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==Gameplay Notes==
==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
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|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2016|New Year 2016]]
|origin = 提督?あ、あの…潜水母艦、いいですよね?必要ですよね?…あぁ、良かった。はい!潜水艦達のお世話は、お任せ下さい!
|translation = Admiral? Uh-ummm… Aviation submarines are good right? They’re necessary right? …Ah, thank goodness.  Yes! Please leave taking care of the submarines to me!
|audio = Taigei_New_Years_Day_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Summer_2016|Early Summer 2016]]
|origin = て・い・と・く♪えぇ、何ですか?水着ですか?一応用意してあるのですが…えぇ、今ですか?!夏まで待っててくださいね?
|translation = Ad~ mi~ ral~♪ Eh, what is it? A swimsuit? I have one ready just in case… Eh, now?! Please wait till summer alright?
|audio = Taigei_Early_Summer_Sec1_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2016|Autumn 2016]]
|origin = あぁ、時雨さん、お疲れ様です。えぇ、秋はバルジが…?そうですね、時雨さんは大丈夫ですけど、私気をつけなきゃ…。
|translation = Ah, thanks for your hard work, Shigure. Eh, the autumn bulge…? That’s right, you’re fine but I need to be careful…
|audio = Taigei_Autumn_2016_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Saury_2016|Saury Festival 2016]]
|origin = 艦隊で秋刀魚漁支援ですか?了解しました!あぁ、磯風さんも準備万端ですね!よし!
|translation = The fleet is going to support saury fishing? Roger that! Ah, Isokaze is ready too! Alright!
|audio = Taigei_Sec1_Saury_2016.mp3
|notes = As Taigei
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Saury_2016|Saury Festival 2016]]
|origin = 艦隊全力で秋刀魚漁支援ですか?龍鳳、了解しました!磯風さん、浜風さんも、準備万端ですね?
|translation = The whole fleet is going to support saury fishing? Roger that! Isokaze, Hamakaze; are you ready?
|audio = Ryuuhou_Sec1_Saury_2016.mp3
|notes = As Ryuuhou
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2016|Christmas 2016]]
|origin = て・い・と・く♪クリスマスですね。私、腕を奮っちゃいます!お料理のリクエスがあったら、言ってくださいね?
|translation = Ad~ mi~ ral~♪ It’s Christmas. I’ll work my hardest! Please let me know if you have anything you’d like to eat alright?
|audio = Taigei_Christmas_2016_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/End_of_Year_2016|End of Year 2016]]
|origin = 鳳翔さんどうされたんですか?そうか、鎮守府の大掃除ですね。私も手伝えいたします。あぁ、はい!まず、掃き掃除ですね?
|translation = What are you doing, Houshou-san? I see, it’s the Naval Base’s spring cleaning. I’ll help too. Ah, yes! First we’ll be sweeping right?
|audio = Taigei_End_Of_Year_2016_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2017|New Year 2017]]
|origin = て・い・と・く♪提督、新年あけましておめでとうございます。本年もどうぞよろしくお願い致します。
|translation = Ad~ mi~ ral~♪ Happy New Year, Admiral. Please look after me this year too.
|audio = Ryuuhou_New_Year_2017_sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2017|Setsubun 2017]]
|origin = 節分なんですけど、潜水艦の子達が…いたい!や、やだ!いたぁ!も、もう、いやだぁ!あぁ、やめてぇ!もう降参だからぁ。
|translation = Even though it’s Setsubun, the submarine girls are… Ouch! N-no! Ouch! J-jeez, no way! Ah, stop that! I give up already.
|audio = Ryuuhou_Setsubun_2017.mp3
|notes = As Taigei
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2017|Setsubun 2017]]
|origin = 節分なんですけど、さすがに空母になった私には、潜水艦の子達が…いたい!えぇ、どうしてぇ!?いた、いたたたたぁ!も、もう、もうやめて!どうして!?もうぅ!
|translation = Even though it’s Setsubun and since I’m a carrier now, those submarine girls are… Ouch! Eh, why!? Ow, owowowow! J-jeez, stop that already! Why!? Jeez!
