉?一緒に行く~?|秘書クリック会話① = 山雲をー、お呼びでしょうかー?|秘書クリック会話② = いけませんわー。そこはデリケートですー。
爆雷はー、センシティブですからー。|秘書クリック会話③ = え~っとー、ごめんなさ~い。あんまりしつこいとー、本気で怒っちゃうかも~。<br>ねー?|艦隊帰投時 = 艦隊がもどってきたねー。うん、よかったー。ねー?|EN2 = Did you call Yamagumo?|EN3 = You can't do that~. That's delicate~. The depth charges, they're sensitive~.|EN4 = U~m~, sorry. If you're too pushy, I'll seriously get angry, you know?|EN12 = A new girl has come~.|EN13 = The fleet has returned~. Oh, that's good~, do you?|EN14 = Destroyer Yamagumo~, setting sa~il.<br><br>Oh, Asagumo-nee? Do you want to go together?|Married = 司令さん、頑張ってるのね~。偉いわ~。山雲的にはー、とてもすごいなーって思うのよねー。ほんとよ? うふふふ♪|Wedding = 司令さん、どうしたの? 山雲に、この箱をくれるの? なにかしら? あら、綺麗ね~。うふふ♪ ありがと~|秘書放置時 = えーっと~、山雲てきには~、なにもない時間って~、わりとー、すきかも~。 でも朝雲姉は、せっかちさんね~。<br>ね~!|戦績表示時 = 情報ねー。 それは大切よねー。|編成選択時 = 駆逐艦山雲ー、抜錨しま~す。|装備時① = あらー 嬉しいわー|補給時 = ありがたいわねー|ドック入り(小破以下) = お風呂も、いいわねー。|ドック入り(中破以上) = うーん、ごめんなさいねー 。 お風呂、ゆっくり入るわねー。|ドック入り終了 = |戦闘開始時 = 敵艦はっけ~ん♪。 撃ち方~、始め~。|攻撃時 = 敵艦はっけ~ん♪。 撃ち方~、始め~。<br>or<br>そうねー、 なるべくなら、当てていきたいわ~。|夜戦開始時 = 夜戦はね~、 夜はね~、 山雲、すこ~し、苦手かなー?|MVP時 = へぇ~♪、山雲が、一番活躍したの~? そんなこともあるのね~ 面白いわね~|小破① = やだー、当たっちゃったー?|小破② = いやだやだ山雲、攻撃には弱いのよー!|中破 = うーん、ちょーっと、真面目にやらないとダメかなー。|撃沈時(反転) = 沈むの、かなー…朝雲姉ぇ…来ちゃ、ダメだからねぇ…また…ねぇ…|装備時② = どうなのかしらー? 山雲に~、似合うー? そぉー?|装備時③ = そうなるのね~|夜戦攻撃時 = 山雲の攻撃~、どうかしらー?|EN4a = U~m~ Yamagumo kind of likes having free time~ But Asagumo-nee~ she's an impatient person~ you know~?|EN25 = Commander, you're working so hard~ How admirable~ Yamagumo thinks that you're really quite amazing~ Yes, really!|EN26 = Commander, what is it? Are you giving this box to Yamagumo? I wonder what it is? Ooh, pretty~ Thank you~|EN5 = Information, I see. That's really important, isn't it?|EN6 = Destroyer Yamagumo~, setting sa~il.|EN7 = Ooh, I'm so happy~|EN8 = How is it~? Does it suit Yamagumo~? Really~?|EN9 = Well, I guess so~|EN24 = Thank you~|EN10 = I guess a bath is nice too~|EN11 = Uh, I'm sorry~ I'll take it easy with a bath~|EN15 = Enemy ship spot~ted~ .Begin~ firing~~|EN16 = Enemy ship spot~ted~ .Begin~ firing~~<br>or<br>Uh-huh~ I want to hit as much as possible~|EN17 = Night battles~ Yamagumo might just be a li~ttle bit bad at them~|EN18 = How are Yamagumo's attacks~?|EN19 = Huh~ Yamagumo was the best~? Oh, I guess that could happen~ That's interesting~|EN20 = Oh no~ I got hit~?|EN21 = No~ Yamagumo is weak against attacks~!|EN22 = I guess I need to get a bi~t more serious.|EN23 = I'm sinking, huh... Asagumo-nee... don't come... okay?... See you... later...
