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|color = Gold
|name = Tanikaze
|japanesename = 谷風
|image = [[File:169_Card.jpg]]
|id = 169
|class = Kagerou
|type = Destroyer
|hp = 16
|firepower = 10 (29)
|armor = 6 (19)
|torpedo = 24 (69)
|evasion = 44 (79)
|AA = 10 (40)
|aircraft = 0
|ASW = 24 (49)
|LOS = 7 (19)
|luck = 14 (49)
|time = 24:00 (unconfirmed)
|speed = Fast
==Gameplay Notes==
|range = Short
|slot = 2
|slot1=[[12.7cm Twin Gun Mount]]
|slot2=[[Type 94 Depth Charge]]
| style="width: 50px;"|
===Special Mechanics===
* None
|color = Violet
|name = Tanikaze Kai
===Equipability Exceptions===
|japanesename = 谷風改
|image = [[File:313_Card.jpg]]
|id = 409
|class = Kagerou
{|class="wikitable" style="width:800px; text-align:center; margin:auto; font-weight:bold"
|type = Destroyer
!colspan=3 style="font-size:15px"|Tanikaze Equipability Exceptions
|hp = 32
|firepower = 12 (48)
|armor = 14 (49)
|torpedo = 28 (79)
!{{Ship/Banner|Tanikaze/D Kai|small=true}}<br>Tanikaze D Kai
|evasion = 46 (88)
|AA = 16 (49)
!Expansion Slot Exceptions
|aircraft = 0
|Can Equip:<br>{{Equipment/Card|Type 22 Surface Radar|size=36px}} {{Equipment/Card|Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4|size=36px}} {{Equipment/Card|Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)|size=36px}} {{ItemStack|item={{Equipment/Card|Passive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)|size=36px}}|text=★+4}}
|ASW = 28 (68)
|Can Equip:<br>{{Equipment/Card|Type 22 Surface Radar|size=36px}} {{Equipment/Card|Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4|size=36px}} {{Equipment/Card|Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)|size=36px}} {{ItemStack|item={{Equipment/Card|Passive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)|size=36px}}|text=★+4}} {{Medium Armor}}
|LOS = 8 (39)
|luck = 16 (59)
!Ship Exceptions
|time = Lv 30 Remodel
! -
|speed = Fast
|Can Equip:<br>{{Medium Armor}} {{Landing Craft}}
|range = Short
|slot = 3
|slot1=[[Type 94 Depth Charge]]
|slot2=[[Type 93 SONAR]]
===Fit Bonuses===
{{/Equipment Bonuses}}
===Important Information===
* Required for quest:
** Mandatory:
*** {{Q|A86}}, {{Q|A90}}
*** {{Q|B123}}
*** {{Q|C27}}
** Optional:
*** {{Q|A88}}
*** {{Q|B117}}
*** {{Q|C15}}, {{Q|C21}}
==Drop Locations==
==Voice Lines==
|自己紹介 = 提督、谷風だよ。<br>これからお世話になるね!
|EN1 = Admiral, I'm Tanikaze! <br> I'll be in your care from now on.
|scenario = Introduction
|Library = 谷風さんだよ。<br>あのミッドウェー海戦では、飛龍を助ようとしてたら、くそ敵機から雨あられの集中爆撃…。あんときゃ、まいったけど、勝見艦長がすげえんだ、マジで。
|origin = 提督、谷風だよ。これからお世話になるね!
|EN0 = Madam Tanikaze here! I was helpin' out Hiryuu during the Battle of Midway, damn enemy planes were dropping bombs on us like rain... Back then, C'mmander Katsumi was amazin' like seriously.
|translation = I'm Tanikaze, Admiral. I'll be in your care from now on!
|Note0 = SPEAK PROPER JAPANESE WOMAN! She drops bits off words and mashes them together in a very crass and boastful manner, even referring to herself as "-san".
|audio = Tanikaze-Introduction.ogg
|秘書クリック会話① = よっ、提督、頑張ってるね!
|EN2 = Yoo, Admiral, do your best!
|秘書クリック会話② = お呼びかい、提督?
|scenario = Introduction
|EN3 = Did you call, Admiral?