|audio = Ryuuhou_Setsubun_2017_Sec1.mp3
|notes = As Ryuuhou
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2017|Valentine’s Day 2017]]
|origin = て・い・と・く!はい、大鯨からのチョコレート、どうか受け取ってください!あ、ありがとうございます!
|translation = Ad~ mi~ ral~! Here, please accept my chocolates! Th-thank you very much!
|audio = Taigei_Valentines_Day_2017_Sec1.mp3
|notes = As Taigei
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2017|Valentine’s Day 2017]]
|origin = て・い・と・く!はい、龍鳳からのチョコレート、どうか受け取ってください!あ、ありがとうございます!
|translation = Ad~ mi~ ral~! Here, please accept my chocolates! Th-thank you very much!
|audio = Ryuuhou_Valentine_Sec1.ogg
|notes = As Ryuuhou
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Hinamatsuri_2017|Hinamatsuri 2017]]
|origin = ひな祭り、ひな人魚かわいいですね。潜水艦たちもかわいく…あれ?菱餅が…おかしいは…確かに…また良いしなくちゃ。
|translation = It’s Hinamatsuri, the hina dolls are cute. The submarines are cute too… Huh? The hishimochi is… That’s strange… I’m sure… I have to make them again.
|audio = Taigei_Hinamatsuri_2017_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/White_Day_2017|White Day 2017]]
|origin = もしかしてこちらを私に?ありがとうございます!私、だいじにだいじに頂きます!
|translation = Could this be for me? Thank you very much! I’ll really, really savour this!
|audio = Ryuuhou_White_Day_2017.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Coming_of_Spring_2017|Spring 2017]]
|origin = お花見ですか?おまかせください!お重いっぱいにお料理詰めて馳せ参じますね。あの子達何好きかしら?
|translation = Cherry blossom viewing? Leave it to me! I’ll hurry and fill an ojyuu with lots of food. I wonder what those girls would like?<ref>An ojyuu is a multi-tiered lunchbox usually for picnics.</ref>
|audio = Taigei_Spring_2017_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fourth_Anniversary|4th Anniversary]]
|origin = て・い・と・く、おめでとう御座います。艦隊は四周年を迎えました。大鯨もお祝い申し上げます。祝賀のお料理、作りますね!
|translation = Ad~ mi~ ral~, congratulations. The fleet’s 4th Anniversary is here. I give you my regards. I’ll cook something for the celebrations!
|audio = Taigei_4th_Anniversary_Sec1_2017.mp3
|notes = As Taigei
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fourth_Anniversary|4th Anniversary]]
|origin = て・い・と・く、おめでとう御座います。艦隊は四周年を迎えました。龍鳳もお祝い申し上げます。祝賀のお料理、作りますね!
|translation = Ad~ mi~ ral~, congratulations. The fleet’s 4th Anniversary is here. I give you my regards. I’ll cook something for the celebrations!
|audio = Ryuuhou_4th_Anniversary_Sec1_2017.mp3
|notes = As Ryuuhou
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Late_Autumn_2017|Late Autumn 2017]]
|origin = 少し寒きなって来ましたね。かぜを引かないようにしないと。提督も暖かくしてくださいね。
|translation = It’s gotten a bit colder. I hope that I won’t catch a cold. You better keep warm too, Admiral.
|audio = Ryuuhou_Late_Autumn_2017_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fifth_Anniversary|5th Anniversary]]
|origin = て・い・と・く、おめでとうございます!艦隊はついに、五周年を迎えました!大鯨も、お祝い申し上げます!祝賀のお料理がんばりますね。
|translation = Congratulations, Ad-mi-ral! The fleet is finally celebrating it’s 5th Anniversary! I’d like to congratulate you too! I’ll work hard on making food for the celebration.