|Clip1 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Introduction.ogg}}
|translation = I'm the 6th ship of the Asashio-class destroyers, Yamagumo.
|Clip0 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Library.ogg}}
I was born in Osaka and raised in Yokosuka. Oh right, you have to be careful around naval mines.<ref>She struck a Japanese naval mine while supporting Japanese landings at [,_Pangasinan Lingayen].</ref>
|Clip2 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Secretary_1.ogg}}
I was active in escorts and patrols; took part in Marinara then participated in Leyte as part of the Nishimura Fleet.<ref>Refering to the [ Battle of the Philippine Sea] and the [ Battle of Leyte Gulf] respectively. In the latter, she was part of the Southern Force under Vice Admirals Nishimura Shoji and Shima Kiyohide.</ref>
|Clip3 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Secretary_2.ogg}}
|audio = Yamagumo-Library.ogg
|Clip4a = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Idle.ogg}}
|Clip25 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Wedding_Line.ogg}}
|Clip26 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Wedding.ogg}}
|scenario = Secretary 1
|Clip5 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Looking_At_Scores.ogg}}
|origin = 山雲をー、お呼びでしょうかー?
|Clip7 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Equipment_1.ogg}}
|translation = Did you call me~?
|Clip8 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Equipment_2.ogg}}
|audio = Yamagumo-Secretary_2.ogg
|Clip9 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Equipment_3.ogg}}
|Clip24 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Supply.ogg}}
|Clip10 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Docking_Minor.ogg}}
|scenario = Secretary 2
|Clip11 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Docking_Major.ogg}}
|origin = いけませんわー。そこはデリケートですー。爆雷はー、センシティブですからー。
|Clip14 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg}}<br>{{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg}}
|translation = You can't do that~ That place is delicate~ Depth charges are sensitive.
|Clip15 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Battle_Start.ogg}}
|audio = Yamagumo-Secretary_1.ogg
|Clip16 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Battle_Start.ogg}}<br/>{{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Attack.ogg}}
|Clip17 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Night_Battle.ogg}}
|Clip18 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Night_Attack.ogg}}
|scenario = Secretary 3
|Clip19 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-MVP.ogg}}
|origin = え~っとー、ごめんなさ~い。あんまりしつこいとー、本気で怒っちゃうかも~ねー?
|Clip20 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Minor_Damage_1.ogg}}
|translation = Ummm, sorry. I'll probably get really angry if you're to insistent alright?
|Clip21 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Minor_Damage_2.ogg}}
|audio = Yamagumo-Secretary_3.ogg
|Clip22 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Major_Damage.ogg}}
|Clip23 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Sunk.ogg}}
|Clip4 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Secretary_3.ogg}}
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|Clip6 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg}}
|origin = えーっと~、山雲てきには~、なにもない時間って~、わりとー、好きかも~。 でも朝雲姉は、せっかちさんね~。ね~!
|Clip12 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Construction.ogg}}
|translation = Ummmm, I'm someone who is fine having nothing to do. But Asagumo-nee is an impatient person. Right~!