|kai3 = yes
|秘書クリック会話③ = なーにー? よしよしされたいの?
|origin = 提督、ちょいっと強くなった谷風さんだよ。えへぇ、さーて、今日もおっぱじめろか!
|EN4 = What's going on? Do you want "There there, a good boy"?
|translation = It's the me who got a bit stronger, Admiral. Ehehe, now, let's get started for today!
|秘書放置時 = かぁーっ! なんか、退屈ー。どっかに夜戦にでも行こうよぉー?
|audio = TanikazeDKai-Intro.mp3
|EN4a = Eeeeeek! I'm bored anyway. Why not go somewhere to have a night battle?
|Note4a= You know what she means.
|Married =提督、どうした?疲れたのかい?
|scenario = Library
|EN25 = Admiral, what's up? Are you tired?
|origin = 谷風さんだよ。
|Wedding = この谷風さんに興味を持ってくれるなんて変わった提督だねぇ。じゃあ、その経緯を最初から教えてもらおうじゃない。へへ、いいじゃないか、夜は長いんだしさ。
|EN26 = What a strange admiral you are to be interested in me, Tanikaze! Then, tell me how you get to love me from the beginning. Hehe, never mind, the night is long, you know.
|戦績表示時 = 提督に報告書が届いてるね!
|translation = I'm Tanikaze-san.<ref>She speaks in an Edo dialect.</ref>
|EN5 = A report is coming to you, Admiral!
At the Battle of Midway, those damned enemy planes were rainin' bombs on us while I goin' to rescue Hiryuu.
|編成選択時 = 谷風にお任せだよ!出撃!
I was just about to give up at that time but, Captain Katsumi was really amazin'. Seriously.<ref>Through evasive maneuvers, Tanikaze was able to evade 137 bombs from 58 SBD Dauntless dive bombers and 12 B-17 heavy bombers.</ref>
|EN6 = Just leave it to Tanikaze! Sortie!
|audio = Tanikaze-Library.ogg
|装備時① = よっしゃあ!
|EN7 = Here we go!
|装備時② = こいつは粋な計らいだね!
|scenario = Secretary 1
|EN8 = A nice arrangement is it!
|origin = よっ、提督、頑張ってるね!
|装備時③ = おう、景気いいな!
|translation = Alrite, I'll do my best Admiral!
|EN9 = Wow, how generous you are!
|audio = Tanikaze-Secretary_1.ogg
|補給時 = かぁー! これで勝つる!
|EN24 = Eeeek! Thanks to it, I CON win!
|Note24=「勝つる」is a slang often used in the internet, correctly「勝てる」(~ can win).
|scenario = Secretary 2
|ドック入り(小破以下) = ひとっ風呂浴びてくるかなー
|origin = お呼びかい、提督?
|EN10 = I'm taking a bath.
|translation = Did ya call Admiral?
|ドック入り(中破以上) = お風呂はいいよね…お風呂はさぁ…
|audio = Tanikaze-Secretary_2.ogg
|EN11 = I love taking a bath… a bath…
|建造時 = 新造艦が仕上がったみたい!
|EN12 = A new ship seems to be ready!
|scenario = Secretary 2
|艦隊帰投時 = 艦隊が帰投したよ、お疲れぇい!
|kai3 = yes
|EN13 = The fleet has returned! Goood job!
|origin = まぁ、決まるじゃないねー。そういうことさ!
|出撃時 = 駆逐艦、谷風! 出番だよ!
|translation = Well, it's not written in stone! All there is to it!
|EN14 = Tanikaze, a destroyer. It's my time!
|audio = Tanikaze_Kantai_Kessen_2018_Sec2b.mp3
|戦闘開始時 = 砲雷撃戦、いっときますか!
|EN15 = Shelling and torpedo attack, now let's start!
|攻撃時 = 砲雷撃戦、いっときますか!
