| EN9=I'll help everyone if I can!
| EN9=I'll help everyone if I can!
| Note9=(Ushio rescued the crew of a US sub that she sank)
| Note9=(Ushio rescued the crew of a US sub that she sank)
| 補給時=これが…これが近代化改装。
| 補給時=これが…これが近代化改装。じゃなくて、補給ですよね、補給。感謝です。
| EN24=This... this is modernization.
| EN24=This... this is, wait I mean resupply, yes resupply. I am most grateful.
This... this is, wait I mean resupply, yes resupply. I am most grateful. (Kai)
This... this is modernization. (Kai)
| Note24=
| Note24=
| EN10=Admiral, thank you very much.
| EN10=Admiral, thank you very much.