|Clip13 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg}}
|audio = Yamagumo-Idle.ogg
|入渠完了 = お風呂上がりの子がいるみたーい。|Clip27 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Docking_Completed.ogg}}}}
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|origin = 司令さん、頑張ってるのね~。偉いわ~。山雲的にはー、とてもすごいなーって思うのよねー。ほんとよ?うふふふ♪
|translation = You're working hard, Commander. That's great~ I'm the kind of person that thinks that's something amazing~ I'm serious you know? Ufufu♪
|audio = Yamagumo-Wedding_Line.ogg
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = 司令さん、どうしたの?山雲に、この箱をくれるの? なにかしら?あら、綺麗ね~。うふふ♪ ありがと~
|translation =What's wrong, Commander? Are you giving this box to me? I wonder what it is. Oh my, it's beautiful~ Ufufu♪ Thank you~
|audio = Yamagumo-Wedding.ogg
|scenario = Player's Score
|origin = 情報ねー。それは大切よねー。
|translation = Intelligence huh~ That's something important~
|audio = Yamagumo-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|origin = 駆逐艦山雲ー、抜錨しま~す。
|translation = Destroyer Yamagumo~, setting sail~
|audio = Yamagumo-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = あらー 嬉しいわー。
|translation = Oh my, I'm happy for this~
|audio = Yamagumo-Equipment_1.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = どうなのかしらー? 山雲に~、似合うー? そぉー?
|translation = What do you think~? Does this suit me~? Really~?
|audio = Yamagumo-Equipment_2.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = そうなるのね~
|translation = I guess so~
|audio = Yamagumo-Equipment_3.ogg
|scenario = Supply
|origin = ありがたいわねー
|translation = I'm grateful~
|audio = Yamagumo-Supply.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|origin = お風呂も、いいわねー。
|translation = A bath would be nice too~
|audio = Yamagumo-Docking_Minor.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = うーん、ごめんなさいねー 。お風呂、ゆっくり入るわねー。
|translation = Yup, sorry about this. I'm going to take a nice long bath~
|audio = Yamagumo-Docking_Major.ogg
|scenario = Construction
|origin = 新しい娘が来たみたいねー。
|translation = Looks like a new girl has come~
|audio = Yamagumo-Construction.ogg
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|origin = 艦隊がもどってきたねー。うん、よかったー。ねー?
|translation = The fleet has returned~ Yup, isn't this great?
|audio = Yamagumo-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = あら~ 朝雲姉?一緒に行く~?
|translation = Oh~ Asagumo-nee? Want to come with me~?
|audio = Yamagumo-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = 敵艦はっけ~ん♪。 撃ち方~、始め~。
|translation = Enemy ships spotted~♪ Open~, fire~
|audio = Yamagumo-Battle_Start.ogg
|scenario = Attack
|origin = そうねー、なるべくなら、当てていきたいわ~。
|translation = Oh right, I'd like to hit something this time~<ref>During the Battle of the Philippine Sea, she was part of Force B that did not see combat.</ref>
|audio = Yamagumo-Attack.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle Attack
|origin = 山雲の攻撃~、どうかしらー?
|translation = How are my attacks~?
|audio = Yamagumo-Night_Attack.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = 夜戦はね~、 夜はね~、 山雲、すこ~し、苦手かなー?
|translation = It's a night battle~ It's night~ I'm not really good at this~<ref>She was part of the night battle disaster at [ Surigao Strait].</ref>
|audio = Yamagumo-Night_Battle.ogg
|scenario = MVP
|origin = へぇ~♪、山雲が、一番活躍したの~? そんなこともあるのね~ 面白いわね~
|translation = Heh~♪ I had the most conspicuous service~? I guess that can happen~ That's interesting~
|audio = Yamagumo-MVP.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = やだー、当たっちゃったー?
|translation = Oh no, I'm hit~?
|audio = Yamagumo-Minor_Damage_1.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = いやだやだ山雲、攻撃には弱いのよー!
|translation = Nooo~. I'm weak to attacks!
|audio = Yamagumo-Minor_Damage_2.ogg
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = うーん、ちょーっと、真面目にやらないとダメかなー。
|translation = Yeah, I guess I do have to get a bit more serious...
|audio = Yamagumo-Major_Damage.ogg
|scenario = Sunk
|origin = 沈むの、かなー…朝雲姉ぇ…来ちゃ、ダメだからねぇ…また…ねぇ…
|translation = So I'm sinking... Asagumo-nee... You can't come with me alright... See... you...