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = なーにー? よしよしされたいの?
|translation = Whassit? Ya wanna be comforted?
|EN16 = Shelling and torpedo attack, now let's start!
|audio = Tanikaze-Secretary_3.ogg
|夜戦開始時 = ちっくしょーめ!
|scenario = Secretary 3
|EN17 =Heeeeeck!
|kai3 = yes
|夜戦攻撃時 = がってん!
|origin = んだよ、あまえっこさんだな。まぁ、いいけどよ。
|EN18 = Roger!
|translation = Oh dear, yer so needy. Well, that's fine.
|MVP時 = こー見えて、この谷風はすばしっこいんだよ? 爆弾なんて、当たる気がしないね!
|audio = TanikazeDKai-Sec3.mp3
|EN19 = Even though you may not imagine it, I Tanikaze is very alert, right? Bombs can't hit me, I suppose!
|撃沈時(反転) =この谷風が回避、できない、とはね…仕方ない、沈んで…やる…かぁー 
|EN23 =Even I, Tanikaze can't avoid it… It can't be help. I dare… to be sunk, eek…
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|Note22= Plays well for her damage art.
|origin = かぁーっ! なんか、退屈ー。どっかに夜戦にでも行こうよぉー?
|小破① = かぁー…
|translation = Gaaah~! I'm bored. Let's go for a night battle somewhere yeah?
|EN20 =Eeek…
|audio = Tanikaze-Idle.ogg
|小破② = なんてこった!
|EN21 = Oh man!
|中破 = 冗談じゃないよ、こんな姿、誰も見たくないんだよぉ…
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|EN22 = No kidding! Nobody wants to see a figure like this…}}
|kai3 = yes
|origin = まぁ、何だ?敵の空襲を甘く見ちゃだめさ!なんだかんだっとごついからな、ちくしょうめ!
|translation = Well, what can I say? Don't underestimate the enemy air raids! Those bastards aren't gonna go easy on us!
|audio = Tanikaze_Kantai_Kessen_2018_Sec3.mp3
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|origin = 提督、どうした?疲れたのかい?
|translation = What's wrong Admiral? Are ya tired?
|audio = Tanikaze-Wedding_Line.ogg
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|kai3 = yes
|origin =おぅ、おぅ、いいじゃんてさ。燃えるねぇ、このちくしょう!谷風さんが守りについてる。元気に生きに暴れおうぜ!
|translation = Oh, oh, lookin good. Yer lookin damn good! I'll be here to watch yer back. So just go out and live it up!
|audio = TanikazeDKai-SecMarried.mp3
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = この谷風さんに興味を持ってくれるなんて変わった提督だねぇ。じゃあ、その経緯を最初から教えてもらおうじゃない。へへ、いいじゃないか、夜は長いんだしさ。
|translation = Yer kinda strange to be takin an interest in little ol' me Admiral. So, how 'bout you tell me the whole story of how we got to this point. Eh, isn't that fine, the night is long.
|audio = Tanikaze-Wedding.ogg
|scenario = Player's Score
|origin = 提督に報告書が届いてるね!
|translation = Yer report has arrived Admiral!
|audio = Tanikaze-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
|scenario = Player's Score
|kai3 = yes
|origin = 情報みたいのかい?待ってな。谷風が撮ってあげよ。
|translation = Ya want ta see the info? Just wait. I'll go get it.
|audio = TanikazeDKai-PlayerScore.mp3
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|origin = 谷風にお任せだよ!出撃!
|translation = Leave it to me! Let's sortie!
|audio = Tanikaze-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = よっしゃあ!
|translation = Alright!
|audio = Tanikaze-Equipment_1.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = こいつは粋な計らいだね!
|translation = This is a pretty stylin' arrangement!
|audio = Tanikaze-Equipment_2.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 2
|kai3 = yes
|origin = あぁ、いいねぇ!ちょいと改装だけど、大分いいよこれで。いきだね。これで、勝つる!
|translation = Aaaah, this is great! I just got a small upgrade but this is really great. It's stylin'. I can win with this!
|audio = TanikazeDKai-Equip2.mp3
|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = おう、景気いいな!
|translation = Whoa, yer pretty generous!
|audio = Tanikaze-Equipment_3.ogg
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Equipment 3|kai = yes
|origin = おう、いいね!
|translation =
|scenario = Supply
|origin = かぁー! これで勝つる!
|translation = Yeeaah! With this, I'll be winnin'!
