
4,950 bytes added ,  10 years ago
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|EN4 = Are you really that interested in the colour of my flight deck? Your face is close... it's making me feel awkward.
|EN4 = Are you really that interested in the colour of my flight deck? Your face is close... it's making me feel awkward.
|秘書放置時 = 提督!この大鳳を待たせるなんて・・・なんて言わないわ。訓練や戦略は大事。十分に準備してから出撃しましょ?
|秘書放置時 = 提督!この大鳳を待たせるなんて・・・なんて言わないわ。訓練や戦略は大事。十分に準備してから出撃しましょ?
|EN4a = Admiral! Making me wait... I won't say anymore. Training and planning are important. Shall we sortie once we are ready properly?
|EN4a = Admiral! Making me wait... I won't say anymore. Training and planning are important. Shall we sortie once we are properly ready?
|戦績表示時 = 提督!ご報告です。
|戦績表示時 = 提督!ご報告です。
|EN5 = Admiral! A report for you.
|EN5 = Admiral! A report for you.
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|撃沈時(反転) = また…沈むのね…。でも…今度は暴れて見せたでしょ…?いいわ…。満足…よ。
|撃沈時(反転) = また…沈むのね…。でも…今度は暴れて見せたでしょ…?いいわ…。満足…よ。
|EN23 = I'm sinking... again. However, you saw me going wild, didn't you? Good... I'm... satisfied.}}
|EN23 = I'm sinking... again. However, you saw me going wild, didn't you? Good... I'm... satisfied.}}
|00JP = 深夜零時です。今日はこの大鳳が、提督に時間をお知らせするわね
|00EN = Midnight. I, Taihou shall be the one telling you the time today.
|01JP = マルヒトマルマル ん?一緒に訓練する?いいわ
|01EN = 0100. Hmm? You want to train together? Sure.
|02JP = マルフタマルマル 最新鋭だからって、そんなじろじろ見られると、困ります!
|02EN = 0200. Even if I'm the newest and most advanced, I'll feel insecure if you keep looking at me like that!
|03JP = マルサンマルマル 提督、少し仮眠しませんか?え、大丈夫なの?
|03EN = 0300. Admiral, shouldn't you take some sleep? Eh, you'll be fine?
|04JP = マルヨンマル…マル… はぁー、ふぅー… あっ、わ、私、寝てませんよ!はい!
|04EN = 040...0... Haa... Fuu... Ah, I- I'm not sleeping! Really!
|05JP = マルゴマルマル 朝です。走り込みから始めましょうか!え、デイリー?
|05EN = 0500. It's morning. Shall we start with some running? Eh, Dailies?
|06JP = マルロクマルマル 提督、朝御飯は何がいいですか?間宮さんの和定食?
|06EN = 0600. Admiral, what would you like for breakfast? A Japanese meal from Mamiya?
|07JP = マルナナマルマル 体力作りは基本中の基本です。朝御飯前にまず腹筋ですね
|07EN = 0700. Stamina training is the most basic of basics. Some press ups before breakfast would go well.
|08JP = マルハチマルマル 朝食、美味しかったですね!さあ、次は筋トレです!
|08EN = 0800. The breakfast was delicious! now for some more muscle training!
|09JP = マルキュウマルマル 提督、何作戦前から疲れた顔してるんです?大丈夫?
|09EN = 0900. Admiral, why are you looking so tired before we have even started combat? Are you okay?
|10JP = ヒトマルマルマル さあ、そろそろ本格的に作戦開始ですね!
|10EN = 1000. Now, it's time to really start the fighting!
|11JP = ヒトヒトマルマル いい感じですね!提督、体力ついてきたんじゃないですか?
|11EN = 1100. That feels nice! Admiral, are you still holding up?
|12JP = ヒトフタマルマル お昼です。この艦隊では、どんなカレーが出るのかしら
|12EN = 1200. It's noon. I wonder what sort of curry is served in this fleet.
|13JP = ヒトサンマルマルです ええっ!?秘書艦が持ち回りでカレーを作るんですか?
|13EN = It's 1300. Eh?! It's my turn to make curry, as I'm the secretary this time?!
|14JP = ヒトヨンマルマル ごめんなさい、すっかり遅くなってしまって… 大鳳カレー…です…
|14EN = 1400. Sorry, this ended up really late... but here's some Taihou curry.
|15JP = ヒトゴマルマル どうでした?私のカレー。おいしかった…の?よかったぁ!
|15EN = 1500. How was my curry? It was great...? Hurray!
|16JP = ヒトロクマルマル 夕方は事故が起こりやすいです。気を引き締めていきましょう!
|16EN = 1600. Most accidents occur in the evening. Let's stay vigilant!
|17JP = ヒトナナマルマルです え!?遠くで爆音が?怖い…怖いですね… 火の用心です!
|17EN = It's 1700. Eh?! An explosion from far away...? That's scary... be careful of fires!
|17Note = Mutsu, is that you?
|18JP = ヒトハチマルマル あの…すみません…誘爆だけは怖くって… 敵は怖くないんです
|18EN = 1800. Um... my apologies... triggered explosions are the only thing I can't handle... enemies are fine.
|19JP = ヒトキュウマルマル 提督が、あなたがいるから、今の私は安心してます。本当です
|19EN = 1900. Admiral, as you're here... I've calmed down. It's true.
|20JP = フタマルマルマル あの彗星のこと?そうね、忘れたことはないわ
|20EN = 2000. That suisei? Yes, I would never forget it.
|21JP = フタヒトマルマル もうこんな時間?提督といると時間が経つのが早い、不思議
|21EN = 2100. This late already? Time seems to fly by when I'm with you. It's amazing.
|22JP = フタフタマルマル 提督、今日のお仕事は終了ですね。夜食はお酒でもどうですか?
|22EN = 2200. Admiral, you're done for the day, aren't you? How about some alcohol with the late night snack?
|23JP = フタサンマルマル 提督は飲みすぎると…あら? うふふっ、寝顔はかわいいのね、うふふっ
|23EN = 1200. If you drink too much... Oh? Hehe... your sleeping face is adorable. D'ohoh.
|idleJP = 提督、この大鳳を待たせるなんて!なんて言わないわ。訓練や戦略は大事、十分に準備してから出撃しましょ
|idleEN = Admiral! Making me wait... I won't say anymore. Training and planning are important. Shall we sortie once we are properly ready?}}
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