|audio = Yamagumo-Sunk.ogg
|} <references/>
=== Hourlies ===
{{Shiphourly|00JP = 指令さ~ん。今日は山雲がー、秘書艦を担当するのねー? いいわ、やりますー|00EN = Commander~ Yamagumo is today's secretary huh...sure, I'll do it!|01JP = マルヒトーマルマルー! こんなかんじでいいかしら? そう?|01EN = 01...00! Am I doing it right? Is that so?|02JP = マルフターマルマルー! 深夜ー。この時間はー、なぜか少し、緊張するわねー|02EN = 02...00! Midnight's over~ For some reason, I feel pretty nervous around this time...|03JP = マルサンーマルマルー。この時間はー、ともて不思議な気持ちにねー、なるのー…ふぅ|03EN = 03...00! Around this time, I start to feel strange...fuu~|04JP = マルヨンーマルマルー! もうすぐ夜明けねー。良かったー♪|04EN = 04...00! It's almost dawn...what a relief!|05JP = マルゴーマルマルー! 司令さ~ん、朝が近いわねー。安心するわー、ねー?|05EN = 05...00! Commander, morning is near! How reassuring....right?|06JP = マルロクーマルマルー! 朝ねー。皆を起こしてこないとねー。朝は、好きよ?|06EN = 06..00! It's daytime! We'll need to wake everyone up! I like the morning.|07JP = マルナナーマルマルー! 司令さーん。朝食、ここに置いておくわね-。ご飯はー、この新鮮なタマゴでー、卵がけご飯にしてねー|07EN = 07...00! Commander, I will leave your breakfast here. Today's breakfast includes a fresh sure to put it on top of your rice!|08JP = マルハチーマルマルー! 卵がけご飯ってー、美味しいわよねー。麦ご飯にも合うしー、山雲もー、好きなのー♪ うふふーん♪|08EN = 08...00! Isn't egg mixed with rice tasty? It's also tasty with brown rice...Yamagumo likes it too!|09JP = マルキュウーマルマルー! そーだ、今日のお昼はねー、朝雲姉とー、デートなのー! デート…いいでしょー? 楽しみー♪|09EN = 09...00! Oh right, during today's lunch, I'm going with Asagumo on a date! A date...isn't that nice? I'm looking forward to it!|10JP = ヒトマルーマルマルー! 朝雲姉はねー…ふふーん♪ とても柔らかいのー。だから好きー。うふふーん♪|10EN = 10...00! Asagumo is a soft person...that's why I like her!|11JP = ヒトヒトーマルマルー! 司令さん、私の格好、おかしくなーい? だいじょーぶ? よーし、いってきまーす!|11EN = 11...00! Commander, how do I look? I look fine? Alright, I'm heading out!|12JP = ヒトフターマルマルー! あれはー扶桑さんと山城さんー? あ、うう~ん…なんか、お腹がー、痛くなってきたー。うう~ん…帰ろー…|12EN = 12...00! Is that...Fusou and Yamashiro? Uuh, for some reason, my stomach is starting to hurt...uuh, guess I'll go home...|13JP = ヒトサンーマルマルー! 司令さんー、もう大丈夫ー。Uターンしてー、戻ってきたからー。お、お仕事に戻りまーす|13EN = 13...00! Commander, I am fine now!  I made a U-turn and came back~ I'll return to work now~|14JP = ヒトヨンーマルマルー! 遠征部隊の確認、よーし! 任務の進捗ー、オッケー! 司令さーん、艦隊、順調ですー|14EN = 14...00! All members of the expedition team are accounted for! Mission progress is okay! Commander, the fleet is doing well~|15JP = ヒトゴーマルマルー! ああ、これですかー? 山雲の、家庭菜園で採れた、野菜ですー。ラバウルで、教えてもらったのー♪|15EN = 15...00! Ah, these? They are vegetables I grew from my own garden! I was taught how to do that in Rabaul~|16JP = ヒトロクーマルマルー! この野菜を煮て-、お砂糖を沢山入れてー、ジャムを作るとー、意外と美味しいんですー♪ ほら、ねー?|16EN = 16...00! If you boil these vegetables, add a lot of sugar and make it into a jam, its surprisingly tasty! See?|17JP = ヒトナナーマルマルー! そんなことしてたら、もう夕方ねー。