|audio = Tanikaze-Supply.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|origin = ひとっ風呂浴びてくるかなー
|translation = Can I go take a bath~
|audio = Tanikaze-Docking_Minor.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = お風呂はいいよね…お風呂はさぁ…
|translation = The bath is great huh... Baths are...
|audio = Tanikaze-Docking_Major.ogg
|scenario = Construction
|origin = 新造艦が仕上がったみたい!
|translation = Looks like a new ship is completed!
|audio = Tanikaze-Construction.ogg
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|origin = 艦隊が帰投したよ、お疲れぇい!
|translation = The fleet has returned to port, thanks for your hard work!
|audio = Tanikaze-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = 駆逐艦、谷風! 出番だよ!
|translation = Destroyer Tanikaze! It's my turn now!
|audio = Tanikaze-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = 砲雷撃戦、いっときますか!
|translation = Let's fire the guns and torpedoes at the same time!
|audio = Tanikaze-Battle_Start.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|kai3 = yes
|origin = いいんだね、やっちまうよ。
|translation = Alright, let's do this.
|audio = TanikazeDKai-BattleStart.mp3
|scenario = Attack
|origin = よいしょー!
|translation = Hooah!<ref>"よいしょ" is an expression of extension and has no real meaning.</ref>
|audio = Tanikaze-Attack.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle Attack
|origin = がってん!
|translation = Got it!
|audio = Tanikaze-Night_Attack.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = ちっくしょーめ!
|translation = Goddamnit!
|audio = Tanikaze-Night_Battle.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle
|kai3 = yes
|origin = うら!改陽炎型はちょこっと違うよ!
|translation = C'mon! An upgraded Kagerou-class isn't the same!
|audio = TanikazeDKai-NightBattle.mp3
|scenario = MVP
|origin = こー見えて、この谷風はすばしっこいんだよ? 爆弾なんて、当たる気がしないね!
|translation = I might not look it but I'm pretty quick right? Bombs won't even touch me!
|audio = Tanikaze-MVP.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = かぁー…
|translation = Gaah...
|audio = Tanikaze-Minor_Damage_2.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = なんてこった!
|translation = What the hell!
|audio = Tanikaze-Minor_Damage_1.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|kai3 = yes
|origin = かぁー!かれに避けた思ったけど…しかたねぇ。
|translation = Gaaah! I thought I dodged that... Oh well.
|audio = TanikazeDKai-MinorDmg2.mp3
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = 冗談じゃないよ、こんな姿、誰も見たくないんだよぉ…
|translation = I'm not jokin', no one wants to see my like this...
|audio = Tanikaze-Major_Damage.ogg
|scenario = Sunk
|origin = この谷風が回避、できない、とはね…仕方ない、沈んで…やる…かぁー 
|translation = I couldn't... dodge that... Can't be helped, guess... I'm sinkin'...
|audio = Tanikaze-Sunk.ogg
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2015|New Year 2015]]
|origin = あっ↑けましてぇ↓、おめっとさーん!ていとくぅ!今年は景気良くなるさっ!う゛ん゛!だいじょうぶぅ~
|translation = Happy New Year! Admiral! Have a prosperous new year! Yup! It’ll be fine~
|audio = Tanikaze_2015newyear.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2015|Setsubun 2015]]
|origin = かぁっ!節分かい!こいつは粋だねぇーっ、誰に投げりゃいいんだい?浜風かぁ?…ア゛ッ!?
|translation = Whoo~! It’s Setsubun! This is neat~, who can I throw these at? Maybe Hamakaze? …Ah!?
|audio = Tanikaze_Setsubun_2016_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Autumn_2015_Seasonal_Update|Early Autumn 2015]]
|origin = 夏が終わっちまったねぇ。なんだか、さみしいねぇ。うん、まぁ、いいか。夏はまた、来年も来るしねぇ、な。
|translation = Summer is over huh. It kinda feels lonely now. Yep, oh well. Summer will come again next year.
|audio = Tanikaze_Early_Autumn2015.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2015|Christmas 2015]]
|origin = お~!クリスマスかい!いいね、クリスマス!え~と…ターキーってやつ?食べてみたいね!
