Added and updated marriage lines.
| 撃沈時(反転)=や、やだ…魚雷管、誘爆…?それって…ダメかも……
| 撃沈時(反転)=や、やだ…魚雷管、誘爆…?それって…ダメかも……
| EN23=N-no... my torpedo tube, exploded...? That' good...
| EN23=N-no... my torpedo tube, exploded...? That' good...
| Note23=}}
| Note23=|Married = 熊野の奴は、ちゃんとやってるかなぁ…ね、提督
|EN25 = That Kumano, she's really quite something, isn't she, Admiral?
|Wedding = てーとくぅー! ちょっとマジメに話するけど、鈴谷みたいな艦をここまで重用してくれて、ありがとうね! 一応、お礼。…えへっ。……ぇー、あーえーっとね、これからもよろしくね!
|EN26 = "A~dmira~l! It's a bit of a serious talk, but thanks for taking a ship like Suzuya this far! Again, 'grats!
…eh.. ah… umm… anyway, thanks for now on!"}}
===Hourly Notifications===
===Hourly Notifications===