一日はー、早いわねー|17EN = 1700! Before you know it, its already evening....the day sure goes quickly~|18JP = ヒトハチーマルマルー! 夕食は、山雲が作りますねー。家庭菜園で作った、自家製野菜のカレーよー。おいしーのー♪|18EN = 18...00! Yamagumo will be making dinner tonight! I'll be making a curry using my home grown vegetables! It's delicious!|19JP = ヒトキュウーマルマルー! 山雲のー、家庭菜園野菜カレー、良かったでしょー? え、誰との家庭かってー? 朝雲姉とですー♪|19EN = 1900! Yamagumo's home grown vegetable curry was good right? Hm? Who did I grow these vegetables with? I did it with Asagumo!|20JP = フタマルーマルマルー! この後もねー、朝雲姉と、デートなんですー。楽しみー♪ タイとか曲がってないー? そわそわするー|20EN = 20..00! After this, I'm going on a date with Asagumo again, I can't wait! My tie isn't crooked right? I feel nervous~|21JP = フタヒトーマルマルー! いってきまーす! 朝雲姉ー! あれ、その人…だれ? 仲…良さそう…あれ? 涙が…あれ?|21EN = 21...00! I'm heading off! Asagumo...! Huh...who is....that? They look....close....Huh...? Tears are...falling out of my....huh?|22JP = フタフタ、マルマルー…司令さん、朝雲姉が、知らない男の人と…あの…え、それは…違う…の? そゆこと? な、な~んだ~!|22EN = 22...00....Commander...Asagumo is with an unknown That's not right? Is that what it is? Oh, is that all~|23JP = フタサンマルマルー! よかったー。朝雲姉、お仕事なのねー。司令さん、山雲、安心しましたー。はらはらしましたー|23EN = 2300! What a relief...Asagumo is working huh~ Commander, Yamagumo is relieved...I felt so tense...|idleJP = えーと、山雲的にはー、なにもない時間ってー、割りとー…好きかも-。でも朝雲姉はせっかちさんねー。ね~?|idleEN = Umm...if you ask me, I kind wasting time! But Asagumo is so impatient right? Right!|02Note = The Nishimura fleet entered Surigao strait at this time.|03Note = Around this time, both Yamashiro and Fusou were torpedoed in the Surigao strait.|12Note = Fusou and Yamashiro were with Yamagumo in the Nishimura fleet, which was sunk (except for Shigure) in the Surigao strait.
{{ShipquoteHeader | type = hourly}}
|Clip00 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-00.ogg}}
|Clip01 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-01.ogg}}
|scenario = 00:00
|Clip02 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-02.ogg}}
|origin = 司令さ~ん。今日は山雲がー、秘書艦を担当するのねー? いいわ、やりますー
|Clip03 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-03.ogg}}
|translation = Commander~ I'll be your secretary ship today alright~? I can do this.
|Clip04 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-04.ogg}}
|audio = Yamagumo-00.ogg
|Clip05 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-05.ogg}}
|Clip06 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-06.ogg}}
|Clip07 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-07.ogg}}
|scenario = 01:00  
|Clip08 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-08.ogg}}
|origin = マルヒトーマルマルー!こんなかんじでいいかしら?そう?
|Clip09 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-09.ogg}}
|translation = 0100~! Something like this? Really?