|translation = Oooh! It’s Christmas! I like Christmas! Uhmm… It’s the thing with turkeys right? I want to try some!
|audio = Tanikaze_Christmas_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/End_of_Year_2015|End of Year 2015]]
|origin = かぁ!もう師走かい!早いもんだね!ほう、大晦日までに掃除もしとかなきゃ。年越しそばも楽しみだね!なぁ!
|translation = Gah! It’s already December! That was fast! Oh, I have to spring clean before New Year’s Eve. I’m looking forward to New Year’s soba! Right!
|audio = Tanikaze_Year_End_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2016|Valentine’s Day 2016]]
|origin = よぅ、提督!これを食べてくれよ!この谷風が作ったチョコレートだぜ!美味いよ!
|translation = Yo, Admiral! Try this! It’s my handmade chocolate! It’s delicious!
|audio = Tanikaze_Valentine_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/White_Day_2016|White Day 2016]]
|origin = おぉ、提督、なんだい?チョコのお返しかい?くぅ、粋だねぇ!ありがたいよ―♪
|translation = Oh, what’s up, Admiral? A gift in return for the chocolates? Guh, how considerate! Thank you~♪
|audio = Tanikaze_White_Day_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Coming_of_Spring_2016|Spring 2016]]
|origin = あぁ、春だ!春だね!えへ、提督、みんなとお花見とされ込もうよ!な?かぁ、一度に…
|translation = Ah, it’s spring! It’s spring now! Ehe, let’s go cherry blossom viewing with everyone, Admiral! Alright? Come on, just this once…
|audio = Tanikaze_Spring_2016_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Third_Anniversary|3rd Anniversary]]
|origin = はぁ、なんでこったい!三周年だったよ!こいつはめでたいなお祝いだよ!ああぁー!
|translation = Wha, goddamn! It’s the 3rd Anniversary! This something to celebrate! Aaaaah!
|audio = Tanikaze_3rd_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2016|Rainy Season 2016]]
|origin = この季節は雨が多いねぇ。雨の音もこうしてゆっくり聞いていれば、悪くないね♪
|translation = It rains a lot during this time of year. Taking the time to listen to the sound of the rain isn’t so bad♪
|audio = Tanikaze_Rainy_Season_2016_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Coming_of_Spring_2018|Coming of Spring 2018]]
|origin = くぅ、こいつを参ったは!行き過ぎる祭だね。ぐぅ、この谷風をてつだって!えぇ、搭載?できないよ。
|translation = Urgh, I can’t take it! This festival has gotten really big. Urgh, I’ll help out too! Eh, equip it? I can’t.
|audio = Tanikaze_Spring_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes = Zuiun Festival line.
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fifth_Anniversary|5th Anniversary]]
|origin = こぉ、なんてこたい!提督、五周年だってよ!こいつはめでたいね。お祝いだよ!あぁ!
|translation = Whoa, I don’t believe it! It’s the 5th Anniversary, Admiral! This is worth celebrating. Let’s celebrate! Aaaah!
|audio = Tanikaze_5th_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Summer_2018|Summer 2018]]
|origin = なんだって!?鎮守府・氷・祭り・だって!?ON ICE!くぁー、こいつは、意味はわかねけど、いきらねぇ。よっしゃ!ん?"Ice skater"? できねよ。
|translation = What was that!? The. Naval. Base. Ice. Festival!? ON ICE! Gaaah, I don't know what that means but I don't care. Alright! Hmm? Ice skater? I can't do that.
|audio = Tanikaze_Summer_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Saury_2018|Saury 2018]]
|origin = なんだって?秋刀魚だって?粋だねー。よし、この谷風さんに任せておけー!腕まくりを全力全開だぜ!
|translation = What did you say? Saury? That's what I'm talking about. Alright, just leave it all to me! I'm going to roll up my sleeves and put my all into this!
|audio = Tanikaze_Sec1_Saury_2018.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Sixth_Anniversary|6th Anniversary]]
|origin = かぁ、なんてこったい!提督、六周年だってよ!こいつはいきだね!お祝いだよ!主砲開くぜ!
