| EN4=Told you not to touch Suzuya's deck knee socks like that! Geez!
| EN4=Told you not to touch Suzuya's deck knee socks like that! Geez!
| Note4=
| Note4=
| 秘書放置時=
| 秘書放置時=提督ぅー なんかマジ退屈なんだけど 出撃しないの?出撃ぃ!
| EN4a=
| EN4a=
| Note4a=
| Note4a=
| EN24=Supplying is important, right?
| EN24=Supplying is important, right?
| Note24=
| Note24=
| EN10=As expected, you get hungry after moving around, right~
| EN10=As expected, you get hungry after moving around, right~
| Note10=
| Note10=
| EN11=Thaaanks! I love taking a bath~
| EN11=Thaaanks! I love taking a bath~
| Note11=
| Note11=
| EN19=Well, isn't the result obvious? Suzuya's the type that gets better if you praise her. Praise more, okay!
| EN19=Well, isn't the result obvious? Suzuya's the type that gets better if you praise her. Praise more, okay!
| Note19=
| Note19=
| EN20=Ooowwiee~
| EN20=Ooowwiee~
| Note20=
| Note20=
| EN21=Aaah!
| EN21=Aaah!
| Note21=This is quite high pitched...
| Note21=This is quite high pitched...
| EN22=Noo.. This is embarrasing... Don't look! Aaah~ my spirit's dropping...
| EN22=Noo.. This is embarrasing... Don't look! Aaah~ my spirit's dropping...
| Note22=
| Note22=
|EN25 = That Kumano, I hope she's doing okay... Right, Admiral?
|EN25 = That Kumano, I hope she's doing okay... Right, Admiral?
|Wedding = てーとくぅー! ちょっとマジメに話するけど、鈴谷みたいな艦をここまで重用してくれて、ありがとうね! 一応、お礼。…えへっ。……ぇー、あーえーっとね、これからもよろしくね!
|Wedding = てーとくぅー! ちょっとマジメに話するけど、鈴谷みたいな艦をここまで重用してくれて、ありがとうね! 一応、お礼。…えへっ。……ぇー、あーえーっとね、これからもよろしくね!
|EN26 = "A~dmira~l! It's a bit of a serious talk, but thanks for taking a ship like Suzuya this far! Again, ', as always, please take care of me!"}}
|EN26 = "A~dmira~l! It's a bit of a serious talk, but thanks for taking a ship like Suzuya this far! Again, ', as always, please take care of me!"|ドック入り(小破以下) = や~っぱ動くとお腹減るよねー
|ドック入り(中破以上) = あざーっす お風呂大好き
|小破① = 痛いしぃ~…
|小破② = ああん!
|中破 = やだ…マジ恥ずかしい…見ないでってば!あぁー、もぅテンション下がるぅ…}}
===Hourly Notifications===
===Hourly Notifications===