|Clip10 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-10.ogg}}
|audio = Yamagumo-01.ogg
|Clip11 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-11.ogg}}
|Clip12 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-12.ogg}}
|Clip13 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-13.ogg}}
|scenario = 02:00  
|Clip14 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-14.ogg}}
|origin = マルフターマルマルー!深夜ー。この時間はー、なぜか少し、緊張するわねー
|Clip15 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-15.ogg}}
|translation = 0200~! It's late at night~ Somehow I get a bit nervous at this time.<ref>The Nishimura Fleet entered Surigao Strait at this time.</ref>
|Clip16 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-16.ogg}}
|audio = Yamagumo-02.ogg
|Clip17 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-17.ogg}}
|Clip18 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-18.ogg}}
|Clip19 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-19.ogg}}
|scenario = 03:00  
|Clip20 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-20.ogg}}
|origin = マルサンーマルマルー。この時間はー、とても不思議な気持ちにねー、なるのー…ふぅ
|Clip21 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-21.ogg}}
|translation = 0300~ I get a really weird feeling at this time~ ...*sigh*<ref>The Nishimura Fleet was detected by the [ USS West Virgina] at this time.</ref>
|Clip22 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-22.ogg}}
|audio = Yamagumo-03.ogg
|Clip23 = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-23.ogg}}
|ClipIdle = {{Audio|file=Yamagumo-Idle.ogg}}
|scenario = 04:00  
|origin = マルヨンーマルマルー!もうすぐ夜明けねー。良かったー♪
|translation = 0400~! It's almost dawn. Thank goodness~♪
|audio = Yamagumo-04.ogg
|scenario = 05:00  
|origin = マルゴーマルマルー!司令さ~ん、朝が近いわねー。安心するわー、ねー?
|translation = 0500~! It's almost morning, Commander. It's such a relief isn't it?
|audio = Yamagumo-05.ogg
|scenario = 06:00  
|origin = マルロクーマルマルー!朝ねー。皆を起こしてこないとねー。朝は、好きよ?
|translation = 0600~! It's morning. I have to go wake everyone up. I like mornings you know?
|audio = Yamagumo-06.ogg
|scenario = 07:00  
|origin = マルナナーマルマルー!司令さーん、朝食、ここに置いておくわね-。ご飯はー、この新鮮なタマゴでー、卵がけご飯にしてねー
|translation = 0700~! I'll leave your breakfast here, Commander. Break these fresh eggs over the rice to make some tamago kake gohan.<ref>[ Tamago kake gohan] is raw egg and soy sauce poured over rice and mixed in.</ref>
|audio = Yamagumo-07.ogg
|scenario = 08:00
|origin = マルハチーマルマルー!卵がけご飯ってー、美味しいわよねー。麦ご飯にも合うしー、山雲もー、好きなのー♪ うふふーん♪
|translation = 0800~! Tamago kake gohan is delicious right~ I also like it with barley rice~♪ Ufufu~♪
|audio = Yamagumo-08.ogg
|scenario = 09:00
|origin = マルキュウーマルマルー!そーだ、今日のお昼はねー、朝雲姉とー、デートなのー!デート…いいでしょー?楽しみー♪
|translation = 0900~! That's right, I have a date with Asagumo-nee for lunch~! It's fine... right? I can't wait~♪
|audio = Yamagumo-09.ogg
|scenario = 10:00
|origin = ヒトマルーマルマルー!朝雲姉はねー…ふふーん♪とても柔らかいのー。だから好きー。うふふーん♪
|translation = 1000~! Asagumo-nee is... Fufun~♪ Really gentle~ That's why I like her. Ufufu~♪
|audio = Yamagumo-10.ogg
|scenario = 11:00
|origin = ヒトヒトーマルマルー!司令さん、私の格好、おかしくなーい?だいじょーぶ?よーし、いってきまーす!
|translation = 1100~! Do I look fine, Commander? I'm just fine? Alright, see you later!
|audio = Yamagumo-11.ogg
|scenario = 12:00
|origin = ヒトフターマルマルー!あれはー扶桑さんと山城さんー?あ、うう~ん…なんか、お腹がー、痛くなってきたー。うう~ん…帰ろー…
|translation = 1200~! Is that Fusou-san and Yamashiro-san? Ah, yup... Somehow my stomach hurts... Yeah... let's go home...<ref>She was hit amidships by torpedoes fired by the [ USS McDermut] at Surigao Strait.</ref>
|audio = Yamagumo-12.ogg
|scenario = 13:00
|origin = ヒトサンーマルマルー!司令さーん、もう大丈夫ー。Uターンしてー、戻ってきたからー。お、お仕事に戻りまーす!