|translation = Wow, this is big! Admiral, it's the 6th Anniversary! This is great! Let's celebrate! Main guns make ready!
|audio = Tanikaze_6th_Anniversary_Sec3.mp3
|notes = Secretary 3
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Seventh_Anniversary|7th Anniversary]]
|origin = かはぁ、なんてこったい!提督、ついに七周年だってよ!こいつ春からめでたいね!主砲全開だね。
|translation = Wha, holy mackerel! Admiral, it's finally the 7th Anniversary! Spring brings such happiness! Let me do a full gun salute.
|audio = Tanikaze_7th_Anniversary_Secretary_2.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Eighth_Anniversary|8th Anniversary]]
|origin = かあ〜!まったくなんてこったい!提督、ついに、ついに八周年なんだってよ!こいつはイキすぎるのね。感激だよ!
|translation = Whoaaa! I can't believe this! Admiral, it's finally, finally the 8th Anniversary! This is amazing. I'm so happy!
|audio = Tanikaze_8th Anniversary_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
===Misc Lines===
|scenario = [[Fall 2015 Event]]
|origin = かぁー!この谷風の見せ場だねぇ。よっしゃぁ!
|translation = Whooo! I’ll be the star of this show. Here goes!
|audio = Tanikaze_Fall_Event_2015_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Final_Battle|Eve of the Final Battle 2018]]
|origin = ちょいと艦隊が騒がしいね。こいつは、あれだな?
|translation = The fleet has gotten quite noisy. Means it’s time for that, right?
|audio = Tanikaze_Kantai_Kessen_2018_Sec2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Final_Battle|Final Battle 2018]]
|origin = まあ、決まるじゃないねぇ。そういうことさ!
|translation = Well, it’s not written in stone. That’s all there is to it!
|audio = Tanikaze_Kantai_Kessen_2018_Sec2b.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Final_Battle|Final Battle 2018]]
|origin = まあ、何だ?敵の空襲を甘く見ちゃだめさぁ!なんだかんだっとごついからな、畜生め!
|translation = Well, what can I say? Don’t underestimate the enemy air raids! Those bastards aren’t going to go easy on us!
|audio = Tanikaze_Kantai_Kessen_2018_Sec3.mp3
|notes = Secretary 3
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Ship Full Tanikaze.png|Base
Ship Full Tanikaze Damaged.png|Base Damaged
Ship Full Tanikaze D Kai.png|D Kai
Ship Full Tanikaze D Kai Damaged.png|D Kai Damaged
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Tanikaze_Christmas_2015.png|[[Seasonal/Christmas_2015|Christmas 2015]]
Tanikaze_Christmas_2015_dmg.png|[[Seasonal/Christmas_2015|Christmas 2015 Damaged]]
*Participated in the Battle of Midway, transport missions to Guadalcanal and evacuation from Guadalcanal.
;General Information
*Sunk in action, June 9, 1944 in [ Sibutu Passage], Tawi-Tawi, Philippines (<span style="position: relative; white-space: nowrap;">[ 05°42′N 120°41′E])</span>
* Her name means "valley wind".
* She was launched on the 1st of November 1940.
* Sunk in action, on the 9th of June 1944 in the [[wikipedia:Sibutu Passage|Sibutu Passage]], Tawi-Tawi, Philippines at [ 05°42′N 120°41′E].
;Update History
* She was added on the 23rd of April 2014 as [[Spring 2014 Event]] drop.
* Became droppable on 3-5 on the [[Game Updates/2014/September 12th|12th of September 2014]].
* She got her D Kai on the [[Game Updates/2018/October 26th|26th of October 2018]].
*Participated in the Battle of Midway, transport missions to Guadalcanal, and evacuation from Guadalcanal.
==See Also==
==See Also==
*[[{{PAGENAMEE}}/Gallery|View {{PAGENAME}} CG]]
*[[EliteDD|List of destroyers]]
*[[wikipedia:Japanese destroyer Tanikaze (1940)|Wikipedia entry on destroyer Tanikaze]]
*[[wikipedia:Japanese destroyer Tanikaze (1940)|Wikipedia entry on destroyer Tanikaze]]
[[Category:Kagero Class]]