|audio = Taigei_5th_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes = As Taigei
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fifth_Anniversary|5th Anniversary]]
|origin = て・い・と・く!おめでとうございます!艦隊はついに五周年を迎えました。龍鳳もお祝い申し上げます。祝賀の料理、がんばりますね。
|translation = Congratulations, Ad-mi-ral! The fleet is finally celebrating it’s 5th Anniversary! I’d like to congratulate you too! I’ll work hard on making food for the celebration.
|audio = Ryuuhou_5th_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes = As Ryuuhou
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="width: 100%;"
184_X.png|Taigei Damaged
185_X.png|Ryuuhou Damaged
190_3.png|Ryuuhou Kai
190_4.png|Ryuuhou Kai Damaged
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="width: 100%;"
Taigei_Summer.png|[[Seasonal/Summer_2016|Taigei Midsummer 2016]]
Taigei_Summer_dmg.png|[[Seasonal/Summer_2016|Taigei Midsummer 2016 Damaged]]
Ryuuhou_Summer.png|[[Seasonal/Summer_2016|Ryuuhou Midsummer 2016]]
Ryuuhou_Summer_dmg.png|[[Seasonal/Summer_2016|Ryuuhou Midsummer 2016 Damaged]]
KanMusu184_Saury.png|[[Seasonal/Saury_2016|Taigei Saury Festival 2016]]
KanMusu184_Saury_dmg.png|[[Seasonal/Saury_2016|Taigei Saury Festival 2016 Damaged]]
KanMusu185_Saury.png|[[Seasonal/Saury_2016|Ryuuhou Saury Festival 2016]]
KanMusu185_Saury_dmg.png|[[Seasonal/Saury_2016|Ryuuhou Saury Festival 2016 Damaged]]
== Drop Locations ==
== Drop Locations ==
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*"Taigei" means "Big Whale" while "Ryuuhou" literally means "Dragon Phoenix".
*She started her service as a Submarine Tender until December 1941, when conversion into a Light Aircraft Carrier began.
*She started her service as a Submarine Tender until December 1941, when conversion into a Light Aircraft Carrier began.
*She was the only major IJN vessel to be struck during the [[wikipedia:Doolittle_Raid|Doolittle Raid]], which delayed her launch as a CVL.
*She was the only major IJN vessel to be struck during the [[wikipedia:Doolittle_Raid|Doolittle Raid]], which delayed her launch as a CVL.
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*Ryuuhou's hair band bears resemblance to the Ensign of Japan Post (Japan's Postal service).
*Ryuuhou's hair band bears resemblance to the Ensign of Japan Post (Japan's Postal service).
*Ryuuhou's Kai art is based on her real-life camouflage.
*Ryuuhou's Kai art is based on her real-life camouflage.
*"Taigei" means "big whale", thus the design on her AS form's dress and Ryuuhou form's hairpin. "Ryuuhou" means "dragon phoenix".
*She is one of two ships in-game that were released with a second remodel in the same update. The other is [[U-511]].
*Due to her status as the only Submarine tender currently in the game, she is required for [[Quests#A37|quest A37]], [[Quests#D13|quest D13]] and [[Quests#D14|quest D14]].
==Historical Note==
Designed as a seagoing submarine tender, with floatplane facilities for scouting purposes, ''Taigei'' entered service in 1934. She was built with very high freeboard and shallow draught, which meant she was a very poor seaboat. Added to her extensively welded construction, which proved very defective, meant that she was a most unsatisfactory and unsuccessful ship.
In 1941, she was rebuilt and re-entered service as the light fleet carrier ''Ryuuhou''. Her diesel engines were replaced with destroyer turbines in an attempt to give her higher speed, but due to displacement and dimension adjustments, she remained a very unsuccessful conversion of an already unsuccessful design. Her weak hull and poor internal sub-division severely limited her usefulness, resulting in little frontline service.
She was damaged in the Battle of the Philippine Sea and then severely damaged near Kure on 19 March 1945 by [[wikipedia:Task_Force_58|Task Force 58]]. She was considered a total loss and struck from the Navy List on November 30, 1945 with her scrapping occurring in 1946.
==See Also==
==See Also==
cssedit, Moderators, prechecked, Account Reviewers