|translation = 1300~! I'm fine now, Commander. I made a U-turn and came back. I-I'll get back to work~!
|audio = Yamagumo-13.ogg
|scenario = 14:00
|origin = ヒトヨンーマルマルー!遠征部隊の確認、よーし!任務の進捗ー、オッケー!司令さーん、艦隊、順調ですー
|translation = 1400~! Expedition fleet check, done! Mission progress, OK! The fleet is doing well, Commander.
|audio = Yamagumo-14.ogg
|scenario = 15:00
|origin = ヒトゴーマルマルー!ああ、これですかー?山雲の、家庭菜園で採れた、野菜ですー。ラバウルで、教えてもらったのー♪
|translation = 1500~! Ah, this? I picked these vegetables from the kitchen garden. They taught me to do this in Rabaul~♪<ref>A [ kitchen garden] has a dual function of being ornamental and growing edibles. On orders from [ General Imamura Hitoshi], Rabaul grew crops en masse to increase the self-sufficiency of the base in the event of a blockade. Yamagumo probably picked this habit up since she visited the base on numerous occasions over her career.</ref>
|audio = Yamagumo-15.ogg
|scenario = 16:00
|origin = ヒトロクーマルマルー!この野菜を煮て-、お砂糖を沢山入れてー、ジャム作るとー、意外と美味しいんですー♪ほら、ねー?
|translation = 1600~! You can make jam if you boil these vegetables and add lots of sugar. It's surprisingly delicious~♪
|audio = Yamagumo-16.ogg
|scenario = 17:00
|origin = ヒトナナマルマルー!そんなことしてたら、もう夕方ねー。一日はー、早いわねー
|translation = 1700~! It's evening before you know it. The day sure flew by~
|audio = Yamagumo-17.ogg
|scenario = 18:00
|origin = ヒトハチーマルマルー!夕食は、山雲が作りますねー。家庭菜園で作った、自家製野菜のカレーよー。おいしーのー♪
|translation = 1800~! I'll make dinner alright. I'll make homemade vegetable curry with the vegetables I got from the kitchen garden. It'll be delicious~♪
|audio = Yamagumo-18.ogg
|scenario = 19:00
|origin = ヒトキュウーマルマルー!山雲のー、家庭菜園野菜カレー、良かったでしょー?え、誰との家庭かってー?朝雲姉とですー♪
|translation = 1900~! Is my kitchen garden vegetable curry good? Eh, whose household is it? Asagumo-nee's and mine~♪
|audio = Yamagumo-19.ogg
|scenario = 20:00
|origin = フタマルーマルマルー!この後もねー、朝雲姉と、デートなんですー。楽しみー♪タイとか曲がってないー?そわそわするー
|translation = 2000~! I have another date with Asagumo-nee after this. I can't wait~♪ Is my tie straight? I'm so nervous.
|audio = Yamagumo-20.ogg
|scenario = 21:00
|origin = フタヒトーマルマルー!いってきまーす!朝雲姉ー!あれ、その人…だれ?仲…良さそう…あれ? 涙が…あれ?
|translation = 2100~! See you later~! Asagumo-nee! Oh, who... is that? They look... close... Huh? My tears are... huh?
|audio = Yamagumo-21.ogg
|scenario = 22:00
|origin = フタフタ、マルマルー…司令さん、朝雲姉が、知らない男の人と…あの…え、それは…違う…の?そゆこと? な、な~んだ~!
|translation = 2200~... Asagumo-nee was with a guy I don't know, Commander... Umm... Eh, I'm... mistaken...? That's it? I-is that all~!<ref>
|audio = Yamagumo-22.ogg
|scenario = 23:00
|origin = フタサンマルマルー!よかったー。朝雲姉、お仕事なのねー。司令さん、山雲、安心しましたー。はらはらしましたー
|translation = 2300~! That's a relief~ Asagumo-nee was just working. I'm releived now, Commander. My heart is pounding.
|audio = Yamagumo-23.ogg
|} <references/>
=== Drop Locations ===
=== Drop Locations ===
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