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*5-5 is one of the few maps that has arguably become more difficult after the Phase 2 update.
*5-5 is one of the few maps that has arguably become more difficult after the Phase 2 update.
**2 of the pre-clear boss compositions now contain 2 Elite Re-class Abyssals.
**2 of the pre-clear boss compositions now contain 2 Elite Re-class Abyssals.
**The [[Southern War Princess]] has also gained additional armour (see below).
**The [[Southern War Princess]] has also gained additional armour followed by [[Winter 2019 Event]]
**The addition of Tsu-class Abyssals to multiple nodes has also made the map potentially more costly in terms of bauxite.
***Her escort has been slightly weakened to compensate for this. The Submarine in her escort has been changed from an Elite variant to a basic variant.
**The addition of CL Tsu-class to multiple nodes has also made the map potentially more costly in terms of bauxite.
**Pre-boss Node P still has the chance of containing an Elite Re-class in Line Ahead.
**Pre-boss Node P still has the chance of containing an Elite Re-class in Line Ahead.
**Depending on your choice of ships (and also dependent on engagement modifiers & enemy fleet formation), bulges equipped in Reinforcement Expansion slots may improve survivability against opening torpedoes.
**Depending on your choice of ships (and also dependent on engagement modifiers & enemy fleet formation), bulges equipped in Reinforcement Expansion slots may improve survivability against opening torpedoes.
**Support Expedition(s) may help as well.
**Support Expedition(s) may help as well.
*However, routing to the boss is now guaranteed with the correct composition(s) and sufficient LoS. Speed is also no longer a major factor in determining routing.
*However, routing to the boss is now guaranteed with the correct composition(s) and sufficient LoS. Speed is also no longer a major factor in determining routing.
*Viable Routes:
*The special attack (Touch mechanic) from [[Nelson|Nelson Kai]], [[Nagato|Nagato Kai Ni]] and [[Mutsu|Mutsu Kai Ni]] are also a good option to consider if you want to clear out enemies at the boss node easier.
**'''B-K-P-S''' or '''B-F-J-P-S''': 4(F)BB(V)/CV(L/B) + 2XX
***LoS required: F33 Cn1 X ≥ 44
***Maximum of 4 (F)BB(V)/CV(L/B), otherwise chance of off-routing at pre-boss node P.
***Routing B->K or B->F will depend on whether fleet has X≥2DDs, as well as whether fleet has X≥3CV(B)s.
***F is a choice node. For the above fleet, routing to J is recommended as D is a maelstrom node, and fleet comp will route to P after H anyway.
***CAVs can help provide additional fighter power, allowing for optimised set-ups on CVs.
***[[Ise|Ise Kai Ni]] is another option if additional fighter power is needed. However, keep in mind that she is significantly weaker in terms of firepower compared to almost every other battleship.
***[[Nelson]] can help with firepower output at the boss with her special attack.
***[[Nagato|Nagato Kai Ni's]] or [[Mutsu|Mutsu Kai Ni's]] special attack is also an option, following the [[Game Updates/2019/Feburary 27th|February 27th Game Update]].
***Seaplane Bombers should not be used in smaller slots due to the potential presence of multiple Tsu-class Abyssals along this route.
**(Middle + South Route to be updated.)
<br/>'''Recommended Fleet'''
*As of the [[Game Updates/2019/January 22nd|January 22nd]] update, the [[Southern War Princess]] has retained her buff from the [[Winter 2019 Event]]. Her escorts have been slightly weakened to compensate for this.
*'''North : B-K-P-S or B-F-J-P-S''': 4(F)BB(V)/CV(L/B) + 2XX
**The Submarine in her escort has been changed from an Elite variant to a non-Elite variant.
**LoS required: '''≥ 44 F33 Cn1'''
*If you are planning on clearing any quests that require you to clear 5-5 with an A/S-Rank, it is recommended that you attempt these quests after clearing 5-5 for the month, as the post-clear boss compositions are significantly less dangerous than the pre-clear comps. The fleet composition restrictions for most of these quests mean that your fleet will face some difficulty in defeating the pre-clear comps, particularly after the buff to the [[Southern War Princess]] (who does not appear at all in post-clear comps).
**Maximum of 4 (F)BB(V)/CV(L/B), otherwise chance of off-routing at pre-boss node P.
**This is especially true if said quests require 2DDs, as DDs will face difficulty in dealing any significant damage to the pre-clear boss comps during the daytime battle.
**Routing B->K or B->F will depend on your fleet. Fleet with either 3CV(B) or 4(F)BB(V)s will always go to K, otherwise will go to F as long as you have 2 DDs.
**F is a choice node. For the above fleet, routing to J is recommended as D is a maelstrom node, and fleet comp will route to P after H anyway.
**CAVs can help provide additional fighter power, allowing for optimized set-ups on CVs.
**[[Ise|Ise Kai Ni]] is another option if additional fighter power is needed. However, keep in mind that she is significantly weaker in terms of firepower compared to almost every other battleship.
**Seaplane Bombers should not be used in smaller slots due to the potential presence of multiple [[Light Cruiser Tsu-Class]] along this route.
*'''Middle : B-F-D-H-N-O-S'''
*'''South : A-C-E-G-I-M-O-S'''
===Nodes and Enemy Encounters===
===Nodes and Enemy Encounters===
